Why did Fauci lie about the NIH funding the Wuhan Lab?


Ive given plenty of sources, you're inability to ever admit that you are wrong makes you lose all credibility about everything. (I'm a stubborn SOB, but at least I can admit when Im wrong).

I’ve given plenty of sources , all of which I believe because they confirm my beliefs. I’m not one of those gullible dems who believes everything I’m told. I just immediately believe everything that conforms with my existing beliefs.
Why can't you simply link what you think is "evidence"?
You agree to the bet and Ill link posts with links from NIH, CDC, legit research articles that I have linked.

I'm sure your ears must be steaming. I have the power to prove you wrong and yet you still can't admit I know what I'm talking about and have listed lots of legit sources. Your a fool.
I've already linked a post for you, which outlines exactly what was and what was not studied.
The Covid virus was not studied there for GoF for anything documented.

You have nothing.
It wasn't studied there? You should inform the NIH. They banned EcoHealth Alliance from receiving grants because they failed to fully report their research on GOF at Wuhan. NIH has publicly admitted it. Several US agencies have looked into it and admitted it. If they can, why can't you? Has Fauci got his hand up your ass making your fingers type and your lips move?
No, it wasn't. The grant application from 2018 is clear. Jeesh.

History even Joes Place can understand

Again: it's the W1V1 virus, which I'd already posted for you...

In 2016, three years before SARS-CoV-2 virus entered the human population, the lead researcher studying coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology was Dr. Zheng-Li Shi. Her studies were funded in part by the United States government through EcoHealth. Dr. Shi was studying a coronavirus strain called WIV1 (Wuhan Institute of Virology-1): a bat coronavirus that could grow in monkey cells in the laboratory but didn’t cause disease in people. The WIV1 strain bears no resemblance to SARS-CoV-2. Dr. Shi wanted to see what would happen if she combined WIV1 with each of eight different bat coronaviruses that had been found in caves in and around Wuhan. None of the combination viruses that she created, however, were more dangerous than the strain she had started with (WIV1). None of them, like WIV1, could cause disease in people. Although Dr. Shi had performed gain-of-function studies that would have been illegal in the United States, she didn’t create a coronavirus strain that was dangerous to people.
Again: it's the W1V1 virus, which I'd already posted for you...

In 2016, three years before SARS-CoV-2 virus entered the human population, the lead researcher studying coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology was Dr. Zheng-Li Shi. Her studies were funded in part by the United States government through EcoHealth. Dr. Shi was studying a coronavirus strain called WIV1 (Wuhan Institute of Virology-1): a bat coronavirus that could grow in monkey cells in the laboratory but didn’t cause disease in people. The WIV1 strain bears no resemblance to SARS-CoV-2. Dr. Shi wanted to see what would happen if she combined WIV1 with each of eight different bat coronaviruses that had been found in caves in and around Wuhan. None of the combination viruses that she created, however, were more dangerous than the strain she had started with (WIV1). None of them, like WIV1, could cause disease in people. Although Dr. Shi had performed gain-of-function studies that would have been illegal in the United States, she didn’t create a coronavirus strain that was dangerous to people.
Tested on monkeys doesn't make it a monkey virus. My God you are pathetic. It's SARS, found in bats, and engineered to be more transmissible to humans by manipulating the spike protein. EcoHealth Alliance was doing the research you cherry picking clown. You've morphed the history to save your goalpost moving explanation.
Tested on monkeys doesn't make it a monkey virus. My God you are pathetic. It's SARS, found in bats, and engineered to be more transmissible to humans by manipulating the spike protein. EcoHealth Alliance was doing the research you cherry picking clown. You've morphed the history to save your goalpost moving explanation.

Holy shit....I hope people don't go to you for financial advice
Tested on monkeys doesn't make it a monkey virus. My God you are pathetic. It's SARS, found in bats, and engineered to be more transmissible to humans by manipulating the spike protein. EcoHealth Alliance was doing the research you cherry picking clown. You've morphed the history to save your goalpost moving explanation.
Joe is a propagandist and nothing more than that. He is a pathetic individual pushing propaganda. Remind yourself this basic fact anytime he engages anywhere on any topic. He is a liar and a fool.