one thing you refuse to spend money on

ATM fees. I go to a store or gas station and get something to eat or drink on the card and select cash back instead of flushing the two or three dollars down the toilet.
This is solid. I almost never (ever!) need cash but if I do, I employ this method.
I laughed my ass off - yes didn't use LMAO...................

reading this thread..

But the ultimate answer is what you know it should be.....

for me it’s any food delivery service.
My serious answer is this. I typically buy and cook most of the food in the house. So when someone wants to DoorDash it’s saying not only are they too lazy to make something to eat for themselves or others in the house, they are too lazy to order takeout and go get it, and would rather spend our money on a more expensive DoorDash menu, and then pay a tip to the delivery person. And we live 10 minutes away tops from anyplace people would order from. The exception I will make for this pizza delivery and I’m not sure exactly why i do. Another exception is room service at a hotel, as the prices are about the same as the hotel restaurant, and we have no ability to cook ourselves.
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Parking. My family hates it.
I'm with you too, when we go to concerts and sports events, we are the family parking 7 blocks away and walking

It not only saves money that can be spent on things concessions, not to mention we avoid the traffic jam by the stadium.
I habit of taking care of my clothing in general to not waste dollars on it. Especially socks and undergarments (underwear I have 9 year old ones still wear, socks is tricky but I always have a beat on them and have a few special socks I cherish)
I buy one pair of gym shoes 1 in 5 years, kind of high priced,,, other than that, Wal mart ones.

Never buy books, library in town is excellent. But I struggle with reading.
Same. I wear everything forever. I can go a year without buying a single clothing item.

I use to run and would go through 3-5 pairs of expensive running shoes a year. I haven’t purchased a pair of sneakers in over 4 years. Walking the dog doesn’t exactly destroy them.
for me it’s any food delivery service.
This. The last time I had food delivered was when my kids were too young to be home alone and it was too much hassle to load them all in the car to go pick up food.
ATM fees. I go to a store or gas station and get something to eat or drink on the card and select cash back instead of flushing the two or three dollars down the toilet.
I used to get cash back at Kroger until they started charging a 50¢ fee. I don’t care about the 50¢ but the principle pisses me off. I’m spending $200 on groceries and you’re going to charge me extra to get some cash back?

I just use the ATM. My bank reimburses any fees anyway.