New Story One Visit, One Easy Decision for Lucy Olsen and Iowa

Adam Jacobi

Dec 30, 2022
First availability for Lucy Olsen as a Hawkeye. She's fun — you guys'll like her.

IOWA CITY — For new Iowa point guard Lucy Olsen, navigating the NCAA Transfer Portal felt like speed dating.

"Like if I'm talking to a coach," started Olsen, in a pantomime of picking multiple phones up and down. "You could just tell the difference if you're going to click with people or not."

Fortunately for everyone, one of those coaches was then-Iowa head coach Lisa Bluder, and Olsen was on her way to visit Iowa City shortly thereafter. One team dinner later, both Olsen and the Hawkeye program were sold on each other.

"I only went on one visit because I knew that these were my people here," Olsen said. "I've been on the other side of it, where we had recruits come to Villanova and it's a little awkward, sometimes you don't know what to talk to them about. But I felt like everything [at Iowa] was so smooth."

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Yeah I'm not sure why iowa doesn't have a ton of high caliber recruits beating down the door. After the last couple years with all the publicity, sold out arena, two national title games. I just don't get why we don't actually have to turn some away. It doesn't even sound like Greenway is going to be a hawk. I just don't get it
Yeah I'm not sure why iowa doesn't have a ton of high caliber recruits beating down the door. After the last couple years with all the publicity, sold out arena, two national title games. I just don't get why we don't actually have to turn some away. It doesn't even sound like Greenway is going to be a hawk. I just don't get it
As Jan said on the Vandenbergs podcast, they knew alot of people wanted no part of following Clark to Iowa, and alot more thought the wheels will come off now that she's gone. From the first moments with Lucy they knew that she was the right fit, and she only wants to be Lucy.