
Yep, there is NO way you are gonna call a flagrant foul on that play. He was swiping at the ball. Gessell played the drama queen part trying to get a flagrant call. When your team shoots 26% in a game you need to shut up and take your loss. No way did the officials cost Iowa that game.
Originally posted by Servbot24:
Why on earth would that have been a flagrant? It was incidental. Don't be such a pussy.
He was swiping at the ball huh? He made zero attempt at the ball and simply hit mike in the head. Kid should have been ejected
Originally posted by shoot_the_three:
I don't care how bad the call was, Fran absolutely can't get a T there. That was the difference in the game, it got Newbill going.
Yeah he cant get a T there, BUT an official at this level CANNOT miss that call and then ring up a coach after he blows the call. Say coach, I missed it and move on instead of making your own mistake look even worse.
Originally posted by hawkedoff:
He was swiping at the ball huh? He made zero attempt at the ball and simply hit mike in the head. Kid should have been ejected
I'm with you. At first I didn't think anything but once they showed the review I thought a flagrant 1 was warranted. Mike G had the ball extended in his right hand and the dude swiped down on the left of his head and down on his ear, which you may know is quite sensitive and painful, thus Mike G holding his ear. He wasn't trying to buy any call, MG had pain, pretty simple. He absolutely had no chance to get the ball there.
Posted from Rivals Mobile

This post was edited on 3/13 10:21 AM by SirEdHightower

This post was edited on 3/13 10:22 AM by SirEdHightower
Originally posted by hawkisak:
The reality is that the game was allowed to called very loosely and it was very physical. That is how to beat Iowa is put them in a street ball game and beat them up. PSU does not want to play up and down with anyone because they simply cannot! This game ultimately means nothing. Iowa probably puts themselves in jeopardy of being in the 8/9 game now and PSU has almost clinched a NIT birth which for Newbill's sake, I hope does happen. I have a soft spot for Newbill after hearing his story on The Journey this week. He is a good player and i hope he makes it in the NBA. I just don't like the way PSU plays but that the style that Pat C. wants to play. If a game is tightly called, PSU would be screwed, but Iowa has to learn how to play through all that.
You could tell from the git go that PSU was going to be more physical and they got called for a lot of fouls early, but in the meantime, they completely took our guards out of their game. Until Iowa gets some guys that will play that way, it's not going to change. Hopefully next year we get some players that want to get after people and play in your face physical basketball. It's like our guys just sit back and take it.
Originally posted by St_Henry_Buckeye:
Yep, there is NO way you are gonna call a flagrant foul on that play. He was swiping at the ball. Gessell played the drama queen part trying to get a flagrant call. When your team shoots 26% in a game you need to shut up and take your loss. No way did the officials cost Iowa that game.
LOL...the ball was in MG's right hand and the defender slapped down on MGs head/left shoulder, we wasn't going for the ball. I don't think he was trying to hit him in the head but he was obviously trying to keep mike from getting a shot up.

And MG played the "drama queen", maybe you missed it but the kid who slapped down on Mike's head/shoulder hurt his arm on the play. If that contact caused him pain then imagine what the player who took the blow felt.

As stated I don't think the kid was trying to go for MG's head but he wasn't going for the ball, easy Flagrant 1 call IMO.
Iowa played like the paint was wet. They blew a chance yesterday.

All of the prior games were practice.

This is PRIME TIME...this is the money.

The team gets one chance.
Oh please don't even begin to indicate that the refs cost Iowa this game or any other game we play. A fan base that complains about the officiating is one that's looing for an excuse.
Missing a gozilion shots cost Iowa the game.
Originally posted by The Sleeping Dog:
The officiating was very poor but that it wasn't the difference. Not even close.
Even by B10 standards the officiating was bad, but, as said, the Hawks puked this one on their own.