My coach has many credentials in Taekwondo. US Open Champion, World Team Member, Multiple Iowa State Championships, etc. So my stand-up is well coached. His school is also an affiliate of Jackson-Wink in New Mexico where they have Jon Jones, Cowboy Cerrone, John Dodson, Holly Holm, etc. So he gets his MMA knowledge and curriculum straight from them through coaching seminars in New Mexico. And most certainly, KOTC has some sh*tty fights and most certainly bigger gyms tend to have more success, however, we have a great little gym with solid training partners, A couple other pros besides myself and I also go to Webster City every Tuesday and train with an active UFC fighter Michael McBride. At this point in my career, this is right where I should be I feel. By the way, I'm really enjoying these little conversations and the more questions or constructive criticism you guys have, I am all ears.
You said it man, Moffitt has given me the green light for access to the room and one of their asst. coaches Bradley Banks(won a juco title at 165? I believe) has been training at McBride's with us every Tuesday for awhile now. Another guy and myself also just started The Calhoun County Wrestling Club in Rockwell City for local wrestlers to come train free-greco-folk. We just became an official USA Wrestling charter a few weeks back.