One thing I will guarantee if trump wins

You're a classic case of someone in the cult. It's too bad that trump didn't get Greenland, he could have changed it to trumpland and all you MAGA cult members could have moved there.
Listen to about a real cult.
As long as trump makes them feel like they're part of the trump team, he can do whatever he wants. If you give the MAGA a reason to be scared (of anything), and they believe that trump has the solution, then they will do whatever trump says.
Really? Why do you think that?
Dua Lipa Backbend GIF by Recording Academy / GRAMMYs
He wouldn't just take guns away, he'd be taking much more and so the left would probably be focused more on the other rights he eliminated. That said, many of us on the left have guns. If the shooter had an assault rifle, what do you think is going through trumps head right now. Remove the assault rifles and he could be safer.
I think we could ALL be safer. 😟
Listen to about a real cult.
If you listen to the MAGA people, you'll see how mad they are at the world and how they think they're being cheated. trump planted that in his followers head and created the anger that you see from MAGA people. That's a plan, that's what you see from cults. It creates an anger that isolates the cult followers from normal people and makes them only listen to the cult leaders. It's text book cult sh!t.
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I think we could ALL be safer. 😟

Absolutely we could all be safer without assault rifles but the point is it wouldn't be about making our lives safer, it would be about making his life safer. Don't worry, trump will certainly do other things that make our lives more dangerous, like removing regulations. As long as it doesn't impact him, he won't care and he really won't care if he can make money off of it.
If you listen to the MAGA people, you'll see how mad they are at the world and how they think they're being cheated. trump planted that in his followers head and created the anger that you see from MAGA people. That's a plan, that's what you see from cults. It creates an anger that isolates the cult followers from normal people and makes them only listen to the cult leaders. It's text book cult sh!t.

Listen to about a real cult.
HE will allow guns to the extent they protect the throne and deny guns to the extent that they threaten the Trumpian hold on power.

TRUMP doesn’t care if there are mass shootings all day every day.

Most likely, there will be a loyalty brigade like the proud boys that will retain their guns. Everyone else will be disarmed.
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Just like JB, his admin, the media didn't lie to all of the suckers, faked the videos and faked the shot.....
At some point your right to bear arms will end. Name a authoritarian or dictator who let's the people own weapons. With the orange turd being shot at it s a gimme he will get rid of guns.
I’m sure the Left will jump at the chance to vote for someone that assures this.
Landslide imminent?
HE will allow guns to the extent they protect the throne and deny guns to the extent that they threaten the Trumpian hold on power.

TRUMP doesn’t care if there are mass shootings all day every day.

Most likely, there will be a loyalty brigade like the proud boys that will retain their guns. Everyone else will be disarmed.
Most likely? Not remotely likely.