Obnoxious Maryland Fans


Gold Member
Nov 1, 2015
The Maryland student fans were discuss ting and out right obnoxious yelling "you are ugly" and "BS" on several occasions, no class. They all must be from the fine city of Baltimore.
The Maryland student fans were discuss ting and out right obnoxious yelling "you are ugly" and "BS" on several occasions, no class. They all must be from the fine city of Baltimore.

They're college students, that's what they do. Hell, I wish our students and other fans could get Carver rocking like that all game long.
Get over it. There is no welcome mat anywhere. I wish our fans would impact the game more. Not with piss and vinegar, though.
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I wasn't at all impressed with their crowd. Dakich tried to continually talk it up, but don't consider it hostile. Move on.
Its college sports. I am sorry but that is sour grapes. College kids will act like that at times. Iowa battled in one of the toughest environments in the nation and only lost 6pts.

Sour grapes? Maybe. Maybe not.

True? Absolutely.

Baltimore--and the state of Maryland in general--is a giant $#!t stain on the country.
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Sour grapes? Maybe. Maybe not.

True? Absolutely.

Baltimore--and the state of Maryland in general--is a giant $#!t stain on the country.

Um Maryland is one of the richest states per capita and first in income and that's with Baltimore holding us back. But hey great game, you guys are for real and I expect you guys to go deep in March. Sorry our classless 18-22 year old students affected you guys that much.
Um Maryland is one of the richest states per capita and first in income and that's with Baltimore holding us back. But hey great game, you guys are for real and I expect you guys to go deep in March. Sorry our classless 18-22 year old students affected you guys that much.

They didn't. Its not worse driving the 2hrs to Ames Iowa. college kids will do that and its fine. I am sure Jared could care less what they said. he was more focused on his game (which was lacking) but it happens. Show me a player who dominated night in and night out every game. Hasn't been done and never will be done.
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Um Maryland is one of the richest states per capita and first in income and that's with Baltimore holding us back. But hey great game, you guys are for real and I expect you guys to go deep in March. Sorry our classless 18-22 year old students affected you guys that much.

They only affected some of us. The rest of us remember what it was like to be college students--you're supposed to be sophomoric to try to get under the other team's skin. Hell, that's part of what having the home court advantage is all about! I was very impressed with Maryland, especially their perimeter D. They don't have many weaknesses overall. I think we just saw the equivalent of an Elite 8 game tonight. Hopefully Iowa gets Maryland on a neutral court in Indy. Payback's a bitch! :)
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They didn't. Its not worse driving the 2hrs to Ames Iowa. college kids will do that and its fine. I am sure Jared could care less what they said. he was more focused on his game (which was lacking) but it happens. Show me a player who dominated night in and night out every game. Hasn't been done and never will be done.

Exactly. Clemmons shut down their POY candidate, Tremble. When teams play top competition, they have to go up against the country's best defenders. The way it works.
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They only affected some of us. The rest of us remember what it was like to be college students--you're supposed to be sophomoric to try to get under the other team's skin. Hell, that's part of what having the home court advantage is all about! I was very impressed with Maryland, especially their perimeter D. They don't have many weaknesses overall. I think we just saw the equivalent of an Elite 8 game tonight. Hopefully Iowa gets Maryland on a neutral court in Indy. Payback's a bitch! :)

We do have a weakness and its glaring. Sometimes we show up and sometimes we are asleep at the wheel. Blow OSU out by nearly 40 and almost lose to Rider. Would love to see you guys in the Big Ten finals. Just hope we are on opposite sides of the bracket for the dance.
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Um Maryland is one of the richest states per capita and first in income and that's with Baltimore holding us back. But hey great game, you guys are for real and I expect you guys to go deep in March. Sorry our classless 18-22 year old students affected you guys that much.

Bethesda, which is the West Des Moines of DC, is affluent. The remainder of the state is a sh--hole - and that is being kind. The campus is especially a dump. I expected the XFinity Center to be pretty classy since it's somewhat new. It's a cruddy, cheap version of Hilton in Ames.

I was at the game. Having chants of F--k Iowa, Uthoff's Ugly, and You're Retarded are not cool. But whatever. What's more not cool is having Maryland fans hitting me on the head, slapping my back after being told not to touch me again, and then purposefully spilling a Pepsi on my coat and thinking it was super exciting. And these were adults in a season ticket holder section.

It's not sour grapes, it's not letting college kids affect me/us. It's expecting to go to a big time college game at a conference venue and not be verbally harassed, touched, or have property purposefully damaged. I've been to games at Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Northwestern where the Hawks lost. Those were fun, memorable events with some jovial fans who were there to enjoy a fun game. In fact, some of the chants at Wisconsin were hilarious, yet biting. Maybe it's just the dumbed down intellect of the newest additions to the conference.

My last trip to UM. I hope they lose the rest.
Um Maryland is one of the richest states per capita and first in income and that's with Baltimore holding us back. But hey great game, you guys are for real and I expect you guys to go deep in March. Sorry our classless 18-22 year old students affected you guys that much.

They didn't.

Their retardedness was just an observation. And pretty spot-on.
They didn't.

Their retardedness was just an observation. And pretty spot-on.

Look I'm not going to say the chant was very PC and have we had some not so classy moments, yes. But they are kids and it was the first game back from winter break so there was some extra energy.
Bethesda, which is the West Des Moines of DC, is affluent. The remainder of the state is a sh--hole - and that is being kind. The campus is especially a dump. I expected the XFinity Center to be pretty classy since it's somewhat new. It's a cruddy, cheap version of Hilton in Ames.

I was at the game. Having chants of F--k Iowa, Uthoff's Ugly, and You're Retarded are not cool. But whatever. What's more not cool is having Maryland fans hitting me on the head, slapping my back after being told not to touch me again, and then purposefully spilling a Pepsi on my coat and thinking it was super exciting. And these were adults in a season ticket holder section.

It's not sour grapes, it's not letting college kids affect me/us. It's expecting to go to a big time college game at a conference venue and not be verbally harassed, touched, or have property purposefully damaged. I've been to games at Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Northwestern where the Hawks lost. Those were fun, memorable events with some jovial fans who were there to enjoy a fun game. In fact, some of the chants at Wisconsin were hilarious, yet biting. Maybe it's just the dumbed down intellect of the newest additions to the conference.

My last trip to UM. I hope they lose the rest.

To say the state of Maryland is dump is hilarious coming from an Iowa fan, especially if you think Bethesda is one of the nicer areas( I guess that's what your saying never been to Des Moines). Never been to Iowas campus so I can't gauge what it looks like but I'm sure you have no bias at all. But like I said in my first post to say Maryland is a shit state is hilarious especially comparing it to Iowa. Sorry you had a bad experience I'm sure you did absolutely nothing to the fans giving you a hard time and I'm sure if Iowa had won you would have a different tone but hey whatever, it was all the balls fault anyway.
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Maryland's fans are the biggest POS in the B1G and I'm going to LMAO when their vastly overrated team tries to sleepwalk thru the schedule and gets bitch slapped. Yes, Baltimore and Maryland are good for nothing but heroin, race riots and top of the line political corruption. Let that self embarrassibg cesspool have their rude, sorry, obnoxious loudmouth bigots they call students.
I lived in Silver Spring for a couple years and often went to visit the UM campus. I thought it was very picturesque. The red brick buildings had a certain Southern charm.
To say the state of Maryland is dump is hilarious coming from an Iowa fan, especially if you think Bethesda is one of the nicer areas( I guess that's what your saying never been to Des Moines).

So you said that Maryland was most affluent and highest per capita income. I pointed out that Bethesda happens to be why Maryland has high income - which is because it is the nice suburb of Washington, DC due to all the federal money. When I said your state and campus are both dumps - that's because they are. Without DC money coming from places like Iowa, Maryland would be another loser confederate state on par with Mississippi. (Maybe I am starting to understand your inferiority complex toward Iowa ... you're probably one of the thousands of Maryland hicks driving around with the loser flag on your oversized, compensatory truck)

I am not biased in calling Maryland or its campus a dump. I didn't attend University of Iowa. I don't live in Iowa. I live in DC and because I live in the district I know that Maryland is a sh--hole. Unless I hit the mall in Bethesda I avoid Maryland and spend my money in the booming N. Virginia - far less chance of getting randomly shot or mugged.

So what do you think is so nice, or even average, at University of Maryland or College Park? Both are trashy, nondescript, and not even average. The Big Ten could have done so much better, but they wanted the DC metro tv market. Sucks Georgetown didn't have a football team.
I think some of you are expecting a reincarnation of Hoosiers! College Park is essentially suburban DC. It's much closer to DC than Baltimore for those you that are geo-challenged. I went there last year when Iowa pissed away the football game too! Nice campus but different feel as it's an urban setting vs. many of the large Big Ten institutions. People were decent and I had a good time.

Basketball is an East coast game that has great passion and different decorum than many see in the midwest. You can't go out there and play like a bunch of Nancy's and expect to win. It's also the first time ever that Iowa has played in that building and the first time playing with an Under Armour ball which is a big difference.

Maryland is very good. They were in the mix for preseason #1 in some polls. Both teams played ugly as they focused on taking away each team's best player in Uthoff and Trimble. Maryland's other guys stepped up better than Iowa's. It's's one game..congrats Terps!

Just remember, Maryland also made an unfamiliar trip to IC last year and the results were surprising as well. This may become a good rivalry over time, however, Iowa will have to continue to increase their talent to compete year in and year out with talent rich Maryland.
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Student sections have shouted much, much worse things. Years ago (many) a student section was heckling Steve Kerr right after his father was killed in Lebanon I believe....against ASU. Found an article...

Now crossing the line.

fans from the state of arizona seem to take douchebaggery to a whole other level. i remember diamondback fans throwing stuff at Prince Fielders family a few years back
The Maryland student fans were discuss ting and out right obnoxious yelling "you are ugly" and "BS" on several occasions, no class. They all must be from the fine city of Baltimore.
I was there, and I thought they were acting like, well, students. The fans around me didn't join them. Don't be so sensitive man. Not one single fan said anything remotely disrespectful to me.
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To say the state of Maryland is dump is hilarious coming from an Iowa fan, especially if you think Bethesda is one of the nicer areas( I guess that's what your saying never been to Des Moines). Never been to Iowas campus so I can't gauge what it looks like but I'm sure you have no bias at all. But like I said in my first post to say Maryland is a shit state is hilarious especially comparing it to Iowa. Sorry you had a bad experience I'm sure you did absolutely nothing to the fans giving you a hard time and I'm sure if Iowa had won you would have a different tone but hey whatever, it was all the balls fault anyway.
Lol. A person from Maryland calling iowa a dump? I am sure you have never been to Iowa either.

East coast arrogance is the worst. Congrats on your murder and crime rate. Was super impressed with your riots and destruction of your own city.

At least you have that going for you, which is nice.
I would like to see your definition of hilarious. Because it wasn't even remotely funny.

Dakich got it right. He hears stuff because he's the man, and the man gets that stuff fired at him on road trips.
It's a badge of honor.
Maryland did not set the world on fire and if we get anything from Uthoff, we likely win that game. The anger management case Duke transfer played his best game of the year and we made Carter look like a lottery pick. No beef with MD or their fans. Turgeon is a pretty classy guy and there wasn't any trash talking or bs play. Maryland has depth and size and will be a tough out come March. Trimble (note proper spelling) is one of the best players in the country, so no shame in losing to them at home.
I always thought Uthoff looked like a normal dude. But I'm a dude, so what do I know?

You will find douche bags and idiots every where. That axiom holds especially true in the state of Wisconsin. Lol. But in all seriousness, I've seen plenty of ugly moments and incidents from Iowa fans as well. For example, there was an Iowa State/Iowa football game a few years back where a few (I presume) Iowa students started chucking full beer cans at a group of girls walking by wearing Cyclone apparel. In short, I'm sure nearly every one could share an anecdote of an experience they've had with an opposing fan base.

For what it's worth, those who have posted from Maryland on this board have all seemed pretty decent to me.
Just like the teams, the fans need to get ready to play. I don't think fans should be vulgar, but no harm in calling someone ugly, unless they have some sort of disability. If anything, Iowa fans are way too polite. The home court advantage needs to be more than just the players.
Loved the three stooges picture with woody in the middle though. That was great. If you can't poke a little fun, life gets pretty boring.
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Unfortunately, this type of behavior is pretty much par for the course for college students.
I usually enjoy their enthusiasm and antics, but sometimes they go a little too far. Just my 2 cents worth.
Dakich tried to continually talk it up....

Dakich has to continually talk, period. The man can't bear to let a moment of TV silence go unfilled by some bit of drivel or other. There is no filter there. Any thought that comes into his mind spontaneously comes out of his mouth. Most of it is noise, noise, noise.

FWIW, I had to laugh at his excitement about the boisterous Maryland students. As a follower of MAC teams, I remember more than once when Coach Dakich came close to fisticuffs with opposing students who were "being verbally enthusiastic" behind his bench. My, how times have changed.
I think anything the Maryland students said is more of a reflection on our entire and not just them. We seek ways to be more creative and attention grabbing than the next guy.

With our short attention-span-Kardashian-admiring society we're just becoming a dumber species. Don't think so? We now have 8-second attention spans ... shorter than a guppy (no joke; this was shared at a conference I recently attended) ...And my partner in crime (a registered nurse) is working on her Master's ... One of the courses is about communications. The point hammered home is anything they communicate should be presented as if you were talking to a 5th-grader (used to be 8th-grader level) ... So yes, we are becoming a dumber society as a whole ... The Maryland students were just a sampling ...
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Loved the three stooges picture with woody in the middle though. That was great. If you can't poke a little fun, life gets pretty boring.
See, that was clever and funny. So was the sign that said, "Show me on the bear where Woodbury poked you". But the other db fans clearly got in Jarrod's head. I hope to God Iowa meets them in the BTT because Iowa is better than them and they'll be pissed that they let that one get away and will be aching for some payback. I'll be rooting against those db's the rest of the way.
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