Nothing like enriching yourself off of crappy legislation you helped pass 😡

The genuine private schools like Trinity Lutheran School
in Davenport are supported by a local congregation Trinity
Lutheran Church. Trinity Lutheran School has been in existence
for over 100 years without any financial support from the state
of Iowa. This is a high quality school with a good reputation in
the community. Private schools like Trinity Lutheran will survive
because they offer a quality education.
Nobody really knows the level of quality... do they?
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The subject was ‘politicians are greedy whores’. A subject so important OP decided it needed to be brought up…again (speaking of whores; if that’s not attention whoring I don’t know what is).

But you’re right. Some idiot state legislator starting a private school in Iowa is probably way more important than a foreign government owning our politicians lock, stock & barrel.

Wrong again.

The subject was the voucher program and the grift.

But...deflect away!
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He looks like Captain Kangaroo’s developmentally challenged younger brother.

SAB with John Bolton?


Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement filed an ethics complaint against Fisher in February citing a conflict of interest under the Iowa House Code of Ethics. However, lawmakers dismissed the complaints in a 6-0 vote.

Iowa Cons = They know no level of their scum.
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The goal of the GOP is always to transfer public money to private hands. As much as possible. As quickly as possible. That has been the goal for decades - they just don't bother trying to hide it anymore because they have a large cohort of idiots cheering them on.

The goal of the left has been to transfer private money into public money for decades. And as much as possible. You have it all backwards.

There is no such thing as public money FFS. Its all private money that has been given to fund public needs.

This is what's wrong with the modern left. If you can't understand this basic concept you will never agree with anything the right is trying to do.
Trump is soon to be the Leader of the Free World. Get used to it. Start today.

Are you not concerned that Biden and the Despicable Dems will steal the election again? How sure are you that the Theft of 2020 won't be repeated?

Also, nice work mimicking Trump's capitalization method, that really gets under the loony libs skin!

What took you guys so long, Florida's elected officials have been working this scam for a years.
Sometimes they make a half-assed attempt to hide it by having a spouse actually own the school to which they pump tax dollars, but it's the same game.
What took you guys so long, Florida's elected officials have been working this scam for a years.
Sometimes they make a half-assed attempt to hide it by having a spouse actually own the school to which they pump tax dollars, but it's the same game.
Reynolds and her cabal of feckless losers are too dimwitted to come up with original ideas - they merely copy/paste bad legislation from shitty states like Florida and Mississippi and call it their own.
Are you not concerned that Biden and the Despicable Dems will steal the election again? How sure are you that the Theft of 2020 won't be repeated?

Also, nice work mimicking Trump's capitalization method, that really gets under the loony libs skin!

No I wasn't concerned they stole it last time.

But......I will say that the lax voting rules that they created under the guise of COVID did make it much easier for questionable tactics to occur. Mail in ballots, ballot harvesting etc. I don't think that rules were violated. I.e election stolen. I think that rules were created that swung the election in the favor of Democrats.

And no, I don't think everyone's vote should be counted. I think one should have to make an effort to vote. Request a ballot. Go to the polling station etc. I am for a National Day Off to vote I should add. But one operative stopping by the local shelter and exchanging cigarettes for votes, putting them in a big box in their Prius and taking them unsecurely to be counted is abhorrent.
Why do Iowans/Americans have to be so lacking in logic and common sense? Republicans don't govern...they steal.
No I wasn't concerned they stole it last time.

But......I will say that the lax voting rules that they created under the guise of COVID did make it much easier for questionable tactics to occur. Mail in ballots, ballot harvesting etc. I don't think that rules were violated. I.e election stolen. I think that rules were created that swung the election in the favor of Democrats.

And no, I don't think everyone's vote should be counted. I think one should have to make an effort to vote. Request a ballot. Go to the polling station etc. I am for a National Day Off to vote I should add. But one operative stopping by the local shelter and exchanging cigarettes for votes, putting them in a big box in their Prius and taking them unsecurely to be counted is abhorrent.

What do you mean you weren't concerned about the theft of 2020? Do you not remember the Dominion voting machines switching votes? Do you not recall the ballots from China with the bamboo paper?

I fear you are being naïve if you are not concerned about another election theft, thankfully no one fools Trump twice, so I share some of your confidence. Of course we wouldn't be even discussing this possibility if RINO Pence would have shown some backbone, if he had, we'd be looking forward to Trump's third term.
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No I wasn't concerned they stole it last time.

But......I will say that the lax voting rules that they created under the guise of COVID did make it much easier for questionable tactics to occur. Mail in ballots, ballot harvesting etc. I don't think that rules were violated. I.e election stolen. I think that rules were created that swung the election in the favor of Democrats.

And no, I don't think everyone's vote should be counted. I think one should have to make an effort to vote. Request a ballot. Go to the polling station etc. I am for a National Day Off to vote I should add. But one operative stopping by the local shelter and exchanging cigarettes for votes, putting them in a big box in their Prius and taking them unsecurely to be counted is abhorrent.
Citation needed.
Citation needed.
Ok heres one. Sorry you couldnt remember all these work arounds.

Just a small snippet:

For the general election, at least 30 states plus the District of Columbia have made at least some changes that will make it easier and more accessible for voters to cast their ballots from home. These changes include removing strict excuse requirements or allowing COVID-19 concerns to be a valid excuse to vote absentee, allowing ballot drop boxes, offering prepaid postage on election mail and proactively sending all active registered voters applications to request an absentee ballot -- with some even skipping that step and sending the actual ballots.

The states are: Alabama, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas, Vermont, West Virginia and Wisconsin.

Don't see the state you live in listed? That doesn't necessarily mean it will be hard for voters to cast mail-in ballots. Prior to the 2020 election cycle, some states -- like Arizona, Colorado, Florida and Washington -- already had robust or predominantly vote-by-mail elections, and voters were familiar with the system, so there hasn't necessarily been a need for them to change the rules.
A few states require voters to have a witness or notary signature in order for their returned absentee ballots to be counted -- a requirement that could be an issue for voters who live alone and are trying to keep their distance from others during this time. Both Rhode Island and North Carolina -- a battleground state -- typically require either two witnesses or one notary to sign voters' absentee ballots. Rhode Island has completely eliminated this requirement for November, and in North Carolina, only one witness is required instead of two. Minnesota eliminated the witness signature requirement for its primary, and this has been extended for the general election, too.

The witness requirement was waived for the primary in South Carolina, and a federal judge ruled on Friday that it will not be required for the general election either, citing how severe the pandemic is as the reasoning.
I got about 30 more years of work left but I feel starting "Butters Christian School of Chaos" would be an easier line of work.
Ok heres one. Sorry you couldnt remember all these work arounds.

Just a small snippet:

For the general election, at least 30 states plus the District of Columbia have made at least some changes that will make it easier and more accessible for voters to cast their ballots from home. These changes include removing strict excuse requirements or allowing COVID-19 concerns to be a valid excuse to vote absentee, allowing ballot drop boxes, offering prepaid postage on election mail and proactively sending all active registered voters applications to request an absentee ballot -- with some even skipping that step and sending the actual ballots.

The states are: Alabama, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas, Vermont, West Virginia and Wisconsin.

Don't see the state you live in listed? That doesn't necessarily mean it will be hard for voters to cast mail-in ballots. Prior to the 2020 election cycle, some states -- like Arizona, Colorado, Florida and Washington -- already had robust or predominantly vote-by-mail elections, and voters were familiar with the system, so there hasn't necessarily been a need for them to change the rules.
A few states require voters to have a witness or notary signature in order for their returned absentee ballots to be counted -- a requirement that could be an issue for voters who live alone and are trying to keep their distance from others during this time. Both Rhode Island and North Carolina -- a battleground state -- typically require either two witnesses or one notary to sign voters' absentee ballots. Rhode Island has completely eliminated this requirement for November, and in North Carolina, only one witness is required instead of two. Minnesota eliminated the witness signature requirement for its primary, and this has been extended for the general election, too.

The witness requirement was waived for the primary in South Carolina, and a federal judge ruled on Friday that it will not be required for the general election either, citing how severe the pandemic is as the reasoning.
I couldn't find this in the linked article. "Operatives stopping by the local shelter and exchanging cigarettes for votes, putting them in a big box in their Prius and taking them unsecurely to be counted"

Care to try again?

The goal of the left has been to transfer private money into public money for decades. And as much as possible. You have it all backwards.

There is no such thing as public money FFS. Its all private money that has been given to fund public needs.

This is what's wrong with the modern left. If you can't understand this basic concept you will never agree with anything the right is trying to do.
Taxation is theft. Stuff like this only bothers liberal Biden cultists when sleazy republicans partake.
I couldn't find this in the linked article. "Operatives stopping by the local shelter and exchanging cigarettes for votes, putting them in a big box in their Prius and taking them unsecurely to be counted"

Care to try again?
That was an extreme example made up to be illustrative.

Care to comment on the actual thrust of my post?

The part about how election rules were relaxed and the prior well established secure election methods were tossed aside?

I have provided not one, not two, but three citations documenting the changes.
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