ok here is the deal with my rock vid

ottumwan in tx

HB King
Oct 26, 2002
It's out now. I play an extra. I made it in. Here is the major problem i have: it opens with the eff word and it's in the vid like three times. I don't care if you goobers hear it. Nsfw. But how can i share it with professionals and colleagues and neices and nephews? I wonder if they plan on making a g-rated bleeped out version?
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Post it fool!

Ok guys here goes. Tell me what you think. I thought it was ok film work. Wouldn't they be limiting themselves by leaving eff
Do you sit next to the trump hat dude at the end. How did you get to be a part of this?
not me but i got to be part of it because i answered an ad wanting extras. The ad was in craigslist. It was at a bar not far from me. We showed up at 11 am filmed non stop till 9 pm had pizza and many free beers
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not me but i got to be part of it because i answered an ad wanting extras. The ad was in craigslist. It was at a bar not far from me. We showed up at 11 am filmed non stop till 9 pm had pizza and many free beers
It took 10 hours to film that piece of shit? Seems like they could have knocked that out before lunch was over.
ok jeebus you guys are getting cranky. I am wearing like a white hawiian looking shirt, green flowers
It took 10 hours to film that piece of shit? Seems like they could have knocked that out before lunch was over.
not to mention all the hours driving the car and the "chase scene" and at the apartment stalking-that I did not witness. Now look, how come they did that take of the brunette chick handing the karaoke dude the song slip, they did that like 15 times, took over an hour! ok, guess I am not the only one that thinks this is crazy. oh well, I drank like 12 beers and about three shots.
I meant the shitty music.
80's music was awesome, these guys are like 1960's acid trip psychedelic, stoner stuff. or at least least that's what they told me. well,the good news is nobody will see it! ha ha if hrot can't make it go viral....

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