Same boat, we’re already making contingency plans in the event they return to the sweet 16, I want to be there.Just get to Chicago so I can go again. Thought about Buffalo, but held out
Final 4 baby!!!! Then, unfortunately, losing to Arizona.Elite 8. It's incredible to be saying that.
Prior to the season, I thought we would be an NIT team that maybe squeaked into the NCAAs on the bubble.
Get me to the Sweet 16 and I'll be happy. From there, who knows and anything could happen!
3.5 to 1 to make it to the Final Four is pretty crazy....for me personally, I just thought we were still a ways off after what Oregon did to us last year. They had a great season no doubt (exceeded ALL expectations) and the table was finally set for us to make past the first weekend, but the boys just ran out of gas for whatever reason...about a week ago i put some money on the hawks to the final four at 20-1 odds. after they won the b10 championship, i put a little money on them winning the national championship at 50-1 odds. went yesterday thinking i might put a little more money down if the odds were good. now it was 3.5-1 going to the final four and 26-1 winning the championship. a lot of people are jumping on the hawk bandwagon.
WhewAll.The.Way….win the whole, flippin, thing….
Is there any other answer when you’re filling out a bracket and the Hawks are on the sheet?
(Note: my expectation is not a national title….BUT I am not picking against them that’s for sure…)