Nothing about fauci retiring?

Pretty sure Fauci knows he'll be fired if a Republican wins, so he's saving face now. He's probably also hoping that by retiring he avoids a deeper investigation into the origins of the virus and gain of function research he approved.
Good for him.

A lifetime of public service capped off with helping America through the worst pandemic in a century.

I hope is retirement is peaceful and prosperous. He will no doubt be lauded in American and World history books for decades to come.
IT will undoubtedly be prosperous. We know he'll have the highest federal pension, and he's undoubtedly made an insane amount of money from royalties, which will will never know the amount.
Without Dr. Fauci... think about how many Mericans would have died from ingesting Lysol???????

Truly an American hero... just slightly ahead Kyle Rittenhouse and all the cops that shoot unarmed civilians.
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Pretty sure Fauci knows he'll be fired if a Republican wins, so he's saving face now. He's probably also hoping that by retiring he avoids a deeper investigation into the origins of the virus and gain of function research he approved.
Ha! After decades of public service and 82+ years old at retirement, I'm sure he's terrified of being fired and extremely worried about saving face. My goodness.
Are you Republicans stroking out yet?


For his determined and aggressive efforts to help others live longer and healthier lives, I'm proud to award the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Dr. Anthony S. Fauci.

What medal did you guys get? 😄
Pretty sure Fauci knows he'll be fired if a Republican wins, so he's saving face now. He's probably also hoping that by retiring he avoids a deeper investigation into the origins of the virus and gain of function research he approved.
Fauci isn't a political appointee. He can't be summarily fired. And I seriously doubt he's worried about the facts of any investigation the GOP would press...but then, you guys really don't care about pesky shit like truth and facts.
He probably would be fired and go through investigations by the Republicans.

Not saying it's justified but Republicans blame him (among many people) for their election loss. So they will be out for vengance.

I mean even before Trump lost they where chanting to fire Fauchi. Because being asked to do their part to help prevent the spread of a disease that was killing millions is anti-ethical to the Republican/Eric Cartman mantra of "Screw everyone else, I do what I want."
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Now retiring in December. I guess his polling shows the House will turn GOP after the mid terms. With his massive pension and lucrative royalties, he doesn't need the money. He was crying last week about nobody wanting to take vaccines anymore.
Now retiring in December. I guess his polling shows the House will turn GOP after the mid terms. With his massive pension and lucrative royalties, he doesn't need the money. He was crying last week about nobody wanting to take vaccines anymore.
He'll be in the biotech industry in no time :)
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One how great must the D.C. gravy train be that these old bastards never retire and go away?

Two he probably needs to spend some time at Leavenworth for lying to congress under oath at least three times.
Three, he has a wealth of knowledge that hardly any human has, and he can continue to help human-kind by using that knowledge for our benefit (yes, even you).

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