It isn’t that much revenue boss. How much do honestly think those seats generate? And what percentage is that of the total athletic budget?
I was at the game last night and was actually shocked by how many people over the age of 60 occupy seats close to the action. It’s embarrassing. Sure, if you have the money it’s yours to spend but I’d block even allowing the gray hairs to buy their way in. No reason that they can’t enjoy the game just as much from row 15 and up.
And to his point, I wonder how many folks that actually donated to the renovation still go or are still alive. I bet it isn’t that many
the problem is that the people with the seats behind the benches donated a lot for the most recent renovations. And they apparently are still alive, because Fran brings them up in the interview in the orig post, stating that there would need to be discussions on where they could be moved to. And would they be willing to be moved?