POLL: Phone or TV

If you had to completely give up one or the other. Which would you keep?

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Nov 28, 2010
I saw a news clip recently on this. Roving reporter asking kids and young adults which they'd keep if they had to give up one.

They ALL said they'd keep their phone and ditch TV.

Is that just a young thing, or does that make sense?

No, you can't borrow your friend's phone or watch your flat-mate's TV. It's a question of which you'd chose to live without, not a test of how clever you can be at beating the "rules."
I saw a news clip recently on this. Roving reporter asking kids and young adults which they'd keep if they had to give up one.

They ALL said they'd keep their phone and ditch TV.

Is that just a young thing, or does that make sense?

No, you can't borrow your friend's phone or watch your flat-mate's TV. It's a question of which you'd chose to live without, not a test of how clever you can be at beating the "rules."
Do I still have a home phone, are pay phones available again? I can't do my job completely phoneless. If I can have those, I give up my smart phone easy.
What does internet fall under? A phone of some sort, not counting smart, is a necessity. Calling 911 or Mom or Casey's Pizza needs to happen. I watch TV, but I could live without it. Can I keep TV with just rabbit ears?
Easily TV, if I didn't need it for work I would of ditched my phone already. Now my 3 kids between 16 and 20 don't even watch TV unless it's to play video games.
Easily TV, if I didn't need it for work I would of ditched my phone already. Now my 3 kids between 16 and 20 don't even watch TV unless it's to play video games.
Do they watch "TV" on their phones? All the top TV shows - they just don't watch them? Do they even know about them?

No Game of Thrones? Oh, the humanity!
It's not just a young thing. I'm 45 and I'd ditch my tv and keep my phone without even having to think about it.
Collage sports and the NFL would just be too hard to watch on the phone screen.
Do they watch "TV" on their phones? All the top TV shows - they just don't watch them? Do they even know about them?

No Game of Thrones? Oh, the humanity!
Not really, movies are about it for them. I'll have to ask them but I doubt they could tell you the top TV shows out there. My daughter has an apartment and doesn't have any cable provider. She'll watch a movie on netflix when she's bored in the evening.
Collage sports and the NFL would just be too hard to watch on the phone screen.

Meh. Get a PC\laptop, find a stream, and watch it on a big PC monitor. While not HD, it's not bad if you don't have a cable subscription.

I'm ditching TV ever day and twice on Sunday. At most I would miss the DVR functionality but there are ways around that with technology today.
Easily I'd keep my phone...I can watch tv on that. I can't do much else with my tv other than stare at it.
I'm 41 and I'd keep my phone. Outside of live sports, I can watch virtually anything on my phone...and I can still catch a good amount of live sports. As we move more and more things to the grid, we're really getting to the point where we're losing the idea that a device has a single purpose. My phone is an internet gateway, an email machine, an ultraportable computer, a TV, a messaging device, a game console and....oh yeah....also a phone. I can make calls from my laptop, I can listen to the radio through a device connected to my TV. I can browse the web (clumsily) on my TV. In 10 years, a TV is just going to be a large-sized device on your wall that you use for a huge variety of purposes.....and at some point, it won't even be a device, it'll just be interactive through the paint on your wall.
My eldest child (age 15) is so uninterested in TV that he had to ask me how it works the other day. I laughed. I'm sure he could have figured it out as he is extremely tech saavy, but it was one of those light bulb moments for me as far as the younger generation.

We talked a little more and then I started thinking about my other kids and the only thing they use our TV for is to watch sports. They can get everything else that they want through the phone, tablet or computer.

Actually talking on a cell phone is also considered weird for many young people too. Times change.
I would ditch the TV in a heart beat and just get a 70 inch monitor and an HDMI cable. That is basically all my "smart tv" is now anyway. You can already get a ton of your "tv" over the internet.
I took this poll to mean that I couldn't watch any broadcasted events on a computer or phone if I dumped my TV (to me this would also include netflixs and other streaming video services). So I voted to ditch my phone with that being the case, also based on the rules if you can't watch any TV then you can no longer go into bars that have TVs and that starts to become quite the problem.

There are days I long to not be attached to my phone and while I need it for work, etc I would happily hand it back in to become "less connected".

I say this being a person that doesn't watch a lot of TV (outside of, mainly, sporting events).
As long as I can still have a PC and actually keep the TV (meaning, I'm cancelling my DirecTV and not replacing it with anything), I'm ditching the TV service. I'm not the cell phone fanatic some are, but I still need mobile live information access whether I have a TV or not.

I got 10 TB of hard drive video saved...I won't "starve" for something to watch. I bet I got 100 movies I've never watched, and another 100 I've watched only once. Numerous TV series with every episode. Literally thousands of things to watch. I'll be fine.
Seems that streaming TV thru the phone should have been taken out of the equation to make this a viable argument.

If that were the case, give me the ol' boob tube.