Points for next year


HB Legend
Nov 13, 2003
Uthoff- 14
Gesell- 8
Woody- 10
Jok- 12
Uhl- 6
Clemmons- 6

Rest of bench- 14

70 ppg.

14 points from the rest of the bench? I don't see it. I'd say more like 8-10 there, but I think you can bump Uthoff up to 15, Uhl up to 9 (I think he'll surprise some people next year), and Clemmons up to 7. I think Woody is more like 8.

If we get 14 points from the deep bench, I'll be very impressed.

I should add that I've been plenty high on this class, as I think it is very underrated. Just think it's alot to ask of them that early in their careers.
This post was edited on 3/23 3:20 PM by StormHawk42
Originally posted by Suterman:

Uthoff- 14
Gesell- 8
Woody- 10
Jok- 12
Uhl- 6
Clemmons- 6

Rest of bench- 14

70 ppg.

I'll bite on this one. I think the hawks scoring goes as follows:

Uthoff 17
Gessell 10
Woody 7
Jok 11
Uhl 8
Clemmons 8

Rest of the bench 10-12


I just think you will Gessell take a step forward and improve. Also think Uthoff become a more consistent shooter and he is a match-up nightmare. he will be able to impose his will on teams next year. also jok will hit 2-3 three point shots a game.

I think with Moss, Hutton, Wagner, Flemming, Williams, Ellingson, and PTBNL they can average 10-12 pts a night if they all play. I just think some of those kids are too athletic to not score.
Jok is going to step up next year.

Uthoff - 16
Jok - 12
Gessel - 9
Woody - 8
Clemmons - 7
compare this year to project to next year
Uthoff 12.4 ppg maybe 16+ this fall 3.6 ppg increase
Gesell 7.4 ppg maybe 12 ppg 4.6 ppg increase
Woody 6.6 ppg maybe 12 ppg 5.4 ppg increase
Jok 7.0 ppg maybe 11 ppg 4 ppg increase
Clemmons 4.8 ppg maybe 7 ppg that makes a 2.2 ppg increase

from those 6 that = 58 ppg
that leaves 17 ppg to get to 75 ppg for the rest of the players,if the 5th starter get 7 ppg that still leave 10 ppg for the rest. and who knows this team might actually score 80 + like it did in the 13-14 season when they avg'd 81 ppg.

Iam hoping that a sharp shooter emerges from the newcomers like Ellingson or Fleming

nobody has to make a major jump in scoring for this team to put up points. and a lot will depend on matchups.
I realize that this kid hasn't even played a minute of college basketball, but I like his game. I love that he able to dribble penetrate (granted its against HS players). I love the step back jumper and also his range.

I am not trying to put him on a pedestal and get expectations high. I just think he is a player that can come in and contribute. Im not saying averaging 10-15pts. But I bet he can get at least 4-5pts a game for the hawks next year. Very smooth and can pull up from anywhere and also can attack the rim. I like this kids game and he looks like a Marble clone, but he looks better than Marble did when he showed up to Iowa.
Originally posted by Hawkeye2222:

compare this year to project to next year
Uthoff 12.4 ppg maybe 16+ this fall 3.6 ppg increase
Gesell 7.4 ppg maybe 12 ppg 4.6 ppg increase
Woody 6.6 ppg maybe 12 ppg 5.4 ppg increase
Jok 7.0 ppg maybe 11 ppg 4 ppg increase
Clemmons 4.8 ppg maybe 7 ppg that makes a 2.2 ppg increase

from those 6 that = 58 ppg
that leaves 17 ppg to get to 75 ppg for the rest of the players,if the 5th starter get 7 ppg that still leave 10 ppg for the rest. and who knows this team might actually score 80 + like it did in the 13-14 season when they avg'd 81 ppg.

Iam hoping that a sharp shooter emerges from the newcomers like Ellingson or Fleming

nobody has to make a major jump in scoring for this team to put up points. and a lot will depend on matchups.
Woodnuts is going to avg. 5.4 more ppg next season? Serious q here- how retarded are you?
Dale Jones is likely an answer to scoring concerns as he's a shot maker.

Iowa's offense is going to be a lot different next year if we can spread the floor with shooters and have guys that can drive, dish, or finish!
Moss and Flemming both look ready for prime time. I think Hutton and Wagner could see a lot of playing time as well. I am eager to see how the pieces fit together next year.
Originally posted by goodbyebobby:
Originally posted by Hawkeye2222:
compare this year to project to next year
Uthoff 12.4 ppg maybe 16+ this fall 3.6 ppg increase
Gesell 7.4 ppg maybe 12 ppg 4.6 ppg increase
Woody 6.6 ppg maybe 12 ppg 5.4 ppg increase
Jok 7.0 ppg maybe 11 ppg 4 ppg increase
Clemmons 4.8 ppg maybe 7 ppg that makes a 2.2 ppg increase

from those 6 that = 58 ppg
that leaves 17 ppg to get to 75 ppg for the rest of the players,if the 5th starter get 7 ppg that still leave 10 ppg for the rest. and who knows this team might actually score 80 + like it did in the 13-14 season when they avg'd 81 ppg.

Iam hoping that a sharp shooter emerges from the newcomers like Ellingson or Fleming

nobody has to make a major jump in scoring for this team to put up points. and a lot will depend on matchups.
Woodnuts is going to avg. 5.4 more ppg next season? Serious q here- how retarded are you?
Not that hard to believe when you consider he will be getting 5-10 minutes more a game. Maybe you should think a little longer before you start calling people retarded. For more reasons than one.
Give or take a point margin of error....

Uthoff 17.5
Jok 12.5
Gesell 10.8
Woodbury 10.2 and 7 or more RPG
Other starter 4.5
Clemmons 7.5

Rest of bench 9ish Hawks will be a fairly high scoring team next year, just mostly from five guys.

For Uthoff its all about consistency. He has the potential to be a top flight scorer next season. He's going to play a ton of minutes and has shown himself willing to take a ton of shots. Get that shooting percentage closer to 50, shorten the stretches of awful shooting....pick it up a little from the line...kid could be really good.
A few things to keep in mind when making predictions:

(1) This year Iowa slowed their pace quite a bit, and as a result we only averaged 70 points a game vs. 81 points last year. I think next year we will have a deeper rotation which will largely be filled with terrific athletes and ball handlers so I would expect a faster tempo once again. I think 75 points overall is a decent proposition, hopefully we can do so efficiently.

(2) Uthoff is a better scorer than White and actually has offensive sets run for him. He went from 7.6 points two years ago to 12.4 this year and I think we'll see a similar leap. I would expect him to get at least 17 ppg next year as his confidence grows.

(3) I just don't see Woodbury being able to average double figures. I do expect him to be an improved player next year, but his main contributions are on defense and getting rebounds. We might be able to feed him the ball in the post every now and then, but that's not going to be how our offense is set up. Most of his points will come from cleaning up the offensive glass. Even his best offensive games only get him a shade over 10 points. He will have a few games next year where his playing time is limited due to foul trouble, and there will be games where he basically gets shut out on offense. If he gives us 8 ppg next year, he'll be doing solid.

(4) Jok is a shooter and a scorer. His defense has improved, but what we really need him for is his offense. He is going to shoot a lot next year and I expect some inconsistency. He'll have games where he only makes a couple buckets and ends with 5 points, but he'll also have a few 20 point games. He will definitely see a good increase in scoring.

(5) I expect guys like Hutton and Wagner to provide important contributions, but their contributions will be on the defensive side of the ball. I think Clemmons has provided important contributions each year he has been here, but it isn't for scoring the ball. Players like these guys will provide big contributions but not many points. They might not even score half the nights they play, but if they rebound and play great defense, they are going to be valuable members of the team. So when I predict low scoring averages, I don't mean to understate the value I think they can provide.

I will say:

Uthoff - 17
Jok - 11
Gesell - 9
Woodbury -7
Clemmons - 6
Moss - 6
Uhl - 5
Flemming - 5
Ellingson - 4
Hutton - 3
Wagner - 2
One point on Woodbury. Even if he only scores and rebounds at the same rate as this past year, but plays 30 minutes per game, he will average 9.9 ppg and 7.8 rpg.
Next year will be much harder to predict than this year. We knew most of the scoring would come from returning players. Next year could make Fran's 2012 class look small. If we use the last scholarship we'll be adding 8 new players to the roster, including redshirts Ellingson and walk-on Nicholas Baer.

I could see 2 newcomers moving into the top 6-7. Jok had better become a scoring machine, or fix his issues on defense, or he may be coming off the bench. There were times when he looked totally zoned out on D, and Fran has 5 new players he can plug into the 2 and 3 slots. Depending on how the newcomers perform I'd guess well go 10-11 deep.

For fun:
Brady Ellingson 6'4" 2G ************ 6
Nicholas Baer 6'7" SF

Christian Williams 6'5" PG/2G ****
Brandon Hutton 6'6" SF/2G ********
Andrew Fleming 6'4" 2G/SF ******** 6
Isaiah Moss 6'5" 2G/SF ************* 3
Ahmad Wagner SF/PF ************** 3
PF/C ********************************** 8

26 PPG from the newcomers.

This post was edited on 3/23 10:33 PM by seer_hawk