Peaceful Muslim in Germany

Too goddamn dumb to use google and answer that question yourself?
Stunning development.
Hurry! Find out so you can try or focus on trashing the author instead of acknowledging Timber Sycamore was real CIA mission that fed arms to jihadists in Syria.

Because flooding arms into a civil war won’t ’stir it up’ even more, right?


CAR has documented and traced numerous weapon systems in service with IS forces.
Many derive from shipments made to the US government, or to entities operating under US government contracts. The United States has acknowledged its support to Syrian opposition forces, orchestrated primarily through resupply from the territories of Jordan and Turkey.26 All of the shipments originated in EU Member States; in most cases, US retransfers (exports made after purchase by the United States) contravened clauses in end-user certificates (EUCs) issued by the United States to EU supplier governments. The United States signed these certificates prior to transfer, stated that it was the sole end user
of the materiel, and committed not to retransfer the materiel without the supplier government’s prior consent. It did not notify the supplier states concerned before retransferring the materiel.

That’s from the EU report linked earlier.
Wow. I must have really hit a nerve. Why so angry? Everyone knows that the U.S. supported the opposition well after it began. They're hardly the reason the war started or why these people were displaced. Now run along. I've grown tired of punching down for now.
At some point you just have to admit to yourself and the world that you just don't want brown Muslims in your country. I won't use the word that coincides with that train of thought since so many of your ilk find it offensive.
I’m down with legal immigration from Central America.
The interesting part of the Germany video was that a bystander subdued the assailant. The police officer then pulls off and tries to arrests the good guy. Bad guy promptly stabs the officer in the neck.

The original attack was an assassination attempt on an anti-Muslim activist.
This post was wrong. A second camera angle shows that the person the officer was trying to arrest was actually helping the attacker.

The officer died largely because of the failure of the other police at the scene. He intervened. The rest of the police did not. They should be ashamed.
It is truly stunning the lack of knowledge people here have about Islam. It has nothing to do with their color. Everything to do with the tenets of their faith, if it can even be called that.
Everyone should watch/listen to as much Sam Harris content as possible pertaining to Islam.

He consistently hits the nail on the head.