Obamacare is so awesome that some democrat senators.....

If it's such a great thing, why should there be any delay at all. Full implementation without delay. Progressives were so eager to get this thing passed that they let a bunch of snot-nosed first year lawyers write this piece of shit legislation in the dead of night without any input from Republicans.

"We have to pass it to see what's in it". GREAT policy decision-making by the liberals. What a bunch of amateurs.
Originally posted by IMCC965:
If it's such a great thing, why should there be any delay at all. Full implementation without delay. Progressives were so eager to get this thing passed that they let a bunch of snot-nosed first year lawyers write this piece of shit legislation in the dead of night without any input from Republicans.

"We have to pass it to see what's in it". GREAT policy decision-making by the liberals. What a bunch of amateurs.

Jeeebus guys......I forgot how helpful the Republicans were during this debate. They had so many great ideas to guarantee ACA would succeed!
That's for the slap to my face (wake up call)!
Originally posted by joelbc1:

Originally posted by IMCC965:
If it's such a great thing, why should there be any delay at all. Full implementation without delay. Progressives were so eager to get this thing passed that they let a bunch of snot-nosed first year lawyers write this piece of shit legislation in the dead of night without any input from Republicans.

"We have to pass it to see what's in it". GREAT policy decision-making by the liberals. What a bunch of amateurs.

Jeeebus guys......I forgot how helpful the Republicans were during this debate. They had so many great ideas to guarantee ACA would succeed!
That's for the slap to my face (wake up call)!
This could be one of the most dishonest posts I have seen in a long time. The bill was written and implemented all by the Dems.........YOUR side owns it................and quite frankly paid for it in this last election but keep your smiley faces going.....
Originally posted by joelbc1:

Originally posted by IMCC965:
If it's such a great thing, why should there be any delay at all. Full implementation without delay. Progressives were so eager to get this thing passed that they let a bunch of snot-nosed first year lawyers write this piece of shit legislation in the dead of night without any input from Republicans.

"We have to pass it to see what's in it". GREAT policy decision-making by the liberals. What a bunch of amateurs.

Jeeebus guys......I forgot how helpful the Republicans were during this debate. They had so many great ideas to guarantee ACA would succeed!
That's for the slap to my face (wake up call)!
Republicans DID have alternatives. Unfortuneately, the media didn't report them and the Dems never allowed them to be voted on the floor. Look it up, they're out there. Unless you don't want to know the truth, which I believe is the case.

Also, the Dems literally LOCKED OUT the Republicans from participating in the drafting of the bill. Did you forget that too?
I am pasting a link that describes the 161 Republican amendments to the ACA that the Democrats passed in order to attempt to obtain Republican support. The fact of the matter is that Democrats tried very hard to get Republican support, but the Republicans were in deny everything to Obama mode. I know this doesn't fit your distorted perception of what happened, but it is a fact. Democrats were open to compromise, they scuttled the public option to get red state Democrats and Republicans on board, but it didn't work.
I am pasting a link outlining how the Republicans had alternative Health Care options from day one. This is not all of them, by the way. This destroys the Democrat narrative that there were no alternatives given by the Republicans during the drafting of Obamacare.

Liberals say pervasively that Republicans have no alternatives to replace Obamacare, and that their only plan seems to be a voucher system. Given how abysmal the GOP has been at messaging, that narrative is now entrenched. Yet, the fact remains that Republicans doled out many bills reforming health care in America. Even George W. Bush offered alternatives to help curb costs and maintain the quality of care during his presidency. Democrats may not have liked their plans, but they exist nonetheless. Chris Conover at Forbes listed the Republican history on health care reform in his August 28 post. Let's go down the line.
Let's start with 5 comprehensive health reform proposals that have actually been introduced in Congress-some well before President Obama even was nominated for president, and all months before the House (12/24/09) voted on what eventually became Obamacare.

Empowering Patients First Act introduced July 30, 2009 by Rep. Tom Price (R-GA).
Likewise, conservative market-oriented health policy scholars have developed a rich menu of potential replacement plans for Obamacare:

Fixed tax credits. A variety of proposals have centered on using fix tax credits to replace the current inefficient and unfair tax exclusion for employer-provided health benefits. Two good explanations of how that would work are here:

James C. Capretta and Robert E. Moffit, "Universal Health Insurance Exchanges proposed in 2013 by former CBO director Douglas Holtz-Eakin and Avik Roy (covers Medicare and Medicaid in addition to privately insured).
What about the Bush plan in 2007? Conover said that Dubya proposed:

[A] sweeping health reform plan that would have replaced the current tax exclusion for employer-provided coverage with standard tax deductions for all individuals and families. The Bush plan called for a tax deduction that would have applied to payroll taxes as well as income taxes. Moreover, if one were worried about non-filers, the subsidy could easily have instead been structured as a refundable tax credit in which case even those without any income taxes would have gotten an additional amount. This is the kind of policy detail that easily could have been negotiated had the Democrats been in a cooperative mood in 2007. They were not.


What's sad is that the Bush plan actually was superior to Obamacare when it comes to providing universal coverage. Remember, Obamacare actually does not provided universal coverage. The latest figures from CBO says that when it is fully implemented in 2016, Obamacare will cut the number of uninsured by only 45%, covering 89% of the non-elderly. Even if illegal immigrants are excluded, this percentage rises to only 92%. In contrast, the Bush plan (without a mandate!) would have cut the number of uninsured by 65%. But that's ancient history.

Ya the Dems were so confident it was going to pass they had do back door the thing. They wanted all kinds of input from the Republicans. Maybe that MIT prof was right.
Originally posted by theVoicefromtheTomb:
So when is congress going to get in gear and repeal the law?
I think the Rs want to keep both Obamacare and the immigration executive order around for Hillary to choke on.
It must be a great thing. CNN just interviewed Ted Cruz and he's signing up for it. His wife is leaving Goldman Sachs and the Cruz family will need insurance. Cruz refused to answer whether he'd take subsidies.
I stand by my link. Republicans were offered every chance to offer amendments and many of those amendments were passed and incorporated into the bill. I won't comment on your link except to ask, how much higher would ACA insured numbers have been if Republican governors hadn't thrown a tantrum and refused expansion of Medicaid?