Pence finds a backbone. Will NOT endorse Donald Trump

How many people is that now who were once loyal to Trump that now denounce him? How does that compare to other presidents in history? Why are there so many?
Off the top of my head I would say:

George W Bush
Dick Cheney
Mitt Romney
Paul Ryan
Mike Pence
William Barr
Mark Esper
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Off the top of my head I would say:

George W Bush
Dick Cheney
Mitt Romney
Paul Ryan
Mike Pence
William Barr
Mark Esper
There are also some white house staff/aids to add to the list ie: Cassidy Hutchinson. Liz Cheney and John Bolton too. Although idk if Liz was ever on the Trump bandwagon...
Pence didn't say he wouldn't vote for trump. Here's what might help, all of those not endorsing trump, go out everyday ant tell America to follow me and vote for Joe Biden. That might hold some water.
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Pence didn't say he wouldn't vote for trump. Here's what might help, all of those not endorsing trump, go out everyday ant tell America to follow me and vote for Joe Biden. That might hold some water.
Since you seem to have a good grasp on things, can you interpret this quote from Pence for me: "Donald Trump is pursuing and articulating an agenda that is at odds with the conservative agenda that we governed on during our four years, and that is why I cannot in good conscience endorse Donald Trump"
Since you seem to have a good grasp on things, can you interpret this quote from Pence for me: "Donald Trump is pursuing and articulating an agenda that is at odds with the conservative agenda that we governed on during our four years, and that is why I cannot in good conscience endorse Donald Trump"

You have point there responding to my post?
In declining to endorse Trump, Mike Pence made a major statement that undercut other Trump-skeptical Republicans who have suggested through their actions that there is no alternative. His decision could also provide a permission structure for others whose endorsements are up in the air, like Nikki Haley, to hold off.

“It should come as no surprise that I will not be endorsing Donald Trump this year,” Pence said told Fox News on Friday.

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But it did come as something of a surprise. Pence, after all, had raised his hand at an August debate when he and the other GOP presidential candidates were asked whether they would support even a criminally convicted Trump if he were nominated.

Pence’s stated reasoning is also notable. It’s not that he views Trump as dangerous to democracy, or even so much that he’s upset over Trump’s attacking him for his refusal to try to overturn the 2020 election on Jan. 6, 2021. (Some rioters chanted “Hang Mike Pence,” and Trump attacked Pence on Twitter even after being informed of the Capitol unrest.)
Instead, Pence pitched the current version of Trump as insufficiently conservative on issues such as abortion, the national debt, and China and TikTok.

“Donald Trump is pursuing and articulating an agenda that is at odds with the conservative agenda that we governed on during our four years,” Pence said, “and that is why I cannot in good conscience endorse Donald Trump in this campaign.”

Pence maintained that he wouldn’t support Biden, but he otherwise said he would keep his ballot private. Sometimes, candidates will say that they’re voting for a candidate but that it’s not technically an endorsement; Pence wouldn’t even go that far.
That casts a spotlight on Republicans who have faulted Trump over Jan. 6 or his chaotic governing style but have indicated they have no choice now that he’s set to be the nominee. They’ve treated a Trump endorsement as something that’s pro forma because they share a party label and a common enemy — no matter what they’ve said before.

“As the Republican leader of the Senate, it should not be a front-page headline that I will support the Republican nominee for president,” Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) said last week.

Pence often says, “I’m a Christian, a conservative and a Republican — in that order.” In this case, he’s suggesting the second one indeed carries more weight than the third. And that’s a challenge to other Republicans who are emphasizing the third one.
Pence’s lack of an endorsement also highlights the chasm between GOP elected officials and those who actually served alongside Trump in his Cabinet. NBC News last summer reached out to 44 former Cabinet officials and found that only four of them would commit to backing Trump in what was then the early stages of the primary contest. Many have turned into strong Trump critics, like former chief of staff John F. Kelly and former defense secretaries Jim Mattis and Mark T. Esper.

Those officials have something in common with many former allies who have broken with Trump once and for all: They don’t have immediate political futures to mind — and Trump-supporting political bases to appeal to.
Pence is perhaps in that camp as well; his 2024 presidential campaign crashed and burned thanks to Trump turning his base against a vice president who had served him loyally. But there’s at least a feasible path to relevance for Pence in the conservative movement, and he nonetheless has taken a very significant step in bucking Trump.
Now we’ll see if others might follow his example.