Poll: Most voters say Trump guilty verdict would not affect vote


HR King
May 29, 2001
As a jury in New York continues to deliberate over whether to convict former president Donald Trump in his hush money trial, a newly released poll shows how its decision may impact the presidential race.

A NPR-PBS NewsHour-Marist poll released Thursday found that 67 percent of registered voters nationally said it made no difference to their vote if Trump is found guilty in the trial. Some 17 percent said they would be less likely to vote for the former president if he were to be convicted, and 15 percent told pollsters a guilty verdict would make them more likely to vote for Trump.
If Trump is found not guilty, 76 percent of voters said the decision would not impact their vote, 9 percent said they would be less likely to vote for Trump, and 14 percent said they would be more likely to vote for him.
The poll of 1,261 adults was conducted May 21-23 by phone using live interviewers, by text, or online. Results across the sample’s subset of registered voters (1,122 participants) have a margin of error of plus or minus 3.7 percentage points.

Because it’s all political crap and everyone knows that, including liberals. This a bad look for America that we would charge/prosecte anyone on these bogus charges let alone the person who is a former POTUS and likely to be the next POTUS

How it business and financial fraud political? No one made Trump bang and porn star and then cook the books to cover it up. This has been investigated since 2018 when *checks notes* Donald Trump was POTUS.
Guess I’d be curious to see this broken down more - which way are undecideds likely to vote? How many Trump voters might jump ship? Would any Biden voters flip?
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How it business and financial fraud political? No one made Trump bang and porn star and then cook the books to cover it up. This has been investigated since 2018 when *checks notes* Donald Trump was POTUS.

People like you are the problem. You want to act as if this is all on the up and up when everyone knows it is nothing more than political BS.

If this was such a major problem it then this case should have happened years ago. But you’ll probably try and explain how it’s all coincidence that all these cases just happen to hit right before the election.

This is a terrible look for the American brand. But hey, go team blue.
People like you are the problem. You want to act as if this is all on the up and up when everyone knows it is nothing more than political BS.

If this was such a major problem it then this case should have happened years ago. But you’ll probably try and explain how it’s all coincidence that all these cases just happen to hit right before the election.

This is a terrible look for the American brand. But hey, go team blue.
You can't prosecute a sitting President. Don't show your ignorance.
Because it’s all political crap and everyone knows that, including liberals. This a bad look for America that we would charge/prosecte anyone on these bogus charges let alone the person who is a former POTUS and likely to be the next POTUS
Please. It's a bad look for Trump. It's good that the judicial system is holding him accountable.
Some of you are just plain dumb or being intentionally ignorant. This clearly isn’t bad for Trump considering he’s looking good to win the election. But phuck America, go team blue! Amirite!
You think he's looking good to win, and the trials are helping him? I don't believe the polls; are they all still done by land lines?

There's just not enough people that would vote in a crook. There's a lot, but not enough, sorry.
My dad forwarded a chain email to the family about people asking how can you vote for trump and the reply was I'm voting for the supreme court, I'm voting for the justice system, yada yada.

I was the only one who replied. I typically ignore his chain forwards but this time I couldn't. Just replied back with "Interesting, those are all the reasons I'm voting against him."
The bigger issue could be the sentence imposed if Trump is found guilty. It's hard to be POTUS if confined, even if it's just confined to his home.
People like you are the problem. You want to act as if this is all on the up and up when everyone knows it is nothing more than political BS.

If this was such a major problem it then this case should have happened years ago. But you’ll probably try and explain how it’s all coincidence that all these cases just happen to hit right before the election.

This is a terrible look for the American brand. But hey, go team blue.
Some of you are just plain dumb or being intentionally ignorant. This clearly isn’t bad for Trump considering he’s looking good to win the election. But phuck America, go team blue! Amirite!
As was pointed out, prosecution of a sitting president is technically's the biggest reason your orange turd is running. Furthermore, Trump's lawyers have been slowing the process with every possible legal trick for the express purpose of running out the clock on these cases in the hopes that Trump can get reelected. Lastly, that a large percentage of the American population - including you - is dumb as a f'n stump and would vote for Trump if he was eating your children isn't the badge of honor you think it is.
Guess I’d be curious to see this broken down more - which way are undecideds likely to vote? How many Trump voters might jump ship? Would any Biden voters flip?
You can drill down at the link below. Here's one interesting tidbit:

Kennedy pulls support evenly from both Biden and Trump. However, among Biden supporters from a Biden-Trump matchup, Stein receives 5%, and West receives 4% in this multi-candidate contest. Stein and West do not pull any measurable support from former President Trump.

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Because it’s all political crap and everyone knows that, including liberals. This a bad look for America that we would charge/prosecte anyone on these bogus charges let alone the person who is a former POTUS and likely to be the next POTUS
You support a serial rapist and criminal. Well done. If it was a Democrat you'd be talking out of the other side of your mouth, and you know it. Hypocrite.
People like you are the problem. You want to act as if this is all on the up and up when everyone knows it is nothing more than political BS.

If this was such a major problem it then this case should have happened years ago. But you’ll probably try and explain how it’s all coincidence that all these cases just happen to hit right before the election.

This is a terrible look for the American brand. But hey, go team blue.
What about 1/6 case? Stealing documents case? Election fraud case in Georgia? All just nonsense to you, right?
The bigger issue could be the sentence imposed if Trump is found guilty. It's hard to be POTUS if confined, even if it's just confined to his home.
He will have the best zoom access. No one will have access like him, watch, it will be the best. Built by Americans with the latest internet, no one will have internet like him.
People like you are the problem. You want to act as if this is all on the up and up when everyone knows it is nothing more than political BS.

If this was such a major problem it then this case should have happened years ago. But you’ll probably try and explain how it’s all coincidence that all these cases just happen to hit right before the election.

This is a terrible look for the American brand. But hey, go team blue.
This was opened brought to light in 2018, about a year after Cohen was paid, it's just taken that long to get through the legal system.

Maybe people like you, who want to live in the court of public opinion when its your guy rather than the reality of the court of law are the problem. Our legal system doesn't leave room for gray areas. There are laws, and if they are proven to be broken, then you are held accountable. Simple. You've let one guy screaming his opinion and flat out lies blind you to the possibility he could have broken the law, and it seems to be working.
Some of you are just plain dumb or being intentionally ignorant. This clearly isn’t bad for Trump considering he’s looking good to win the election. But phuck America, go team blue! Amirite!

Turd ain't winning.

Biden probably doesn't win by the landslide he did in 2020, but only Georgia and MAYBE Nevada flip in November.
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You can't prosecute a sitting President. Don't show your ignorance.
You can't? Gosh, you need to tell the SCOTUS before they render their opinion. There's nothing in the Constitution or US Code that prohibits a criminal prosecution at a federal level, not to mention the state level. There IS a DoJ policy on the matter, but it's a policy, not anything codified.

I'd be happy to admit my own ignorance if you can provide the section of US Code, or the Section of the Constitution that says a sitting POTUS can't be prosecuted for a crime, and specifically for a state crime.
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Because it’s all political crap and everyone knows that, including liberals. This a bad look for America that we would charge/prosecte anyone on these bogus charges let alone the person who is a former POTUS and likely to be the next POTUS
In 2016, Libertarian Gary Johnson had a lot more votes (3.28%) than Green Jill Stein (1.07%).

After election shock and the backlash, the Libertarians maintained their relative lead in 2020 but those numbers plummeted - to 1.18% and 0.26%, respectively.

Will 2024 be more loosey-goosey like 2016 or more uptight like 2020?

This poll shows high numbers for RFK and also for the Greens and Cornel West (I guess the Libertarians hadn't picked their guy yet).

My guess is that most voters will be scared or browbeaten into voting for Trump or Biden.
You can't? Gosh, you need to tell the SCOTUS before they render their opinion. There's nothing in the Constitution or US Code that prohibits a criminal prosecution at a federal level, not to mention the state level. There IS a DoJ policy on the matter, but it's a policy, not anything codified.

I'd be happy to admit my own ignorance if you can provide the section of US Code, or the Section of the Constitution that says a sitting POTUS can't be prosecuted for a crime, and specifically for a state crime.
Oh boy. Technically, yes. In practicality, no. Like I have said earlier .. you are going too fast. The election isn't until November.
In 2016, Libertarian Gary Johnson had a lot more votes (3.28%) than Green Jill Stein (1.07%).

After election shock and the backlash, the Libertarians maintained their relative lead in 2020 but those numbers plummeted - to 1.18% and 0.26%, respectively.

Will 2024 be more loosey-goosey like 2016 or more uptight like 2020?

This poll shows high numbers for RFK and also for the Greens and Cornel West (I guess the Libertarians hadn't picked their guy yet).

My guess is that most voters will be scared or browbeaten into voting for Trump or Biden.
The Libertarian Party chose to nominate Chase Oliver as their presidential candidate this past weekend. The good news: We have our first major presidential candidate of 2024 who is not eligible for Social Security. President Biden turns 82 shortly after the election, and Donald Trump turns 78 next month. Jill Stein just turned 74, Cornel West turns 71 this week, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. turned 70 in January. In the unlikely event that all of these candidates qualified for a debate, the 38-year-old Oliver would stand out like actor Steve Guttenberg among his fellow cast members of “Cocoon.”

Sign up for Democracy, Refreshed, a newsletter series on how to renovate the republic.

More good news: The Libertarians didn’t nominate Jacob Hornberger, the guy who pledged to “abolish the Border Patrol and ICE and all controls on the free movements of people across borders.” I suppose that by declaring it to be legal for everyone to cross the border, you have technically solved the problem of illegal immigration. Yeah, that’s the way to handle the 2 million or so illegal border crossings each year over the past three years.
The bad news: Oliver wants a path to citizenship for 8 million people who entered the country illegally, which is just another way of rewarding people for breaking the law.


Libertarianism is a beautiful philosophy cursed by its advocates. This is the third straight presidential cycle in which Democrats and Republicans have nominated unpopular figures. On paper, this is where a nice, normal human being who talked about reducing the scale and size of government, and maximizing liberty, should be remarkably popular. But for some reason, the 2016 Libertarian nominee, Gary Johnson, thought it would be cute to stick his tongue out during an interview with MSNBC’s Kasie Hunt, and you couldn’t find Jo Jorgensen on the side of a milk carton in the 2020 news cycle. (The tongue guy had the best performance in the party’s history, with 3.3 percent of the vote nationwide in 2016.)

During an appearance at the Libertarian Party convention that went off the rails this past weekend, presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump sneered at the booing crowd: “Maybe you don’t want to win. … Keep getting your 3 percent every four years.”
Of course the Libertarian Party is happy getting 1 to 3 percent every four years! No one joins the Libertarian Party because they love winning elections so much. Libertarianism as an abstract philosophy of limited government and maximum freedom is broadly appealing. Unfortunately, libertarianism as an actual political party is best represented by that fat guy stripping on stage during their 2016 nominating convention.

Oliver is likely to be a more amiable candidate — really good odds of never sticking out his tongue the entire campaign — but he still is advocating for some policies that will be a hard sell. Many Libertarians are functionally isolationist, and Oliver wants to “close all overseas bases and immediately return active-duty personnel to domestic bases.” Good luck, NATO! Oliver also wants to end all “aid being directed to nation-states currently at war. This includes Israel and Ukraine.” Vladimir Putin and Hamas must be high-fiving over that suggestion.

Oliver also wants to “decriminalize possession and use of all drugs.” If I thought legalization would lead to fewer people suffering the devastating and sometimes fatal consequences of addiction, I’d be all for it. Alas, widespread accessibility to the hard stuff — in particular, heroin and fentanyl — makes people’s lives worse not better. Even progressives in Portland, Ore., are reversing decriminalization effort from several years ago, seeing record overdoses and desperate, mind-addled addicts lying on their sidewalks.
Americans keep asking for a normal presidential candidate, and the Libertarians keep mishearing it was “a NORML presidential candidate.”

The Libertarian Party attracts the kinds of people who would rather be right than compromise one iota to be more popular and win more votes. Lo and behold, a party made up of people who hate making any changes to work within a larger group to achieve a goal isn’t great at building a broad coalition or avoiding infighting.
Sometimes, that willingness to defy orthodoxy makes you a daring, visionary iconoclast. And sometimes, it just makes you a maniac.
Oliver is probably going to get that traditional 1 to 3 percent or so, and the Libertarians will consider it a victory. Certainly, it isn’t likely to be enough of a disappointment to think about changing or compromising the party’s stances on any issues.
As is the case most elections, voter turnout and promoting early/absentee voting is the key element.
Dems simply are better in this regard and fir whatever stupid reason, the GOP simply refuses to promote early voting.
Turnout among Blacks and Hispanics is looking worrisome for the Dems. Blacks are unlikely to vote for Trump, but polls suggest some won't turn out for Biden at prior levels. Meanwhile, more Hispanics may actually vote for Trump than previously.

On the positive side, women still seem energized against Trump and the Red Court. Enough to counter slippage among Blacks and Hispanics?

And then there's Michigan's Muslim population. How firmly have they turned against Biden? Will the Gaza war be firmly in the rear view mirror?

Meanwhile there are reports of stores starting to lower prices. Why? Are they trying to help Biden? Will it work?
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Because it’s all political crap and everyone knows that, including liberals. This a bad look for America that we would charge/prosecte anyone on these bogus charges let alone the person who is a former POTUS and likely to be the next POTUS
LOL. Any other Presidential candidate in the history of the country would have been toast just because of the admitted facts in this case. You seem to want to talk about a bad look for America and everything. Just look at the guy.

Regardless of the results of this or the other cases, Trump is only viable as a Presidential candidate currently because degenerate MAGA's like you will support him no matter what.
Oh boy. Technically, yes. In practicality, no. Like I have said earlier .. you are going too fast. The election isn't until November.
I'm not going too fast. I was just commenting on the legality, and you called out a poster for being ignorant about the ability to prosecute a sitting POTUS. It can be done. SCOTUS will rule (soon) on what circumstances it can be done, likely carving out an exception for official duties as POTUS.
I'm not going too fast. I was just commenting on the legality, and you called out a poster for being ignorant about the ability to prosecute a sitting POTUS. It can be done. SCOTUS will rule (soon) on what circumstances it can be done, likely carving out an exception for official duties as POTUS.
The Libertarian Party chose to nominate Chase Oliver as their presidential candidate this past weekend. The good news: We have our first major presidential candidate of 2024 who is not eligible for Social Security. President Biden turns 82 shortly after the election, and Donald Trump turns 78 next month. Jill Stein just turned 74, Cornel West turns 71 this week, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. turned 70 in January. In the unlikely event that all of these candidates qualified for a debate, the 38-year-old Oliver would stand out like actor Steve Guttenberg among his fellow cast members of “Cocoon.”

Sign up for Democracy, Refreshed, a newsletter series on how to renovate the republic.

More good news: The Libertarians didn’t nominate Jacob Hornberger, the guy who pledged to “abolish the Border Patrol and ICE and all controls on the free movements of people across borders.” I suppose that by declaring it to be legal for everyone to cross the border, you have technically solved the problem of illegal immigration. Yeah, that’s the way to handle the 2 million or so illegal border crossings each year over the past three years.
The bad news: Oliver wants a path to citizenship for 8 million people who entered the country illegally, which is just another way of rewarding people for breaking the law.


Libertarianism is a beautiful philosophy cursed by its advocates. This is the third straight presidential cycle in which Democrats and Republicans have nominated unpopular figures. On paper, this is where a nice, normal human being who talked about reducing the scale and size of government, and maximizing liberty, should be remarkably popular. But for some reason, the 2016 Libertarian nominee, Gary Johnson, thought it would be cute to stick his tongue out during an interview with MSNBC’s Kasie Hunt, and you couldn’t find Jo Jorgensen on the side of a milk carton in the 2020 news cycle. (The tongue guy had the best performance in the party’s history, with 3.3 percent of the vote nationwide in 2016.)

During an appearance at the Libertarian Party convention that went off the rails this past weekend, presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump sneered at the booing crowd: “Maybe you don’t want to win. … Keep getting your 3 percent every four years.”
Of course the Libertarian Party is happy getting 1 to 3 percent every four years! No one joins the Libertarian Party because they love winning elections so much. Libertarianism as an abstract philosophy of limited government and maximum freedom is broadly appealing. Unfortunately, libertarianism as an actual political party is best represented by that fat guy stripping on stage during their 2016 nominating convention.

Oliver is likely to be a more amiable candidate — really good odds of never sticking out his tongue the entire campaign — but he still is advocating for some policies that will be a hard sell. Many Libertarians are functionally isolationist, and Oliver wants to “close all overseas bases and immediately return active-duty personnel to domestic bases.” Good luck, NATO! Oliver also wants to end all “aid being directed to nation-states currently at war. This includes Israel and Ukraine.” Vladimir Putin and Hamas must be high-fiving over that suggestion.

Oliver also wants to “decriminalize possession and use of all drugs.” If I thought legalization would lead to fewer people suffering the devastating and sometimes fatal consequences of addiction, I’d be all for it. Alas, widespread accessibility to the hard stuff — in particular, heroin and fentanyl — makes people’s lives worse not better. Even progressives in Portland, Ore., are reversing decriminalization effort from several years ago, seeing record overdoses and desperate, mind-addled addicts lying on their sidewalks.
Americans keep asking for a normal presidential candidate, and the Libertarians keep mishearing it was “a NORML presidential candidate.”

The Libertarian Party attracts the kinds of people who would rather be right than compromise one iota to be more popular and win more votes. Lo and behold, a party made up of people who hate making any changes to work within a larger group to achieve a goal isn’t great at building a broad coalition or avoiding infighting.
Sometimes, that willingness to defy orthodoxy makes you a daring, visionary iconoclast. And sometimes, it just makes you a maniac.
Oliver is probably going to get that traditional 1 to 3 percent or so, and the Libertarians will consider it a victory. Certainly, it isn’t likely to be enough of a disappointment to think about changing or compromising the party’s stances on any issues.
I'm rather surprised you'd give that writer the time of day.
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