Now more convinced than ever that the shooter was Ultra Far Right / QAnon / Infowars type

No matter. The MAGA faithful already know he was a Democrat. Even though he was a registered Republican.
It seems you can both sides this, I mean if you're not a Left wing nut job you're MAGA... and if you're not MAGA then you're a RINO or Liberal.

It seems it's not possible to be moderate, as you're either going to be seen as MAGA or Liberal with no middle ground to be found.
I believe the shooter was a depressed loner, with no friends, and a bad hair cut. His parents were educated affluent people, he was 20 years old and still living with mommy and daddy. He didn't have a social media foot print because nobody would accept his friend requests. He was a sad, pathetic little boy that the SS allowed to take a shot at a former president for reasons they still haven't explained in a way that anyone can make sense of.

So, a Republican.

You could have just shortened this to that...
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I love liberal logic so very much.

Liberals: “Crosshair images on a map showing congressional districts that Sarah Palin thinks Republicans can flip convinced a random dude to try to kill Gabby Giffords and several others.”

Also Liberals: “An Infowars clip on Twitter convinced a random dude to try to kill Donald Trump.”

Also Liberals: “Only an absolute moron would think that playing graphically violent, immersive first-person shooter games on an 80-inch ultra high definition screen for 10 hours every day could possibly desensitize a person to gun violence.”
You’re an intelligent enough dude, but your best skill is in crafting narratives that exist only in your head. Especially the latter, since it was some pretty liberal researchers at Iowa State that already showed a link between violent video games and aggressive behavior back in the ‘90s.
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Unfortunately (as far as conspiracy theories flourishing goes) it looks like this 20 yr old didn't have much of a social media profile.

What are the chances of that in this day and age?

We might not EVER know his motivation. Conspiracy theory bonanza forth coming.\

Kind of like the Las Vegas shooter...we might not ever know the motivation.
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You’re an intelligent enough dude, but your best skill is in crafting narratives that exist only in your head. Especially the latter, since it was some pretty liberal researchers at Iowa State that already showed a link between violent video games and aggressive behavior back in the ‘90s.
Then explain to me why in every single thread that follows a mass shooting, the first time anyone mentions video games they are immediately ridiculed by half a dozen libs.
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Then explain to me why in every single thread that follows a mass shooting, the first time anyone mentions video games they are immediately ridiculed by half a dozen libs.
If there are examples you want to show me, I’m open to it. However, I DO know that there IS a pushback when Conservatives come on here and offer up banning violent video games as the solution to our gun violence epidemic. Typically it’s a lazy solution proposed by Cons who want to avoid the harder conversations about gun control. After all, if violent video games were the culprit more than lax gun laws and the proliferation of guns in this country, Japan, Scandinavia, etc., would have some of the highest rates of gun violence in the world, not the lowest.
Then explain to me why in every single thread that follows a mass shooting, the first time anyone mentions video games they are immediately ridiculed by half a dozen libs.
It's not that violent video games aren't part of the problem, it's that the same people blaming games often to refuse to even acknowledge that access to weapons has any role in the frequency of mass shootings in our country.
Then explain to me why in every single thread that follows a mass shooting, the first time anyone mentions video games they are immediately ridiculed by half a dozen libs.

Could it have an effect? Maybe. . . But first person shooters sold all over the world. Yet we're the only country with a mass shooting problem.

Know the difference between us and those countries. . . it isn't access to first person shooters. . . It's access to the actual real life weapons.
Going to drop a few things I’ve learned, reading about the shooter and the timing…

1) We know now that the progressive cause donations were an older gentleman by the same name.

2) The shooter was a registered Republican and described as very “Conservative” by classmates who knew him.

3) Listen to the ideas of this nutjob MAGAt QAnon fascist who appeared online with Alex Jones a few months ago:

Ivan Raiklin: “if they [assassinate Trump], option 2, behind Trump, is going to be so much better for us and so much worse them.”
Alex Jones: “I was about as to say, if they kill him, that’s best-case scenario from a sick level. from a sick level medium, ‘oh, please kill him.’ I mean, it’s so good after that.”
Raiklin: “oh, it’s going to be the best cleansing and the fastest cleansing that we’ve ever seen in my lifetime. I guaran—, I assess, with almost certainty, with the highest level of confidence, that if they assassinate Trump, it is so game over for them.”

Here’s “option 2” that’s going to be “so much better” for “them”:

Raiklin: “I just think that General Flynn becomes the inevitable.”
Jones: “oh General Flynn, obviously, yeah.”
Raiklin: “it’s inevitable … think about it, the people that General Flynn would bring into the administration.”
Jones: “the globalists are all going to prison.”


4) Credit @naturalbornhawk for dropping this on us the other day, which now, given the context above, is actually pretty alarming. Jones was on this RIGHT AWAY:

These deeply unwell sociopaths actually WANT a violent purge of the left. We know they’re out there and psychotic after January 6th. I could see some terminally online incel like this kid thinking he was inciting Civil War and installing Flynn via the purge.


5) Openly far right fascist POS Nick Fuentes has turned on Dear Leader Trump as now a “Zionist shill” over his support for Israel, and for his fake disavowal of Project 2025. He’s been all over twitter these days, screaming that he’s “done” with Donald and wants him to “get out of the way”.

BTW, I called this right after the assassination attempt. Hmmmmm…..
You should seek some help. You have an obsessive compulsive demon.
It's not that violent video games aren't part of the problem, it's that the same people blaming games often to refuse to even acknowledge that access to weapons has any role in the frequency of mass shootings in our country.

Oh do you know it's not "access to video games" in those other countries!!!???

maybe they limit video games there, yo!!!
I’ve learned
The Office Lie GIF
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You know you are in for a rough time when your very first point gets debunked and you find yourself.running on a thread of a connection between actions and something said wars....

Yes, there was a guy who donated under that name, this young man did also.
It's not just liberals. Everyone seems to be able to spin the information into whatever narrative they want these days. They see/read something and just go with it.

Everyone has kind of turned into @ottumwan in tx and that is f'ing sad. Believe whatever they want as long as it aligns with what makes them feel good. Unbelievable
I think this pretty much nails it
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You know you are in for a rough time when your very first point gets debunked and you find yourself.running on a thread of a connection between actions and something said wars....

Yes, there was a guy who donated under that name, this young man did also.
And Trump donated to the Democrats.
I believe the shooter was a depressed loner, with no friends, and a bad hair cut. His parents were educated affluent people, he was 20 years old and still living with mommy and daddy. He didn't have a social media foot print because nobody would accept his friend requests. He was a sad, pathetic little boy that the SS allowed to take a shot at a former president for reasons they still haven't explained in a way that anyone can make sense of.

The reason none of this makes sense is because crazy typically doesn't make sense.
Sounds like a perfect QAnon follower/recruit, no?
You know you are in for a rough time when your very first point gets debunked and you find yourself.running on a thread of a connection between actions and something said wars....

Yes, there was a guy who donated under that name, this young man did also.
It wasn’t actually debunked, if you read my response. Him donating was actually not supposed to be able to happen
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I think the shooter just wanted to get into the history books FWIW.

He apparently was a history buff.

Loner, bullied...hated his life. Wanted to go out with a bang.

That's my boring conspiracy theory. :)
It's also by far the most likely given all of the evidence at hand. That doesn't stop the nut jobs who are very well represented on this board from espousing everything but that.
Going to drop a few things I’ve learned, reading about the shooter and the timing…

1) We know now that the progressive cause donations were an older gentleman by the same name.

2) The shooter was a registered Republican and described as very “Conservative” by classmates who knew him.

3) Listen to the ideas of this nutjob MAGAt QAnon fascist who appeared online with Alex Jones a few months ago:

Ivan Raiklin: “if they [assassinate Trump], option 2, behind Trump, is going to be so much better for us and so much worse them.”
Alex Jones: “I was about as to say, if they kill him, that’s best-case scenario from a sick level. from a sick level medium, ‘oh, please kill him.’ I mean, it’s so good after that.”
Raiklin: “oh, it’s going to be the best cleansing and the fastest cleansing that we’ve ever seen in my lifetime. I guaran—, I assess, with almost certainty, with the highest level of confidence, that if they assassinate Trump, it is so game over for them.”

Here’s “option 2” that’s going to be “so much better” for “them”:

Raiklin: “I just think that General Flynn becomes the inevitable.”
Jones: “oh General Flynn, obviously, yeah.”
Raiklin: “it’s inevitable … think about it, the people that General Flynn would bring into the administration.”
Jones: “the globalists are all going to prison.”


4) Credit @naturalbornhawk for dropping this on us the other day, which now, given the context above, is actually pretty alarming. Jones was on this RIGHT AWAY:

These deeply unwell sociopaths actually WANT a violent purge of the left. We know they’re out there and psychotic after January 6th. I could see some terminally online incel like this kid thinking he was inciting Civil War and installing Flynn via the purge.


5) Openly far right fascist POS Nick Fuentes has turned on Dear Leader Trump as now a “Zionist shill” over his support for Israel, and for his fake disavowal of Project 2025. He’s been all over twitter these days, screaming that he’s “done” with Donald and wants him to “get out of the way”.

BTW, I called this right after the assassination attempt. Hmmmmm…..
That is one crazy rabbit hole. I think it was just (sadly) and very disturbed kid who snap. But, I have no idea how this nutjob got through security. That is the TRUE rabbit hole that needs to be explored. I don't think right wingers have any control over the Secrect Service.
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Going to drop a few things I’ve learned, reading about the shooter and the timing…

1) We know now that the progressive cause donations were an older gentleman by the same name.

2) The shooter was a registered Republican and described as very “Conservative” by classmates who knew him.

3) Listen to the ideas of this nutjob MAGAt QAnon fascist who appeared online with Alex Jones a few months ago:

Ivan Raiklin: “if they [assassinate Trump], option 2, behind Trump, is going to be so much better for us and so much worse them.”
Alex Jones: “I was about as to say, if they kill him, that’s best-case scenario from a sick level. from a sick level medium, ‘oh, please kill him.’ I mean, it’s so good after that.”
Raiklin: “oh, it’s going to be the best cleansing and the fastest cleansing that we’ve ever seen in my lifetime. I guaran—, I assess, with almost certainty, with the highest level of confidence, that if they assassinate Trump, it is so game over for them.”

Here’s “option 2” that’s going to be “so much better” for “them”:

Raiklin: “I just think that General Flynn becomes the inevitable.”
Jones: “oh General Flynn, obviously, yeah.”
Raiklin: “it’s inevitable … think about it, the people that General Flynn would bring into the administration.”
Jones: “the globalists are all going to prison.”


4) Credit @naturalbornhawk for dropping this on us the other day, which now, given the context above, is actually pretty alarming. Jones was on this RIGHT AWAY:

These deeply unwell sociopaths actually WANT a violent purge of the left. We know they’re out there and psychotic after January 6th. I could see some terminally online incel like this kid thinking he was inciting Civil War and installing Flynn via the purge.


5) Openly far right fascist POS Nick Fuentes has turned on Dear Leader Trump as now a “Zionist shill” over his support for Israel, and for his fake disavowal of Project 2025. He’s been all over twitter these days, screaming that he’s “done” with Donald and wants him to “get out of the way”.

BTW, I called this right after the assassination attempt. Hmmmmm…..
Jesus. Get a hobby.
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