Option Play


Sep 17, 2011
What are you thoughts on this team running the option play close to the goal line? We used to run it years ago. My thoughts are that Beathard and Canzeri could execute this play effectively around the goal line.
Maybe but that also means more of a risk of a bad pitch and fumble ending a scoring drive.

I do like the screen plays we've run with Canzeri inside the 20 in the past.
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What kind of option OP? I personally dislike option football, but it can be effective. I don't want CJ to be running horizontally on a triple-option against goal-line defense.
I believe it is a good idea. When run correctly, the DE should not have to be blocked. A pass option could also be added.
I seem to recall we ran a little bit of read option last year with CJ. I'd look for this in selective spots so we don't get our best player hurt.
Option plays expose the QB too much...and as thin as we are, it's too big of a risk.
This would be my response as well. Colin Kaepernick he is not, and getting drilled repeatedly while potentially not even having the ball is................ not the ideal situation for the Hawks.

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