Nothing like enriching yourself off of crappy legislation you helped pass 😡

Didn't someone lecture HORT a few months back about how teachers shouldn't be able to participate in certain discussions, or processes legislatively, because they stood to benefit? I think his handle rhymed with Porthern?
I'm not sure on that, there was an awful lot of scolding and finger wagging, I do remember that.
Didn't someone lecture HORT a few months back about how teachers shouldn't be able to participate in certain discussions, or processes legislatively, because they stood to benefit? I think his handle rhymed with Porthern?
I'm not sure on that, there was an awful lot of scolding and finger wagging, I do remember that.

Yeah but this is different
Didn't someone lecture HORT a few months back about how teachers shouldn't be able to participate in certain discussions, or processes legislatively, because they stood to benefit? I think his handle rhymed with Porthern?
I'm not sure on that, there was an awful lot of scolding and finger wagging, I do remember that.
I remember Pinehawk being in favor of vouchers program as well.
The genuine private schools like Trinity Lutheran School
in Davenport are supported by a local congregation Trinity
Lutheran Church. Trinity Lutheran School has been in existence
for over 100 years without any financial support from the state
of Iowa. This is a high quality school with a good reputation in
the community. Private schools like Trinity Lutheran will survive
because they offer a quality education.
The genuine private schools like Trinity Lutheran School
in Davenport are supported by a local congregation Trinity
Lutheran Church. Trinity Lutheran School has been in existence
for over 100 years without any financial support from the state
of Iowa. This is a high quality school with a good reputation in
the community. Private schools like Trinity Lutheran will survive
because they offer a quality education.
Are they turning down vouchers?
This is such bullshit:

LOL. OP pepsi'd himself.

Didn't someone lecture HORT a few months back about how teachers shouldn't be able to participate in certain discussions, or processes legislatively, because they stood to benefit? I think his handle rhymed with Porthern?
I'm not sure on that, there was an awful lot of scolding and finger wagging, I do remember that.

Your memory needs refreshing.

JFC people, just be consistent in your outrage. Is that too much to ask?

This is such bullshit:

Dude has an incredibly punchable face.

Torbee started a thread about this on March 2nd and then returns and starts a thread about it again on May 2nd?

A republican legislator enriching himself off the taxpayers isn’t a concern but Torbee posting about it twice is. Also no mention of deficits, debt or fiscal responsibility. Those are only an issue when tax dollars are going to someone other than the wealthy or their corporations

A republican legislator enriching himself off the taxpayers isn’t a concern but Torbee posting about it twice is. Also no mention of deficits, debt or fiscal responsibility. Those are only an issue when tax dollars are going to someone other than the wealthy or their corporations

I’ll keep posting it. It should spark outrage every day until the grift is stopped.
Meanwhile, the foreign state of Israel is buying off American politicians to squash free speech in this country with their ‘Anti-Semitism Act’.

Very disappointed in Ashley Hinson - selling her vote for only 69K. 😊

Why not be a high-priced call girl like Speaker Johnson and hold out for 10X that much? Know your worth, Ash.

A republican legislator enriching himself off the taxpayers isn’t a concern but Torbee posting about it twice is. Also no mention of deficits, debt or fiscal responsibility. Those are only an issue when tax dollars are going to someone other than the wealthy or their corporations


Iowa has a citizen legislature. Do you feel the same way when citizen legislators in the education and farming industry vote on bills that result in a financial benefit for them?

Like I said before, just be consistent here.
When it happens there will be many children being "homeschooled" simply so their parents can cash the checks especially since there will be no oversight of whether actual education is happening.
You can feed a meth habit for a good stretch with those sweet free dollars that Northern is handing over.
My favorite is the Rocket Ship private school. Think it’s officially a non profit started by one of the Google founders. So they always push the non profit narrative. It’s all PC based. The software , course work, etc etc is all owned by the founder and that isn’t a non profit. He’s making a killing all while getting to clam its a non profit and go around the country on a photo op tour.
Meanwhile, the foreign state of Israel is buying off American politicians to squash free speech in this country with their ‘Anti-Semitism Act’.

Very disappointed in Ashley Hinson - selling her vote for only 69K. 😊

Why not be a high-priced call girl like Speaker Johnson and hold out for 10X that much? Know your worth, Ash.

Stay on subject you damn idiot.
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This wouldn’t be happening if public schools wouldn’t belittle and disparage kids who want to go into the trade skills. Trade jobs are more important than the arts.
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Stay on subject you damn idiot.
The subject was ‘politicians are greedy whores’. A subject so important OP decided it needed to be brought up…again (speaking of whores; if that’s not attention whoring I don’t know what is).

But you’re right. Some idiot state legislator starting a private school in Iowa is probably way more important than a foreign government owning our politicians lock, stock & barrel.
