POLL: Do You Favor War with Iran?

Originally posted by KennyPowers_96:

I have an overwhelming urge to feed and clothe the world, but it doesn't mean it's practical or realistic.

It seems like you are advocating war, then you say you are not. Do you support a war with Iran in the future?

Posted from Rivals Mobile
The idea that we're going to go to war with Iran is just a misleading talking point from the Obama administration to paint anyone who doesn't agree with him as a war monger. Clearly it's a dishonest position.
Originally posted by naturalmwa:
Originally posted by aflachawk:
Originally posted by naturalmwa:
Originally posted by aflachawk:
If WWJD and BHO were not lying about this situation, would they saying any thing at all? The only options are not war or a bad agreement. The best option may well be what we are doing now. Restrictive sanctions. The only change I would make is to make them more brutal
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Dude, you're lying.  You already admitted this will do nothing to stop them from getting the bomb.  You must be one of those end times crazy people.
You are talking two different things. I said he is lying about no alternative between war and an agreement. You bring up it will not stop them from getting the bomb. I see no connection between the two
Posted from Rivals Mobile
What do you think the war/agreement talk is about if not Iran's nuclear bomb capability? 
Assuming Iran will follow international agreements you have a very valid point. Trouble is, they have already shown they will cheat, not disclose, etc to get around the agreement. Sanctions are much better than a bad agreement. Those very sanctions brought them to the table in the first place. If the world would double down and put the kind of sanctions on Iran that brought South Africa to renounce apartheid that would be even better
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by aflachawk:
Originally posted by naturalmwa:
Originally posted by aflachawk:
Originally posted by naturalmwa:
Originally posted by aflachawk:
If WWJD and BHO were not lying about this situation, would they saying any thing at all? The only options are not war or a bad agreement. The best option may well be what we are doing now. Restrictive sanctions. The only change I would make is to make them more brutal
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Dude, you're lying. You already admitted this will do nothing to stop them from getting the bomb. You must be one of those end times crazy people.
You are talking two different things. I said he is lying about no alternative between war and an agreement. You bring up it will not stop them from getting the bomb. I see no connection between the two
Posted from Rivals Mobile
What do you think the war/agreement talk is about if not Iran's nuclear bomb capability?Â
Assuming Iran will follow international agreements you have a very valid point. Trouble is, they have already shown they will cheat, not disclose, etc to get around the agreement. Sanctions are much better than a bad agreement. Those very sanctions brought them to the table in the first place. If the world would double down and put the kind of sanctions on Iran that brought South Africa to renounce apartheid that would be even better
Posted from Rivals Mobile
How would that work? What do you imagine more sanctions could do? Say we manage to bring their economy to a stand still where it take buckets of money to buy bread. What would crashing their economy do to stop their already existing centrifuges and already existing uranium from being enriched? How does that do anything to bolster the moderates and keep the hard liners from just taking over and plowing full steam ahead toward the bomb and war?

You aren't connecting the dots. They only need time and the will to get the bomb. Sanctions give them both. The agreement decreases both. We get control of their already existing centrifuges and inspectors on their uranium and lessons the will to go all in on belligerent status. IMO your plan is a recipe for Americans dieing and no thats not a lie or dishonest.
Originally posted by What Would Jesus Do?:
Originally posted by 86Hawkeye:
I don't "favor" war with anyone.
Good grief.

What's your position on war with Iran? I'm pretty sure you have already said you agree with the Cotton letter. If that's correct, doesn't that mean you "favor" war? If failing to achieve a deal with Iran means we're going to have a war with Iran (presumably started by Israel, but maybe by us), and if you agree that we shouldn't make that deal with Iran and aren't going to get a better deal, then how can you say you don't favor war? It's what you are choosing among the available options.

Is this a potato/potatoe thing? You think we should reject the deal. You think war is a better option. But you don't go so far at to say you actually favor war?

Sounds like a difference with very little distinction - beyond feeling better about yourself. You are still on the side of war.
Well, you are wrong about several things in your post.

You might like to try not speaking for others.
Originally posted by 86Hawkeye:
Originally posted by What Would Jesus Do?:
Originally posted by 86Hawkeye:
I don't "favor" war with anyone.
Good grief. 

What's your position on war with Iran?  I'm pretty sure you have already said you agree with the Cotton letter .  If that's correct, doesn't that mean you "favor" war?  If failing to achieve a deal with Iran means we're going to have a war with Iran (presumably started by Israel, but maybe by us), and if you agree that we shouldn't make that deal with Iran and aren't going to get a better deal, then how can you say you don't favor war?  It's what you are choosing among the available options.

Is this a potato/potatoe thing?  You think we should reject the deal.  You think war is a better option .  But you don't go so far at to say you actually favor war? 

Sounds like a difference with very little distinction - beyond feeling better about yourself.  You are still on the side of war.
Well, you are wrong about several things in your post.

You might like to try not speaking for others.

Go ahead and speak for yourself. You didn't answer anything he asked.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by 22*43*51:

Originally posted by naturalmwa:

I don't know what if anything changed, but that's what Bibi told us.
Plenty has changed.

- "Red Lines" being drawn and redrawn by the current Administration.
- Willingness to negotiate with terrorists by the current Administration.
- Unprecedented, fractured relations with Israel.

If you needed a green light to build a bomb, they would be smart to get it done in the final two years of the current power structure.
Don't forget to add trading terrorists for deserters.
Originally posted by aflachawk:

Originally posted by naturalmwa:

Originally posted by aflachawk:

Originally posted by naturalmwa:

Originally posted by aflachawk:
If WWJD and BHO were not lying about this situation, would they saying any thing at all? The only options are not war or a bad agreement. The best option may well be what we are doing now. Restrictive sanctions. The only change I would make is to make them more brutal

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Dude, you're lying. You already admitted this will do nothing to stop them from getting the bomb. You must be one of those end times crazy people.
You are talking two different things. I said he is lying about no alternative between war and an agreement. You bring up it will not stop them from getting the bomb. I see no connection between the two

Posted from Rivals Mobile
What do you think the war/agreement talk is about if not Iran's nuclear bomb capability?Â
Assuming Iran will follow international agreements you have a very valid point. Trouble is, they have already shown they will cheat, not disclose, etc to get around the agreement. Sanctions are much better than a bad agreement. Those very sanctions brought them to the table in the first place. If the world would double down and put the kind of sanctions on Iran that brought South Africa to renounce apartheid that would be even better

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Any sane individual should realize you cannot negotiate with maniacs like Iran, they will never honor any agreement the minute it goes against their agenda.

Obama and is ilk have not put America's interests first in any scheme they have concocted.
Originally posted by Arbitr8:
Originally posted by aflachawk:

Originally posted by naturalmwa:

Originally posted by aflachawk:

Originally posted by naturalmwa:

Originally posted by aflachawk:
If WWJD and BHO were not lying about this situation, would they saying any thing at all? The only options are not war or a bad agreement. The best option may well be what we are doing now. Restrictive sanctions. The only change I would make is to make them more brutal

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Dude, you're lying. You already admitted this will do nothing to stop them from getting the bomb. You must be one of those end times crazy people.
You are talking two different things. I said he is lying about no alternative between war and an agreement. You bring up it will not stop them from getting the bomb. I see no connection between the two

Posted from Rivals Mobile
What do you think the war/agreement talk is about if not Iran's nuclear bomb capability?Â
Assuming Iran will follow international agreements you have a very valid point. Trouble is, they have already shown they will cheat, not disclose, etc to get around the agreement. Sanctions are much better than a bad agreement. Those very sanctions brought them to the table in the first place. If the world would double down and put the kind of sanctions on Iran that brought South Africa to renounce apartheid that would be even better

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Any sane individual should realize you cannot negotiate with maniacs like the U.S., they will never honor any agreement the minute it goes against their agenda.

{deleted hysterical blathering}
Originally posted by THE_DEVIL:
Originally posted by Arbitr8:
Originally posted by aflachawk:

Originally posted by naturalmwa:

Originally posted by aflachawk:

Originally posted by naturalmwa:

Originally posted by aflachawk:
If WWJD and BHO were not lying about this situation, would they saying any thing at all? The only options are not war or a bad agreement. The best option may well be what we are doing now. Restrictive sanctions. The only change I would make is to make them more brutal

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Dude, you're lying. You already admitted this will do nothing to stop them from getting the bomb. You must be one of those end times crazy people.
You are talking two different things. I said he is lying about no alternative between war and an agreement. You bring up it will not stop them from getting the bomb. I see no connection between the two

Posted from Rivals Mobile
What do you think the war/agreement talk is about if not Iran's nuclear bomb capability?Â
Assuming Iran will follow international agreements you have a very valid point. Trouble is, they have already shown they will cheat, not disclose, etc to get around the agreement. Sanctions are much better than a bad agreement. Those very sanctions brought them to the table in the first place. If the world would double down and put the kind of sanctions on Iran that brought South Africa to renounce apartheid that would be even better

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Any sane individual should realize you cannot negotiate with maniacs like the U.S., they will never honor any agreement the minute it goes against their agenda.

{deleted hysterical blathering}
A little self-control goes a long way. On the other hand if our cons exercised any, HROT would be less fun and it wouldn't be so easy to tell who the children are.
Originally posted by Arbitr8:
Originally posted by aflachawk:

Originally posted by naturalmwa:

Originally posted by aflachawk:

Originally posted by naturalmwa:

Originally posted by aflachawk:
If WWJD and BHO were not lying about this situation, would they saying any thing at all? The only options are not war or a bad agreement. The best option may well be what we are doing now. Restrictive sanctions. The only change I would make is to make them more brutal

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Dude, you're lying. You already admitted this will do nothing to stop them from getting the bomb. You must be one of those end times crazy people.
You are talking two different things. I said he is lying about no alternative between war and an agreement. You bring up it will not stop them from getting the bomb. I see no connection between the two

Posted from Rivals Mobile
What do you think the war/agreement talk is about if not Iran's nuclear bomb capability?Â
Assuming Iran will follow international agreements you have a very valid point. Trouble is, they have already shown they will cheat, not disclose, etc to get around the agreement. Sanctions are much better than a bad agreement. Those very sanctions brought them to the table in the first place. If the world would double down and put the kind of sanctions on Iran that brought South Africa to renounce apartheid that would be even better

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Any sane individual should realize you cannot negotiate with maniacs like Iran, they will never honor any agreement the minute it goes against their agenda.

Obama and is ilk have not put America's interests first in any scheme they have concocted.
I think you guys are missing the point. We don't require Iran to be trust worthy for the agreement path to still be the correct and useful one. First, there is the Reagan adage, we are there to verify compliance, not need to trust. But second and bigger IMO is that this is an international agreement. If Iran screws us, then we have international clout to go for the bombing or the tougher sanctions or whatever our next move might be. The agreement makes winning without shouldering the burden all on our own possible. No matter how Iran acts, the agreement path gives us more of what we want.
Originally posted by naturalmwa:
I think you guys are missing the point. We don't require Iran to be trust worthy for the agreement path to still be the correct and useful one. First, there is the Reagan adage, we are there to verify compliance, not need to trust. But second and bigger IMO is that this is an international agreement. If Iran screws us, then we have international clout to go for the bombing or the tougher sanctions or whatever our next move might be. The agreement makes winning without shouldering the burden all on our own possible. No matter how Iran acts, the agreement path gives us more of what we want.
What exactly is it that we want?
Originally posted by Aegon_Targaryen:

Originally posted by naturalmwa:
I think you guys are missing the point. We don't require Iran to be trust worthy for the agreement path to still be the correct and useful one. First, there is the Reagan adage, we are there to verify compliance, not need to trust. But second and bigger IMO is that this is an international agreement. If Iran screws us, then we have international clout to go for the bombing or the tougher sanctions or whatever our next move might be. The agreement makes winning without shouldering the burden all on our own possible. No matter how Iran acts, the agreement path gives us more of what we want.
What exactly is it that we want?
Well, initially the answer was oil, of course. We either want to control the sale of their oil - ideally by owning the rights to it - or at least to control the currency it's sold in, since that is a huge part of what props up the demand for the dollar. Iran made the mistake of deciding to sell oil to the rest of the world in euros and directly to the Chinese in yuan. Same mistake Saddam made.

There's also the issue of terrorism. As we choose to define it. The world's leading supporter of terrorism (after us, but that doesn't count) is Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is engaged in a contest with Iran to dominate that part of the world. In pursuit of that dominance, Saudia Arabia has established an extensive network of madrassas teaching the extremist Islam of Wahhabism, and has directly funded al Qaeda, al Nusra Front, and the early ISIL In turn, Iran supports Hamas, Hezbollah and (for reasons I've never quite understood) Assad in Syria.

We never officially admit that oil is the reason. Even in Iraq, where we sought first to secure the oil fields and only then to look for WMD, we insisted oil wasn't the reason for our unprovoked war of aggression.

Naturally all sane people prefer that no more nations develop nukes. Duh. But some nations will do so whether we like it or not. The rational view of why we are determined to prevent (or at least postpone) Iran getting nukes is because we don't trust that they have the emotional maturity not to use them. As the only nation to ever use them, we know something about that.

In addition, we'd like to have regime change there. Merely getting Ahmadinejad out and a more liberal leader in isn't enough because he doesn't have to power to let western corporations rape Iran. To the extent that the US government dances to the tune of the US and multinational corporations that bribe it, you have to ask what they want. And what they want is to turn it into Greece so they can strip it bare at fire sale prices.

Originally posted by KennyPowers_96:
Originally posted by 86Hawkeye:
Originally posted by What Would Jesus Do?:
Originally posted by 86Hawkeye:
I don't "favor" war with anyone.
Good grief.

What's your position on war with Iran? I'm pretty sure you have already said you agree with the Cotton letter . If that's correct, doesn't that mean you "favor" war? If failing to achieve a deal with Iran means we're going to have a war with Iran (presumably started by Israel, but maybe by us), and if you agree that we shouldn't make that deal with Iran and aren't going to get a better deal, then how can you say you don't favor war? It's what you are choosing among the available options.

Is this a potato/potatoe thing? You think we should reject the deal. You think war is a better option . But you don't go so far at to say you actually favor war?

Sounds like a difference with very little distinction - beyond feeling better about yourself. You are still on the side of war.
Well, you are wrong about several things in your post.

You might like to try not speaking for others.

Go ahead and speak for yourself. You didn't answer anything he asked.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Sure I did. I answered his original question.
Originally posted by Aegon_Targaryen:

Originally posted by naturalmwa:
I think you guys are missing the point. We don't require Iran to be trust worthy for the agreement path to still be the correct and useful one. First, there is the Reagan adage, we are there to verify compliance, not need to trust. But second and bigger IMO is that this is an international agreement. If Iran screws us, then we have international clout to go for the bombing or the tougher sanctions or whatever our next move might be. The agreement makes winning without shouldering the burden all on our own possible. No matter how Iran acts, the agreement path gives us more of what we want.
What exactly is it that we want?
Thats the beauty of the agreement path, it has something for everyone. If you want Iran to voluntarily give up nukes and integrate closer with western economies and moderate, it offers that hope. If you think thats naive and want to ratchet up sanctions, you are going to need more international buy in and it offers that too. If you want to bomb the crap out of them, you will get that support if the agreement is broken. If you want the US to stop going it alone, it offers that too. No matter what you want to do with Iran, the agreement path is for you.
Originally posted by 86Hawkeye:
Originally posted by KennyPowers_96:
Originally posted by 86Hawkeye:
Originally posted by What Would Jesus Do?:
Originally posted by 86Hawkeye:
I don't "favor" war with anyone.
Good grief.

What's your position on war with Iran? I'm pretty sure you have already said you agree with the Cotton letter . If that's correct, doesn't that mean you "favor" war? If failing to achieve a deal with Iran means we're going to have a war with Iran (presumably started by Israel, but maybe by us), and if you agree that we shouldn't make that deal with Iran and aren't going to get a better deal, then how can you say you don't favor war? It's what you are choosing among the available options.

Is this a potato/potatoe thing? You think we should reject the deal. You think war is a better option . But you don't go so far at to say you actually favor war?

Sounds like a difference with very little distinction - beyond feeling better about yourself. You are still on the side of war.
Well, you are wrong about several things in your post.

You might like to try not speaking for others.

Go ahead and speak for yourself. You didn't answer anything he asked.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Sure I did. I answered his original question.
I'm still not seeing it. Do you think you could maybe answer it again. You know, in straightforward English.

Your naive notion that some better deal is possible is sweet. Seriously. No serious commentator thinks that's true, but it's adorable.

Very few people say they "favor war" in a general sense. So your cute statement that you don't favor war carries about as much substance as saying there will be weather tomorrow. The question which your trite denial dodges, which is the question posed in this thread, is given the choice of the deal on the table or war, which do you favor?

If I was wrong that you had already declared yourself in agreement with the Cotton letter, I apologize, but in my statement you'll notice that couched my comments about your position with that belief saying "IF THAT IS CORRECT....." Which most adults would take as an invitation to clarify things if that's in error.

So why don't you just behave like a big boy and be clear where you stand on these things? For a change.
I voted no but I have serious concerns with Iran gaining a Nuke. Actually I have serious concerns with the proliferation of Nukes in new nations in the club.

It's not even the concern that the Iranian State would use them...I don't think they would. It's the security of the nukes and the chance they'd fall into the hands of nut jobs (terror groups) or into the hands of a$$holes willing to sell one to those nut jobs.

All it'll take is one nuke to go off in a western city and boom.....all our civil liberties gone/police state. People complain about the erosion of privacy and the intrusion of the state in our lives.....nothing compared to what we'd be living with if a nuke is detonated in a city.

That's my fear.....