OT: Flooding?


Sep 6, 2017
I'm not any kind of expert on weather or city planning but shouldn't the state be more concerned that we have 2 or 3 days straight of above temps next week?

I didn't live here in 2008 so I dont know much about the flooding either. This is definitely the most snow I've seen in years, if not ever. Wouldn't it help to have sandbags already lining the rivers or something? I would think some kind of flooding is going to be inevitable. And with Spring always comes more rain.
The Mississippi is at 100% chance for major flooding. 25-50% chance of hitting #3 all time levels. 10-25% chance of exceeding that record levels. Some locations are at 25-50% chance of exceeding record levels.
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The Mississippi is at 100% chance for major flooding. 25-50% chance of hitting #3 all time levels. 10-25% chance of exceeding that record levels. Some locations are at 25-50% chance of exceeding record levels.

I was hoping to be fishing the Mississippi in April. Last year a snowstorm ruined my long weekend plans. This year it may be due to extensive flooding.
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