Ohio farmer writes giant anti-Trump message in manure


HB King
May 29, 2001
One outspoken Ohio farmer decided to exercise his land ownership and free speech rights to express his opposition to Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump’s campaign.

Jerry Slanker spent four hours moving manure from his 15 cows and bulls to scribe giant letters spelling out “No Trump,” as reported by NewsNet5.

The football-field sized manure message on Slanker’s farm in Tuscarawas County, Ohio, is big enough for anyone flying over in an airplane to see.

“I know there’s a lot of people maybe not agreeing with me, but that’s their American right; I just voice my opinion and not yours,” he told NewsNet5.

If Slanker gets lucky, maybe Trump himself will have the pleasure of reading this quintessentially American campaign message from the friendly skies.
That farmer looks like he had one big pile of shit on his hands. He must have been saving that manure of a year or so to make sure he could actually make letters that big and long. Or maybe he just plowed his field to make the message?

what ever fits the narrative. Hate the Donald, suck at the Hills teat.