NYT's Connections

Puzzle #127

I kept thinking that people had to be "black" ______ but I had never heard of black chance... duh. The first mistake I read past sour.

On reflection the purples were probably one of the easier categories. But I honestly didn’t know what they were until it showed them to me at the end. I am very lucky to escape without a mistake on this one - I made it harder than it should have been.

Puzzle #128
Raspberry was one helluva curveball. Never heard that reference before ( as a verb)

Puzzle #128
Same, but I think they used it as a noun, which I also have never heard of before.

Puzzle #128
Same, but I think they used it as a noun, which I also have never heard of before.

Puzzle #128
I was going to bitch more about it in my response but then I had an epiphany. How difficult it must be to generate this as a daily puzzle. Compared to Wordle which might be the easiest of all puzzles to generate.
Went over my answers twice before submitting to make sure there was no trickery going on. There wasn't. Although at first I read goggle as Google. Glad I caught that. I'm still not sure what the hell the purple connection is

Puzzle #129
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