No he doesn't. Your grandson would love me. I guess it's time to give your dumbass a reminder since you constantly dismiss how you had your ass handed to you previously...I knew it was smart to save this -
"Hey Goldmom, just wanted to say hello. I'm Tom and I happen to be the publisher of this site. I usually don't venture over here much other than to clean up messes. There was a mess in this thread and well, I had to clean it up and saw this post, so I thought I might provide you with a little insight and well, education, since it appears you are in need of one based on this judgemental post. And let me be very clear, Tom has no idea I am making this post and didn't request me to come here and defend him. I'm doing this on my own as a parent who was fortunate enough to him educate my kids and I could probably bring a couple hundred other parents with me who would back up every word I will write about him as a educator.
My wife and I have two kids. We also happen to be very blessed to live in the school district where
@Tom Paris teaches. He was involved in their day to day education for several years. Both kids would tell you that he was one of the best teachers they had during their time at the school and they learned a lot from him and all of it was positive. He's patient, kind, caring, and loves the kids he teaches. While you sit and pass judgement on the education someone received, without having seen him as a teacher, I can speak from experience as a parent that you are incorrect. We were fortunate to have him teach our kids. Perhaps in the future instead of making awful and untrue statement about someone's professional career, you will instead back away from the keyboard and not hit send or engage on what they actually said instead of making a cheap ad hominem attack."
So keep my job out of these threads. You want to attack me some other way? Politically? Fine. Keep how I am with kids out of it. Because I'm really good at working with and coaching kids. The majority of people on this site don't share their jobs...I did. So again...let it be. Please.