Poll: Reasons for why you continue to defend Trump and cosign the narrative Trump is a victim

Why do you still defend Trump?

  • I love Trump, would drain his ballsack, know he’s crooked but I’m trailer trash and don’t care.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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HR Heisman
Apr 4, 2023
Why is that? I would love to have the usual suspects chime in. None of them on this board ever admit to still liking Trump but nary a one has ceased in defending him like it’s the same sacred duty Chishawk has been called to on the flip side.

So, what gives?
I don’t politic, but from the time Trump announced he was running for President and was actually getting support, I knew this country would change. I wasn’t sure if it was going to be for the better or the worse, but I knew it would change. I just couldn’t fathom that there were actually people out there that would support such an absolutely horrible human being.
Perhaps since I never really followed politics, don’t have social media, didn’t find this cesspool until the lockdown and stopped watching any local and especially national news, I just wasn’t aware of it and not much has changed.
I believe you will know what I voted for Ragnar :)

In general I will repeat what I have been saying for years in that I wish trump would go away from politics forever. For his many, many flaws though these trials are all jokes. Changing the law to charge a misdemeanor as a felony post statute of limitations in a trial where the prosecutions star witness admitted to committing felony theft from Trump. Trump was the literal victim of felony crime in this story lol I could go on about the lawfare against Trump but I think you get my point. My choice is giant douche or turd sandwich. I'm gonna vote giant douche. Biden is clearly the turd sandwich in this scenario given his weekend in France.
I believe you will know what I voted for Ragnar :)

In general I will repeat what I have been saying for years in that I wish trump would go away from politics forever. For his many, many flaws though these trials are all jokes. Changing the law to charge a misdemeanor as a felony post statute of limitations in a trial where the prosecutions star witness admitted to committing felony theft from Trump. Trump was the literal victim of felony crime in this story lol I could go on about the lawfare against Trump but I think you get my point. My choice is giant douche or turd sandwich. I'm gonna vote giant douche. Biden is clearly the turd sandwich in this scenario given his weekend in France.
You voted with Rico, friend.

I strongly detest that guy.
Dislike, but he isn't being treated unfairly.

On that note, thia current hunter Biden case is political theater and it's BS. Sure he's guilty but this just isn't that big of a deal. His lover threw away the gun because she thought he might hurt himself...since he was a crack addict and all. She did the wrong thing for the right reason right? And yeah, he was a crack addict so he shouldn't have had a gun...but it's just not worth all the press, etc. similar to the stormy testimony, all the salacious crap just doesn't belong in the trial.

I absolutely see the danger and long term downside in the Trump verdict.
Lie to us again about having both a girlfriend and the time to write stupidity like this on a Friday night! 🤡🏋️‍♀️🤭💩
....didn’t find this cesspool until the lockdown...
Just kinda sucks ya in, don't it.

bart simpson drain GIF
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Here is the thing I just can’t understand, The larger percentage of his supporters seem to be blue collar folks, When the reports of numerous contractors he stiffed came out before the 2016 election they interviewed some who went bankrupt and couldn’t pay their employees, That truly decided for me right then that he was scum and should be shamed instead of elected.

I just don’t get how anyone can feel that behavior is acceptable and it’s someone they really want to support.
Here is the thing I just can’t understand, The larger percentage of his supporters seem to be blue collar folks, When the reports of numerous contractors he stiffed came out before the 2016 election they interviewed some who went bankrupt and couldn’t pay their employees, That truly decided for me right then that he was scum and should be shamed instead of elected.

I just don’t get how anyone can feel that behavior is acceptable and it’s someone they really want to support.

That any "Blue collar type" supports any Republican is stupid. Have 40+ years of evidence that the GOP doesn't actually like you and is actively trying to screw you over not gotten through your thick skull?
That any "Blue collar type" supports any Republican is stupid. Have 40+ years of evidence that the GOP doesn't actually like you and is actively trying to screw you over not gotten through your thick skull?
I am going to push back on this a little.

Obviously, I despise Trump, but I don’t understand this line of thinking. What evidence do you have that Democrats actually care about working class people? To me, this is the same line being hurled at black voters. Is if Democrats somehow care more outside of an election year.

The point is the two-party system isn’t working for anyone outside of the top 3-5%. Other than trying to expand government handouts and entitlements, what exactly have Democrats done to build back the middle class? Handouts and entitlements don’t help working people who don’t qualify for them. Nor do higher taxes.
That any "Blue collar type" supports any Republican is stupid. Have 40+ years of evidence that the GOP doesn't actually like you and is actively trying to screw you over not gotten through your thick skull?
I think Eisenhower was the last American President that actually cared about the blue collar worker. A blue collar worker born during the Eisenhower administration is now retirement age.
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I am going to push back on this a little.

Obviously, I despise Trump, but I don’t understand this line of thinking. What evidence do you have that Democrats actually care about working class people? To me, this is the same line being hurled at black voters. Is if Democrats somehow care more outside of an election year.

The point is the two-party system isn’t working for anyone outside of the top 3-5%. Other than trying to expand government handouts and entitlements, what exactly have Democrats done to build back the middle class? Handouts and entitlements don’t help working people who don’t qualify for them. Nor do higher taxes.
The way congress is working these days, the thing that republicans want for their donors, big unnecessary tax cut for the very wealthy, can pass congress with a simple 50.5% or 51% majority. To get a benefit that would help the working class, takes 60% of the senate. That doesn't happen very often.

Of course, with modern media, they can lie and deceive all they want and scare the poor public to be against something that would benefit them.
What happened in France?
Biden had two bad senior moments, one of which he half squatted with a strange look on his face for a solid 8 seconds which looked like he was shitting himself. Then he left early and had another bad senior moment shortly after. The online chatter/rumor mill is that he soiled himself which of course the left had to run cover for and claim was impossible.
Crazy Filthy Don is the only person in my 60 years to run as a corrupt Mafia boss, I'm really surprised he isn't walking the streets of NYC in his pj's every day. I have no respect for this complete idiot, so you know where i stand.
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Biden had two bad senior moments, one of which he half squatted with a strange look on his face for a solid 8 seconds which looked like he was shitting himself. Then he left early and had another bad senior moment shortly after. The right wing  rumor mill began to circulate unsubstantiated stories as they are prone to do that he soiled himself which was bullshit but that's politics and typical of the crap that I post here on a daily basis.
So ****ing stupid. You can't prove a negative. Prove to me that you didn't shit yourself yesterday.
I didn't squat in the middle of a group of people for 10 seconds and scrunch my face on international TV.
The way congress is working these days, the thing that republicans want for their donors, big unnecessary tax cut for the very wealthy, can pass congress with a simple 50.5% or 51% majority. To get a benefit that would help the working class, takes 60% of the senate. That doesn't happen very often.

Of course, with modern media, they can lie and deceive all they want and scare the poor public to be against something that would benefit them.
I’m not disagreeing with that; I just don’t think you can blame one party entirely.
I sense most Trump supporters are in so deep that they now can't/won't admit they've been duped.

Consequently, their support increases as humility is a trait they don't possess.

Both sad and funny.
Things the left has been duped on but struggles to admit:
Russian collusion
Russian bounties
Pee gate
Fine people
Covington kids
The hunter biden laptop is fake

I could go on for hours. It's amazing that your side laps this shit up then claims they're actually the ones in the know somehow. Amazing.
I sense most Trump supporters are in so deep that they now can't/won't admit they've been duped.

Consequently, their support increases as humility is a trait they don't possess.

Both sad and funny.

I think there is a lot of truth in this. I have 2 good friends who I consider very bright, and they are a lot more quiet these days about djt, but they struggle to stop holding onto him.