One dead in Yellowstone shooting

Because I’m not a pussy or a hypocrite.
Demographics show that the voting block that keeps us on our course of stupidity is ahifting. It’s why the right has stopped carrying about democracy any only cares about winning.
As an aside, which side of the political spectrum has bought into shaming culture more (i.e. making people feel guilty for example), the left or the right?

I would venture to say it's the left, but the correct answer is they're both guilty (of a lot of things)................

But by all means, the pissing contest to point out which side has committed the worse atrocities is necessary. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

"Your actions resulted in this many people dying", "oh yeah well your actions resulted in MORE people dying".

Doing a jumping jack and yelling will scare 99% of black bears away. Our resident Yosemite Sam’s are ready to pull out the cold steel though at a moments notice!
I’ve chased black bears out of my camp plenty of times. I’ve also had one sneak back and drink all our beer after we fell asleep. I carry bear spray when back country in Yellowstone for griz. It will stop a charging bear much more effectively than a gun and you don’t need to be Accurate. Never had to use it tho.
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It’s illegal to fire a gun anywhere in Yellowstone, even in self defense. The main reason it’s legal to carry one is because a lot of local residents travel through park property to get to their hunting grounds.
It’s illegal to fire a gun anywhere in Yellowstone, even in self defense. The main reason it’s legal to carry one is because a lot of local residents travel through park property to get to their hunting grounds.
No, its legal because ok senator Tom Coburn addded it as a rider to a credit card bill because of “states rights” and “the 2nd amendment”.
No, its legal because ok senator Tom Coburn addded it as a rider to a credit card bill because of “states rights” and “the 2nd amendment”.
That rider made it possible to carry a firearm in national parks, but it’s still subject to each state’s carry laws. You can’t carry a firearm in a national park if the state you’re in doesn’t allow firearm carry.
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Where should people bring guns though? Is there anywhere? I don't own any working guns. I'm not into them. You obviously aren't either. But, with each mass shooting, your first thought is to call for more gun control. Is that fair to say? What if you were at a mass shooting event? Or someone you loved? Would you hope that someone, legally carrying, could potentially save lives? Is it possible that guns could be good under some circumstances? Are guns ever ok, Belem?
Instead of planning how to deal with mass shooters, why not plan to eliminate mass shooting? There is a way.
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