Oscar Nominations + Predictions


HB All-State
Gold Member
Nov 3, 2014
Actor Leading Role:
Bryan Cranston in "Trumbo"
Matt Damon in "The Martian"
Leonardo DiCaprio in "The Revenant" - Loved the movie, a lot of props to Leo (and the crew for that matter) for going through what they did to film this movie.
Michael Fassbender in "Steve Jobs"- A close second place
Eddie Redmayne in "The Danish Girl"

Actor Supporting Role:
Christian Bale in "The Big Short"
Tom Hardy in "The Revenant"
Mark Ruffalo in "Spotlight"
Mark Rylance in "Bridge of Spies"
Sylvester Stallone in "Creed"- Haven't seen the movie yet, but have heard he was fantastic in it.

Actress Leading Role:
Cate Blanchett in "Carol"
Brie Larson in "Room"- Honestly, of the nominations for this category this is the only one I have seen, but she was really great in this.
Jennifer Lawrence in "Joy"-
Charlotte Rampling in "45 Years"
Saoirse Ronan in "Brooklyn"

Actress Supporting Role:
Jennifer Jason Leigh in "The Hateful Eight"
Rooney Mara in "Carol"
Rachel McAdams in "Spotlight" - Probably a long shot, but I'd like to see her win for this.
Alicia Vikander in "The Danish Girl"
Kate Winslet in "Steve Jobs"- Sort of surprised she won Golden Globe for this.

"The Big Short," Adam McKay
"Mad Max: Fury Road," George Miller
"The Revenant," Alejandro G. Iñárritu - Back to Back for Iñárritu.
"Room," Lenny Abrahamson
"Spotlight," Tom McCarthy

Motion Picture of the Year (ranked in my preference):
1 - "The Revenant," Arnon Milchan, Steve Golin, Alejandro G. Iñárritu, Mary Parent and Keith Redmon, producers
2 - "Spotlight," Michael Sugar, Steve Golin, Nicole Rocklin and Blye Pagon Faust, producers
3 - "Room," Ed Guiney, producer
4 - "The Big Short," Brad Pitt, Dede Gardner and Jeremy Kleiner, producers
5 - "The Martian," Simon Kinberg, Ridley Scott, Michael Schaefer and Mark Huffam, producers
6 - "Bridge of Spies," Steven Spielberg, Marc Platt and Kristie Macosko Krieger, producers
Haven't Seen - "Brooklyn," Finola Dwyer and Amanda Posey, producers
Haven't Seen - "Mad Max: Fury Road," Doug Mitchell and George Miller, producers
My take on things...

Actor Leading Role:

Bryan Cranston in "Trumbo"
Matt Damon in "The Martian"
Leonardo DiCaprio in "The Revenant" - I think he wins, though I think it'll be more of a "track record" thing. Thought he showed way more range last year in Wolf of Wall St and would prefer to see Matt Damon win based on this year's performance
Michael Fassbender in "Steve Jobs"
Eddie Redmayne in "The Danish Girl"

Actor Supporting Role:
Christian Bale in "The Big Short"
Tom Hardy in "The Revenant" - stole every scene in the film, in my opinion
Mark Ruffalo in "Spotlight"
Mark Rylance in "Bridge of Spies"
Sylvester Stallone in "Creed" - Honestly could make a case for any of these five having seen all the films. Think Hardy is the most deserving but Stallone will win based on sentimental votes.

Actress Leading Role:
Cate Blanchett in "Carol" - She wins in most other years.
Brie Larson in "Room" - Fantastic performance and well deserved. If you haven't seen this or Short Term 12, you really need to see what this artist can do.
Jennifer Lawrence in "Joy"
Charlotte Rampling in "45 Years"
Saoirse Ronan in "Brooklyn" - Also close. Nomination is a boon for such a young actress, but she was magnificent in this film.

Actress Supporting Role:
Jennifer Jason Leigh in "The Hateful Eight"
Rooney Mara in "Carol" - Lobbied hard to be pushed from Best Actress to Supporting and it will be for good reason.
Rachel McAdams in "Spotlight"
Alicia Vikander in "The Danish Girl"
Kate Winslet in "Steve Jobs"

"The Big Short," Adam McKay - managed to make a story about finance assholes and fraud into a funny, accessible, thoughtful film. Huge props.
"Mad Max: Fury Road," George Miller - innovative and flawless in execution. I think if there's an upset winner it's him.
"The Revenant," Alejandro G. Iñárritu - Again I could make an argument for any of these five, but think Inarritu wins based on the sheer magnitude of both scope and craft that he accomplished with this film.
"Room," Lenny Abrahamson - absolutely brilliant direction of a tough, psych-heavy subject
"Spotlight," Tom McCarthy - great. understated when could've easily been heavyhanded.

Motion Picture of the Year (ranked in my preference):
1. Mad Max: Fury Road - if this is an award for cinematic ingenuity, execution, and spectacle, for me this is at the top of the list.
2. The Revenant - Despite my ranking, I think this actually wins BP.
3. Room
4. The Big Short*
5. Spotlight*
6. Brooklyn*
7. The Martian*
8. Bridge of Spies
*note that 4-7 could have been posted in any order- they're essentially in a tie and a testament to how balanced this year's pool is.