Pro-accountability, marriage and parenting.
Do you think that these illnesses that are being talked about can be prevented with marriage, and/or parenting skills, alone? Do you deny any biological, genetic, etc., cause for these? An honest question, for everyone.
I, also, object to the crude names of people that suffer from diseases such as these, that are being tossed around. In these instances, they have done horrible things, which is obvious to everyone. These people should not have access to guns. I am in favor of restricting access to guns, to anyone with violent tendencies, or the potential. But, how many of these "nuts", suffer in silence in a world that ignores them? And, I'm talking about all sufferers, not just the ones that end up violent. I wonder if the people using such names, have ever had someone they cared about, live their life with a mental illness.
And by the way, for people who use the argument that guns don't kill people, people kill people. While this is true to an extent, it would be difficult to shoot someone without a gun.
I realize I didn't offer any solutions, here, but don't we need to try something? What are the rates of gun violence in countries that have different gun laws? Can't we look at evidence around the world where things are better than here, and at least make an effort to emulate that? Wouldn't that be a rational option?
It seems we talk about mental illness for a handful of days, after terrible things happen, and then forget about it. There are many innocent people suffering every day from these afflictions, too. There needs to be a SERIOUS dialogue about this in this country, now. Along with serious dialogues about poverty, education, access to affordable health care, and other factors that exacerbate these problems. There needs to be nuance, and less all or nothing thinking.
I welcome any serious rebuttal.