Pentagon Antivaxx Propaganda

Nov 28, 2010

Pentagon ran secret anti-vax campaign to undermine China during pandemic​

The U.S. military launched a clandestine program amid the COVID crisis to discredit China’s Sinovac inoculation – payback for Beijing’s efforts to blame Washington for the pandemic. One target: the Filipino public. Health experts say the gambit was indefensible and put innocent lives at risk.

At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. military launched a secret campaign to counter what it perceived as China’s growing influence in the Philippines, a nation hit especially hard by the deadly virus.

The clandestine operation has not been previously reported. It aimed to sow doubt about the safety and efficacy of vaccines and other life-saving aid that was being supplied by China, a Reuters investigation found. Through phony internet accounts meant to impersonate Filipinos, the military’s propaganda efforts morphed into an anti-vax campaign. Social media posts decried the quality of face masks, test kits and the first vaccine that would become available in the Philippines – China’s Sinovac inoculation.

Reuters identified at least 300 accounts on X, formerly Twitter, that matched descriptions shared by former U.S. military officials familiar with the Philippines operation. Almost all were created in the summer of 2020 and centered on the slogan #Chinaangvirus – Tagalog for China is the virus.

“COVID came from China and the VACCINE also came from China, don’t trust China!” one typical tweet from July 2020 read in Tagalog. The words were next to a photo of a syringe beside a Chinese flag and a soaring chart of infections. Another post read: “From China – PPE, Face Mask, Vaccine: FAKE. But the Coronavirus is real.”

After Reuters asked X about the accounts, the social media company removed the profiles, determining they were part of a coordinated bot campaign based on activity patterns and internal data.

The U.S. military’s anti-vax effort began in the spring of 2020 and expanded beyond Southeast Asia before it was terminated in mid-2021, Reuters determined. Tailoring the propaganda campaign to local audiences across Central Asia and the Middle East, the Pentagon used a combination of fake social media accounts on multiple platforms to spread fear of China’s vaccines among Muslims at a time when the virus was killing tens of thousands of people each day. A key part of the strategy: amplify the disputed contention that, because vaccines sometimes contain pork gelatin, China’s shots could be considered forbidden under Islamic law.

The military program started under former President Donald Trump and continued months into Joe Biden’s presidency, Reuters found – even after alarmed social media executives warned the new administration that the Pentagon had been trafficking in COVID misinformation. The Biden White House issued an edict in spring 2021 banning the anti-vax effort, which also disparaged vaccines produced by other rivals, and the Pentagon initiated an internal review, Reuters found.

The U.S. military is prohibited from targeting Americans with propaganda, and Reuters found no evidence the Pentagon’s influence operation did so.

Spokespeople for Trump and Biden did not respond to requests for comment about the clandestine program.
A senior Defense Department official acknowledged the U.S. military engaged in secret propaganda to disparage China’s vaccine in the developing world, but the official declined to provide details.

A Pentagon spokeswoman said the U.S. military “uses a variety of platforms, including social media, to counter those malign influence attacks aimed at the U.S., allies, and partners.” She also noted that China had started a “disinformation campaign to falsely blame the United States for the spread of COVID-19.”

In an email, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that it has long maintained the U.S. government manipulates social media and spreads misinformation.

lots more here

So this would be a good thing in the eyes of repubs, correct?
If there's one thing we hear constantly from the gop it's, "I wish the government lied more. And while they're at it they should run more psyops around the world, especially those that help potentially kill more innocent people".
To what extent did the Pentagon's lies loop back to infect American thinking?

How many innocent people - here and abroad - died because we promoted antivax lies?

Left and right may have different images of what America stands for, but does either side think America should be the kind on nation that promotes innocent deaths through lies and deception?

Everyone associated with that propaganda effort should be fired and blackballed. Many probably belong in prison. Arguably, the US owes reparations.
To what extent did the Pentagon's lies loop back to infect American thinking?

How many innocent people - here and abroad - died because we promoted antivax lies?

Left and right may have different images of what America stands for, but does either side think America should be the kind on nation that promotes innocent deaths through lies and deception?

Everyone associated with that propaganda effort should be fired and blackballed. Many probably belong in prison. Arguably, the US owes reparations.
Orrrrrr it may have had juuuuuust a little more to do with health issues like COPD, CHF, Type 2 diabetes due to being unhealthy and fat pieces of shit. Among other things…

But nah, you’re probably right….was those damn anti-vax lies!! Give billions in reparations!!
To what extent did the Pentagon's lies loop back to infect American thinking?

How many innocent people - here and abroad - died because we promoted antivax lies?

Left and right may have different images of what America stands for, but does either side think America should be the kind on nation that promotes innocent deaths through lies and deception?

Everyone associated with that propaganda effort should be fired and blackballed. Many probably belong in prison. Arguably, the US owes reparations.
Lol. That’s assuming those useless vaccines were actually capable of ‘saving’ anyone from the overhyped threat of covid.
To what extent did the Pentagon's lies loop back to infect American thinking?

How many innocent people - here and abroad - died because we promoted antivax lies?

Left and right may have different images of what America stands for, but does either side think America should be the kind on nation that promotes innocent deaths through lies and deception?

Everyone associated with that propaganda effort should be fired and blackballed. Many probably belong in prison. Arguably, the US owes reparations.
more probably died from taking the jab. heart attacks, strokes.
To what extent did the Pentagon's lies loop back to infect American thinking?

How many innocent people - here and abroad - died because we promoted antivax lies?

Left and right may have different images of what America stands for, but does either side think America should be the kind on nation that promotes innocent deaths through lies and deception?

Everyone associated with that propaganda effort should be fired and blackballed. Many probably belong in prison. Arguably, the US owes reparations.
Agree. However, reparations? To who and how would you ever measure the damage?
To what extent did the Pentagon's lies loop back to infect American thinking?

How many innocent people - here and abroad - died because we promoted antivax lies?

Left and right may have different images of what America stands for, but does either side think America should be the kind on nation that promotes innocent deaths through lies and deception?

Everyone associated with that propaganda effort should be fired and blackballed. Many probably belong in prison. Arguably, the US owes reparations.
Apparently the US Government simply weighs the pros and cons of lying, and figures out at what point people will be outraged if the lies come out. The government no doubt loves the street interviews showing how ill informed people are, and how gullible people are. Challenge a government narrative and it's nearly certain a person will be labeled conspiracy theorist. Sometimes it's political, but sometimes it's simply our government pulling our puppet strings. There's likely people sitting around right now thinking about a lie they can float to see how we will react.
Explain please.
Sorry I read his post too quick. Not deaths but I do believe there will be a terrible amount of harm from the entire Covid Regime.
I'm not saying Covid hasn't caused deaths because it has. However the mandates, the firing of people who didn't want the jab, the year of little to no education for children, the stupid blind printing of money has literally harmed EVERY American.
Sorry I read his post too quick. Not deaths but I do believe there will be a terrible amount of harm from the entire Covid Regime.
I'm not saying Covid hasn't caused deaths because it has. However the mandates, the firing of people who didn't want the jab, the year of little to no education for children, the stupid blind printing of money has literally harmed EVERY American.
I don't disagree, but before you sink into the right wing morass about this you have to ask "compared to what?'

Most of what some consider excessive now - with 20-20 hindsight - represented the best judgments about how to avert worst case scenarios at a time when thousands - yes, thousands - of Americans were dying every day.

The measures selected made sense, under those circumstances in the real world.

Funny thing . . . people who die seldom complain later. Failing to take the measures we took would have killed more people. Creating the circumstance that those who didn't die are now free to bitch about overreach and such. But that doesn't make their bitching correct.
I don't disagree, but before you sink into the right wing morass about this you have to ask "compared to what?'

Most of what some consider excessive now - with 20-20 hindsight - represented the best judgments about how to avert worst case scenarios at a time when thousands - yes, thousands - of Americans were dying every day.

The measures selected made sense, under those circumstances in the real world.

Funny thing . . . people who die seldom complain later. Failing to take the measures we took would have killed more people. Creating the circumstance that those who didn't die are now free to bitch about overreach and such. But that doesn't make their bitching correct.
Indeed, compared to what. And it's not red or blue per se, it's the mass bureaucracy that's out of control and mostly unaccountable.
I don't disagree, but before you sink into the right wing morass about this you have to ask "compared to what?'

Most of what some consider excessive now - with 20-20 hindsight - represented the best judgments about how to avert worst case scenarios at a time when thousands - yes, thousands - of Americans were dying every day.

The measures selected made sense, under those circumstances in the real world.

Funny thing . . . people who die seldom complain later. Failing to take the measures we took would have killed more people. Creating the circumstance that those who didn't die are now free to bitch about overreach and such. But that doesn't make their bitching correct.
Some of it isn't even hindsight though and that's the problem. A lot was common sense while it was happening.

Nurse with natural immunity doesn't want the vaccine? Fire her!
Keep your damn mask on in the restaurant waiting area ok? Alright sir now that you're seated you can take it off.
We need six feet of social distancing to keep the human race alive. Oh disregard the six feet thing so long as you are rioting to protect George Floyd's legacy.
T.V. Guy says to keep your family fit and healthy. Ooops sorry you can't exercise or use your local park today.

This isn't a left or right thing this is a common sense thing. I can even say the first month or two of Covid I understood some things because they were going off data they had but after that a lot of it was common sense and god forbid you had a question or two about a vaccine That was developed in 15 minutes.

Fauci- "we aren't going to get a vaccine and even if we do it's gonna take years"
Nurse with natural immunity doesn't want the vaccine? Fire her!
Keep your damn mask on in the restaurant waiting area ok? Alright sir now that you're seated you can take it off.
We need six feet of social distancing to keep the human race alive. Oh disregard the six feet thing so long as you are rioting to protect George Floyd's legacy.
T.V. Guy says to keep your family fit and healthy. Ooops sorry you can't exercise or use your local park today.
And there we have right wing talking points that idiots think prove that the measures were wrong.

You don't shape good policy on individual exceptions or occasional pigheadedness.
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And there we have right wing talking points that idiots think prove that the measures were wrong.

You don't shape good policy on individual exceptions or occasional pigheadedness.
What about any of what I said was wrong or didn't happen? Again quit thinking left or right and just use basic common sense.

Using basic common sense what about I said even during Covid made any sense?
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You actually believe that?

Kids forced to stay home with their tormentors, missing meals, losing out on education, put behind peers, crime and murder spikes during it. Way more of an impact than whatever it is the Pentagon was doing anti-vax (while kicking people out of the military for not getting the vax, BTW). Generational damage.
If there's one thing we hear constantly from the gop it's, "I wish the government lied more. And while they're at it they should run more psyops around the world, especially those that help potentially kill more innocent people".
Just so everyone is on the same page, the military term previously known as "PSYOPS" (Psychological Operations) was renamed to "Military Information Support Operations" (MISO) around 2011 to reflect a broader range of activities and reduce misunderstandings with other agencies like the State Department. However, the term "PSYOPS" has been reinstated recently due to confusion and administrative inefficiencies caused by the name change. Now, "PSYOPS" is used again to describe the units, while "MISO" refers to the function they perform. :cool:


Kids forced to stay home with their tormentors, missing meals, losing out on education, put behind peers, crime and murder spikes during it. Way more of an impact than whatever it is the Pentagon was doing anti-vax (while kicking people out of the military for not getting the vax, BTW). Generational damage.
Harm, sure, but we're talking some harm vs many deaths.

Hopefully we learn from the last pandemic and will do better during the next one. But I doubt people like you will allow that.