Police recruitment is way down.........

Jailers ARE deputies.

Ok, Hoss.
I have a thought, maybe we're looking at this from a more short term view then should be.

What being a cop is considered for some people a secure job they can attain when other more desirable options are not available. I mean you always need cops and you often need them more when the economy is down.

When the economy goes up there more desirable jobs more available so people take careers in those fields instead of going into law enforcement.

I'd find it hard to believe that a movement that just started getting coverage a year ago would make a bunch of people suddenly decide they don't want to be cops anymore. It's possible but I just tend to see more at play.

Ok, Hoss.

You see, I have a friend that worked in the Johnson County Jail. He wore the 7-point badge and the EXACT same uniform and EXACT same training that the DEPUTIES go through at Camp Dodge in West Des Moines.

But now, he has been given the opportunity to patrol and has moved out of the jail. He trained for three weeks in all four quadrants in Johnson County and is now patrolling as a DEPUTY SHERIFF in his very own car.

So you see, he started out as a Deputy working in the jail as a jailer, but has now moved to patrolling the streets of Johnson County as a Deputy Sheriff. Other guys were given the opportunity to patrol, but they chose to stay in the jail.

OK, Hoss? Understand? Was it difficult for you to understand? I can try to make it simpler for you if you want me to.
Good god you are slow.

I wasn't disputing it. My point was: Those who work at the jail are referred to as the jailers and those on patrol are not.