Politics girl spot on again...this time about sex.

I have a pretty good idea which direction you’re headed. But Politics Girl didn’t merely say she doesn’t trust Republicans not to ban contraception and gay sex and any sex outside of marriage. She explicitly claimed that there are mainstream Republican representatives who have stated they want to outlaw all three of those things.

Can you or Tommy or anyone else in this thread provide even one example that supports those claims?

I'm telling you things are outlawed or reversed by people even when they say they won't. These people should not be trusted and eff any evidence or lack thereof. The entire electorate is not that stupid.
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She is what is known as a mental midget, a shrew, a nasty bitch.
Clearly more intelligent than you. She doesn’t ignore what MAGAS are telling us. You put your head in the sand. How is she wrong. What is she saying that’s false. I mean you’re acting like you don’t listen MTG and Boebert speak. They’re the smart women, right?
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Clearly more intelligent than you. She doesn’t ignore what MAGAS are telling us. You put your head in the sand. How is she wrong. What is she saying that’s false. I mean you’re acting like you don’t listen MTG and Boebert speak. They’re the smart women, right?
They are idiots too. Can’t believe they hold office.
Lol. “Really easy,” and yet you failed to provide even one example that answers any of the three criteria.

Ernst isn’t trying to outlaw contraception. She blocked a specific bill sponsored by Ed Markey because she is instead supporting her own bill that makes it easier for women to get birth control pills without a prescription. So clearly she’s not trying to outlaw it. Name one representative who wants to outlaw condoms or other forms of contraception.

You pointed out that Ted Cruz wants to ban gay marriage, but that wasn’t the question. Name one representative who wants to outlaw gay sex.

And you didn’t even try to come up with an example of someone wanting to outlaw sex outside of marriage.

You’re 0-for-3, Tommy. Get back in the batter’s box and see if you can at least make contact this time.
So you’re telling me, if it comes up for a vote, Ernst is going to break away from the Cons and vote pro contraception? You think they won’t vote against gay marriage? Your serious?
I'm telling you things are outlawed or reversed by people even when they say they won't. These people should not be trusted and eff any evidence or lack thereof. The entire electorate is not that stupid.
Aaannnd you still don't get it. The point here isn't whether or not Republicans can be trusted not to do these things. Politics Girl very specifically declared that mainstream Republican representatives have stated their intention to do so.

Let's go to the transcript, shall we?

'Sadly, you need to think about these questions because Republicans are coming after sex. This new control they're asserting? The one that says you can't have an abortion? It's coming after contraception next. And gay marriage, and gay sex, and sex outside of marriage and pregnancy. We have representatives out here suggesting birth control should be illegal, that condoms should be banned. That sex is only for a married man and woman, and that sex should come with the accepted outcome of a child. Everything else is outlawed. And these aren't outlier politicians. These are mainstream Republicans coming after the legality of premarital sex, and queer sex, and sex for pleasure."

So once again I ask you, can you name even one mainstream Republican representative who has suggested that condoms or other forms of contraception should be outlawed, or that gay sex should be outlawed, or that sex outside of marriage should be outlawed?
Tom, as a teacher, we as the public, we as the taxpayer, have entrusted you with our children. We entrust you to educate and engage. Do you feel like you are providing a quality education when your attention is focused on posting videos like this during the school day?
So you’re telling me, if it comes up for a vote, Ernst is going to break away from the Cons and vote pro contraception?
Name one mainstream Republican representative who has publicly suggested that contraception should be outlawed, as Politics Girl very specifically insisted.
You think they won’t vote against gay marriage? Your serious?
Jesus, Tom, try to focus. Yes, there are Republicans who want to ban gay marriage. But that's not the issue I'm asking about. Politics Girl very specifically stated there are Republicans who want to outlaw gay sex, not merely gay marriage. Can you name any of them?

And good luck coming up with one who has publicly declared that sex outside of marriage should be outlawed.
Aaannnd you still don't get it. The point here isn't whether or not Republicans can be trusted not to do these things. Politics Girl very specifically declared that mainstream Republican representatives have stated their intention to do so.

Let's go to the transcript, shall we?

'Sadly, you need to think about these questions because Republicans are coming after sex. This new control they're asserting? The one that says you can't have an abortion? It's coming after contraception next. And gay marriage, and gay sex, and sex outside of marriage and pregnancy. We have representatives out here suggesting birth control should be illegal, that condoms should be banned. That sex is only for a married man and woman, and that sex should come with the accepted outcome of a child. Everything else is outlawed. And these aren't outlier politicians. These are mainstream Republicans coming after the legality of premarital sex, and queer sex, and sex for pleasure."

So once again I ask you, can you name even one mainstream Republican representative who has suggested that condoms or other forms of contraception should be outlawed, or that gay sex should be outlawed, or that sex outside of marriage should be outlawed?

I don't give a f!ck about that stupid b!tch. Sorry. Don't care.
I don't give a f!ck about that stupid b!tch. Sorry. Don't care.
She is literally the subject of this thread. Tom Paris said she's spot on, I disputed three of her claims, and then you attacked me for being on topic. Well done, you.
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Tom, as a teacher, we as the public, we as the taxpayer, have entrusted you with our children. We entrust you to educate and engage. Do you feel like you are providing a quality education when your attention is focused on posting videos like this during the school day?
I guarantee I’m better at my jobs than you have ever been. Our moderator would agree. If I was a Republican you wouldn’t say one damn word to me and you know it. I do an incredible job working with children. Teaching. Coaching. I’m beloved and am told so. If you saw me with kids of all ages you would shut up about it. My students would laugh at you and goldie. It’s really sad that your ilk has been brainwashed to attack teachers. Every single time it comes from a MAGA. Every time. I don’t owe you any other explanation.
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She is literally the subject of this thread. Tom Paris said she's spot on, I disputed three of her claims, and then you attacked me for being on topic. Well done, you.
Your head is in the sand. You probably believed they meant abortion should be left to the states. The evangelical far right has control of a party. They will not stop pushing their fake Christian beliefs on the rest of us. It’s not hidden. It’s obvious. You can play your little games. It doesn’t change the fact your party is moving so far right people like Cheney are jumping ship. That means NOTHING to you? The former head of the RNC thinks you’re all nuts. He’s right.
I guarantee I’m better at my jobs than you have ever been. Our moderator would agree. If I was a Republican you wouldn’t say one damn word to me and you know it. I do an incredible job working with children. Teaching. Coaching. I’m beloved and am told so. If you saw me with kids of all ages you would shut up about it. My students would laugh at you and goldie. It’s really sad that your ilk has been brainwashed to attack teachers. Every single time it comes from a MAGA. Every time. I don’t owe you any other explanation.

How can you guarantee that?

And who's the moderator?

I'm not attacking teachers but rather questioning your constant presence on this site during the school day.
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Your head is in the sand. You probably believed they meant abortion should be left to the states. The evangelical far right has control of a party. They will not stop pushing their fake Christian beliefs on the rest of us. It’s not hidden. It’s obvious. You can play your little games. It doesn’t change the fact your party is moving so far right people like Cheney are jumping ship. That means NOTHING to you? The former head of the RNC thinks you’re all nuts. He’s right.
I will accept this post as tacit admission on your part that three (3) of her claims were total bullshit.

Good night, sir.
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Clarence Thomas basically said that they should look at overturning the right to contraception and gay marriage. The only speech that matters from congress is their vote which was almost unanimously no for protecting contraceptives. And don’t give us some bullshit about Joni Ernst only voting no because she wanted more access. They are 2 different issues and her bill could be passed along with the bill guaranteeing a right to contraception.
From the article I read “ But Iowa Republican Sen. Joni Ernst blocked their efforts by objecting to Massachusetts Democratic Sen. Ed Markey’s request for unanimous consent to pass the bill, saying the measure went too far. “
What do you suppose she meant by saying it went too far? She clearly believes it’s okay for states to ban it.
Clarence Thomas basically said that they should look at overturning the right to contraception and gay marriage. The only speech that matters from congress is their vote which was almost unanimously no for protecting contraceptives. And don’t give us some bullshit about Joni Ernst only voting no because she wanted more access. They are 2 different issues and her bill could be passed along with the bill guaranteeing a right to contraception.
From the article I read “ But Iowa Republican Sen. Joni Ernst blocked their efforts by objecting to Massachusetts Democratic Sen. Ed Markey’s request for unanimous consent to pass the bill, saying the measure went too far. “
What do you suppose she meant by saying it went too far? She clearly believes it’s okay for states to ban it.
I don’t know Ernst’s specific reason(s) for blocking that specific bill. But if I had to guess, it probably has to do with emergency contraception such as Plan B. If SCOTUS were to overturn Griswold v Connecticut and Eisenstadt v Baird, I have no doubt that some red states would ban Plan B.

For the record, I oppose that idea. I think Plan B should be legal and readily accessible. But, again, Politics Girl didn’t stop there. She insisted that mainstream Republican lawmakers have stated their intention to outlaw all forms of contraception.

That’s just simply a lie. I don’t know of any mainstream Republicans who want to outlaw all forms of contraception. I don’t know anyone who wants to ban condoms. I don’t know anyone who wants to ban birth control pills. Certainly not Joni Ernst. She has spent the past several years pushing to make birth control pills available without a prescription. That’s kind of the opposite of trying to outlaw it.

I don’t know anyone who wants to outlaw birth control patches or rings. I don’t know anyone who wants to ban vasectomies or tubal ligations.

Has anyone yet thought of any examples of Republican lawmakers who intend to outlaw gay sex or any sex outside of marriage? Anyone at all?

There are Republicans who would ban gay marriage and Plan B contraception. Everything else in Politics Girl’s rant was an absolute lie.
@Tom Paris do you have any intentions at all of providing any quotes or any links or any evidence at all to back up your three bullshit claims? Or are you just going to keep posting laughing emojis and wasting time? Because so far you’ve done absolutely nothing to back up the claim that Republicans have stated their intentions to 1) outlaw condoms and all forms of contraception, 2) outlaw gay sex, and 3) outlaw all forms of sex outside of heterosexual marriage.
@Tom Paris do you have any intentions at all of providing any quotes or any links or any evidence at all to back up your three bullshit claims? Or are you just going to keep posting laughing emojis and wasting time? Because so far you’ve done absolutely nothing to back up the claim that Republicans have stated their intentions to 1) outlaw condoms and all forms of contraception, 2) outlaw gay sex, and 3) outlaw all forms of sex outside of heterosexual marriage.
Yeah Tom, this guy wants at least three more pages out of this one.
Well. I guess that would solve it, then.
This thread could go 20 pages and Tommy still won’t have a single shred of evidence to back up those claims. He knows he got caught in a full-blown lie so now he’s just counting on his buddies to bail him out with ad hominem attacks.
This thread could go 20 pages and Tommy still won’t have a single shred of evidence to back up those claims. He knows he got caught in a full-blown lie so now he’s just counting on his buddies to bail him out with ad hominem attacks.
Meanwhile, you crawl the pages. Bold strategy.