POLL: How favorably do you feel about Dr. Anthony Fauci?

How favorably do you feel about Dr. Anthony Fauci?

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COVID was a mass hysteria shitshow. Did he do what he thought was best or did he profit from it by flaming the hysteria? I don’t play party line politics and there is too much we don’t know and may never know to draw up an intelligent opinion and the day that I have an intelligent opinion would be the first time I did anything intelligent.
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Somewhat favorable - Independent/moderate but voting for Dems because Trump.

He wasn't perfect but he tried making the best choices at the time based on educated guessing and the best science available. The right just shits all over him for not knowing everything about a brand new disease immediately.

Some mistakes were made. The mistakes by the conservatives who just wanted to ignore that COVID existed would have been far worse.
COVID was a mass hysteria shitshow. Did he do what he thought was best or did he profit from it by flaming the hysteria? I don’t play party line politics and there is too much we don’t know and may never know to draw up an intelligent opinion and the day that I have an intelligent opinion would be the first time I did anything intelligent.
Doesn't play party line politics, has FJB about as self aware as all the "I'm not a Trumper, buts..."
I don't think about him much either way. I will never understand how he became a lightning rod for the Right. They are obsessed with some guy in basically a PR role.
He became a lightning rod because the right is now a cult. They had to do anything they could to take the heat off their guy and Fauci was the easiest target because as you said he was the PR guy.
I am hung.

Snl Queen GIF by Saturday Night Live
Favorable. He wasn’t perfect during Covid but no one would be given the hand he was dealt.

Mad respect for someone that could’ve easily been crazy wealthy working in the private sector but chose public service for their entire career.
Somewhat unfavorable, moderate. I knew he (and others) was making educated assumptions regarding social distancing and masking. Those things are impossible to test using rigorous scientific method. My problem with the statements he and others were making was they were treating this like settled science, and implementing ridiculous policy procedures.
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How did Trump view Tony?

Threatened to fire him in November 2020 then awarded him a Presidential Commendation a couple months later. :rolleyes:
Like any of us he isn’t perfect but I appreciate his life long quest to try to save lives.
I just wish he hadn’t tried to ‘save lives’ by funneling GoF research to China in order to avoid the Obama administration’s P3CO guidelines.

Today, the National Institutes of Health announced that it is lifting a funding pause dating back to October 2014 on gain-of-function (GOF) experiments involving influenza, SARS, and MERS viruses. GOF research is important in helping us identify, understand, and develop strategies and effective countermeasures against rapidly evolving pathogens that pose a threat to public health. The funding pause was lifted in response to today’s release of the Department of Health and Human Services Framework for Guiding Funding Decisions about Proposed Research Involving Enhanced Potential Pandemic Pathogens (link is external)(HHS P3CO Framework). The HHS P3CO Framework describes a multi-disciplinary review process, involving the funding agency and a Department-level review group, that considers the scientific merits and potential benefits of the research, as well as the potential to create, transfer, or use an enhanced potential pandemic pathogen. This framework formalizes robust oversight for federally funded research with enhanced pathogens of pandemic potential. It is the product of an extensive deliberative process undertaken by experts throughout the public and private sectors, and is aligned with the Recommended Policy Guidance for Departmental Development of Review Mechanisms for Potential Pandemic Pathogen Care and Oversight (P3CO)(link is external).
Interesting how the choices align with politics. Also sad.
Not to be both sides guy…

How we have see a defined, extreme view on some random medical guy down party lines, means every has their marching orders I guess

I’m with the meh / don’t think about him people
Did he handle it well? No but we had no clue. No one did especially Joe's Place. I think he wanted to do right but it was an untraveled road. Going after him is dumb. Hopefully we live and learn for next time.
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Fauci has been a shill for big pharma for decades. His response to the pandemic was to demonize anyone suggesting anything other than an experimental vaccine. He had an opportunity to promote a healthier lifestyle. Exercise, weight loss, better diet, Vitamin D, Zinc, all those things were known to be helpful but none of them funnelled billions of dollars to Pfizer and Moderna, so he never mentioned them.
Ivermectin, monoclonals, natural immunity, and anything other than an untested, experimental vaccine had to be shot down in favor of their miracle cure. That's why his recommendations were so bad. Masks, social distancing, shutting down businesses, closing schools and churches were ineffective, but they were all intended to be so unpleasant to the general public that they'd be willing to take the jab to avoid them.
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Exercise, weight loss, better diet, Vitamin D, Zinc, all those things were known to be helpful

No; they really were not.

Ivermectin, monoclonals, natural immunity, and anything other than an untested, experimental vaccine had to be shot down

Ivermectin was shown to be useless

Monoclonals were never useful in meaningful amounts

Natural immunity is a myth, and thousands of people ended up very sick and with long-term sequelae going that route.

The vaccines were tested following the exact same procedures that every other vaccine has. Your inability to accept that fact is why you're "confused" here.
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Somewhat unfavorable. Look, the first problem is that the guy was in his job waaaaaaaay too long. Remember, this is the guy on Nightline every other night with Ted Koppel talking about hiv decades ago. I don't buy into the nonsense about intentionally funding germ warfare experiments. But the reality is, when you're in that type of position (which let's face it, does not actually face a lot of true nut-crunching pressures that much) that long, you get sloppy, and worse yet, you begin to think you're infallible. He did both, and failed to continue to reevaluate our approach as things evolved. That's the mark of a bad bureaucrat, and a worse scientist.

Second, here's the thing (and to be clear, this is based on discussions with people who know him pretty well): the guy absolutely loves to see himself on TV. Trump thought he could trade on that and trotted him out for pressers (and we should not forget that is trump's fault). But Fauci liked that a lot, and neither wanted to let go, nor recognized his place in the hierarchy. Instead, he played the "scientist" card when the reality is and always will be that "science" is only one of the interests taken into account when making "policy". So now he gets to be on TV more.
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OP probably won't bother to read anything related to his "poll" here...

Why that assertion? I don't think Fauci is the savor of the planet many on here do and I also don't think he's the evil mastermind others on here do (like that idiot Phenomenally). Personally, I think he did the best he could given the situation. As information changed, instead of looking at things as "evolving", diptick far righters would rather just tag the Fauchster as an intentional liar.

How's that for ya, Joe?

The poll basically just shows that the liberals love Fauci and the conservatives don't (in general).
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Why that assertion? I don't think Fauci is the savor of the planet many on here do and I also don't think he's the evil mastermind others on here do (like that idiot Phenomenally). Personally, I think he did the best he could given the situation. As information changed, instead of looking at things as "evolving", dipstick far righters would rather just tag the Fauchster as an intentional liar.

How's that for ya, Joe?

The poll basically just shows that the liberals love Fauci and the conservatives don't (in general).
Exactly, Alaska Guy! That's why I made it. People just want to "burn" others. ...and no, Joe. I don't really need to read it, but I will if I you really want me to.
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