Adreian Payne, former Michigan State basketball star and first-round NBA Draft pick, shot and killed at 31
Payne was a four-year standout with the Spartans and was the No. 15 overall pick in the 2014 NBA Draft

Maybe football player?Isn’t this the 2nd former msu player to be shot and killed in the last few years?
Looked it up, keith appling is who i was thinking of. He was charged with murder, not shot himself.Maybe football player?
There was also a former MI State football player who got shot/killed in 2016.Looked it up, keith appling is who i was thinking of. He was charged with murder, not shot himself.
Sounds like a "Stand your ground" argument would protect the shooter. It was his home and he said he felt threatened, thought Payne was armed. His dad backed him up.Payne was shot trying to break up a dispute. Just a horrible situation, and he seemed like a genuinely good person.
That same thing has happened before with the shooter being acquitted. All he needs to prove is that he felt threatened. Getting a gun to defend yourself is perfectly legal. The law allows it.The shooter left the proximity of the dispute, went into the house to retrieve a firearm, and then shot the victim upon returning to the scene of the dispute. 'Stand your ground' laws will not apply once the trial begins because he didn't have to return - he chose to return. It is going to be a tough sell for the defense.
There is nothing in the law about thatThere is no record of the shooter calling 911 to express his fear of imminent bodily harm while he was inside the house where he was safe. I think the prosecutor will slam dunk this with a plea deal.
No, they have a "Stand your ground" doctrine. It replaced the Castle doctrine in 2005.You may be right, BB, we will see how it plays out. Florida does have a Castle Doctrine that has withstood many court cases.
There is no record of the shooter calling 911 to express his fear of imminent bodily harm while he was inside the house where he was safe. I think the prosecutor will slam dunk this with a plea deal.