Never change IB.
Consider it differently…
Jenkins left pissed off. No stories of improprieties against Cael.
Suriano left pissed off. No stories of improprieties against Cael.
Teske. Verkleeren. Hammond. Beard. Barraclough. etc.
Don’t you think all the guys that wrestled for Cael and transferred out would have said something by now?
LOL, ALREADY talked about it, people leave MANY teams and have been for years!!! Your argument is just stupid!!!
My friend, arguing with you isn't even fun because some of the stuff you say is just out there. And by the way I didn't say there were no drug problems in sports. But I will continue to say until I'm Penn State blue in the face that the reason we've been getting our asses kicked more times than not over the last 15 years has nothing to do with this magical juicing deal going on with Cael and company. Like Chief alluded to, please either bring forth evidence or let it rest. If you're older than 18 you know for a fact that a group much larger than one can't keep a really good secret to save their lives. Yet you want me to believe that every wrestling recruit that has come and gone through PSU is keeping this huge juicing deal a secret? Ya killin me Smalls!
Also, if it's that fricking easy to get doctor's notes for PEDs that are fine and dandy with the NCAA, then I think we need to look at hiring a couple of those doctors on our staff. Just kidding of course...I think. LOL!
Seriously IRONBIRD, the solution has nothing to do with PEDs or any other craziness like that. I'm thinking recruiting and talent in the room are two areas where we are lightyears behind. Seriously, how many NCAA champs or Olympic medalists do we have in our room to help develop our kids? Tom, Terry, Spencer and...??? We need to focus on improvements, not on excuses.
YO- DUDE- You keep contradicting yourself and the points you are trying to make!!!!!
" didn't say there were no drug problems in sports" BUT, I guess at the great Krailures Happy Land, there is none is that what you are saying!??!? Their wrestlers ALL or MANY just seem to do what NO OTHER team is doing right!?!?!??
Lets look at the numbers of 141s from last season who moved up to 157? Lets also look at how many 197s have moved to heavy? How about 184s to 197?
They said on their POS board I needed to present evidence TWOOOOOO when I said BabblinBrooks was using!!!! HE GOT CAUGHT!!!! What more EVIDENCE do you need?????? They also alluded to "many" use what he is using????? HMMMMMM!!!!
Once AGAIN, I have CLEARLY said, PEDs are NOT the only reason. I have been in the "game" of STRENGTH TRAINING for EVER!!! I know what can and can not be done. I know what kind of HEAVY weight training must be done to put on MUSCLE!!! You need to TRAIN like a mad man, LIFT heavy on the BIG lifts and on a PROGRAM that has you working 4,5,6 days a week!!!
I have seen NOTHING that represents ANYTHING like that from F*** ST!!!! I could NOT find ONE single video of ANY of their guys LIFTING on a PROGRAM that would be required for them to add the muscle that many did? For example, you see a TON of videos from AJ, and I can name MANY other athletes also. I even asked on their POS board for videos of the wrestling team TRAINING in the weight room.
Did not get ONE reply!?!?!? Has anyone even seen the F*** st wrestling weight room??? I have seen IOWAS, and I have seen the JOKE that mostly takes place in there!!!!
So in conclusion, BONDS, McGuire, SOSA ALL broke one of the BIGGEST records in sports. 73 is the number right now and it may never get touched without "something" major taking place. Hell JUDGE just had a MONSTER season and hit 62!!! The man is 6-6 or 7 and is a FREAK athlete. Still 11 away from the record!!!
I would say ALL of those with MORE HRs got "caught"!!! You just do not hear much about it do you???? SOSA even got caught with a corked bat!!! I am guessing a decent amount of people knew, have NEVER heard of anyone saying anything???
Because I don’t know (and I’m also not playing the accusation game….yet), has Cael ever openly talked about their S and C program? Or had people come in to study it?
I remember Doyle would have a multitude of teams from across the country come annually to learn from him. Just curious.
^^^^^THIS^^^^^ WHERE ARE THE VIDEOS!?!?!??!?! Who is doing the Strength Training for the wrestling team????? Wouldn't that coach be pretty darn FAMOUS!!!!!! I mean look at the RESULTS this "unknown" individual is getting!!!! Where are his videos???? Where are his BOOKS, online courses, his personnel training facility????
We have heard of some "shady" place that they call a LAB!!!! Hmmmm wonder what is taking place in that LAB??????
By the way, ALL videos I managed to find with your so called GURU Doyle and the wrestling team training, SUCK!!!!!