I have a few people that I follow on Twitter who post their picks, and are consistently winning. These are legit sports bettors who have no interest in charging for picks or trying to extract money from other bettors. I can see with my own eyes that they are 100% legit, and they update their record regularly and everything is accurate and above board.
On the day or days that I decide to tail, it NEVER goes well. Without fail. And I’m betting really small when I tail them because of my jinxing abilities.
One in particular I interact a lot with (@racjac24) so we’re constantly bouncing thoughts and ideas off each other. If I bet on something and then he posts that he’s on the same thing, we’re absolute money. But if I tail him, I’m a cooler.
I’ve determined that it has to be all or nothing. And I just can’t fully commit to that, because I don’t want to be mad at someone else for their losing streak, when I can come up with a losing streak on my own just fine. If I was a novice, tailing someone reputable religiously makes sense. But I just can’t do it. It’s definitely a pride thing too.