Poll shows Trump more truthful than news media.


HR Legend
Jan 22, 2016
So he tweeted a link to the results. The only problem is that just 49% think he is truthful. Only in the mind of a moron is this a win.

9 in 10 Republicans polled think this administration is truthful. It's amazing actually. I might understand saying that his lies don't bother them, or they serve a purpose, but to deny altogether that this administration lies? I think people have bought into lying as a strategy, so they lie to win this poll. It's not like people don't know they're lying... right? Any Trumpers want to come clean?

Damn. I thought for sure this would become a thread of unity.
I can unify with conservatives pre-Reagan. I actually admire their ideology. But its clear that the Republicans are not that anymore.

They only represent what Trump does: Christian whites only who dont believe in science, education, nor freedom of the press. And that I will never unify with.
I can unify with conservatives pre-Reagan. I actually admire their ideology. But its clear that the Republicans are not that anymore.

They only represent what Trump does: Christian whites only who dont believe in science, education, nor freedom of the press. And that I will never unify with.

You are lying.

You guys would be doing this with any republican.

Your selective outrage is getting old.
If trump says there was no daylight today, his sheep will believe him. If he's proven wrong, they will just say they still don't believe it, or the other one is, they don't care. It's pretty hard to communicate with sheep, they are followers. Any farmer who has had sheep will tell you that, it's not that difficult.
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the taibbi article nailed this, trump speaks to what they want to hear so they believe it is the truth.

People see what they want to see.

Democrats (some) see Trump as Hitler and every thing he does will be Hitler like.

Republicans (some) saw Obama as a Kenyan Socialist Muslim and everything he did was to fundamentally change America and its values.

What is frightening is that these two groups of people (while having different ideologies) are so similar in how they think and base their opinions. Dangerous group these people.
Keep it up...and keep on a losing......
Enjoy the next two years. maybe even four years. But the only way the GOP wins the Presidency in 2020 is if Merica is in a war.

Given Trumpie's behavior so far, that just might be the case!
Republicans are scum. If you buy into Trump while ignoring all reality there is no other way around it.
Your side is as much to blame for this as the right is. The left had all power and bleeped it up, mainly by cramming aca down people's throats. Then you nominated the worst candidate of the modern era, as evidenced by her losing to the 2nd worst candidate of the modern Era. Congrats on getting us to this point.
I can unify with conservatives pre-Reagan. I actually admire their ideology. But its clear that the Republicans are not that anymore.

They only represent what Trump does: Christian whites only who don't believe in science, education, nor freedom of the press. And that I will never unify with.

I''m a post-Reagan Conservative born in '80. I am Christian but I volunteer for an interfaith group. I believe in science and faith (they don't have to be mutually exclusive). I believe in freedom of the press (all conservatives believe in the 1st amendment. However, the press has an obligation to substantiate the story and the media [liberal and conservative] is lazy, opinionated and untrustworthy. And for the record I don't trust the Trump or the media and instead choose to think for myself.
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So he tweeted a link to the results. The only problem is that just 49% think he is truthful. Only in the mind of a moron is this a win.

9 in 10 Republicans polled think this administration is truthful. It's amazing actually. I might understand saying that his lies don't bother them, or they serve a purpose, but to deny altogether that this administration lies? I think people have bought into lying as a strategy, so they lie to win this poll. It's not like people don't know they're lying... right? Any Trumpers want to come clean?

I'm hardly a "trumper" but am willing to give him a chance. I think he's wrong and misinformed a lot more than he lies. In fact, I can't remember an outright lie. Even after the tape came out, he didn't say "that's not me," did he?
I'm hardly a "trumper" but am willing to give him a chance. I think he's wrong and misinformed a lot more than he lies. In fact, I can't remember an outright lie. Even after the tape came out, he didn't say "that's not me," did he?
Fvck off. Lol.
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They only represent what Trump does: Christian whites only who dont believe in science, education, nor freedom of the press.

Hmm, I'm both white and Christian. I also happen to believe in all three of those things.
I can unify with conservatives pre-Reagan. I actually admire their ideology. But its clear that the Republicans are not that anymore.

They only represent what Trump does: Christian whites only who dont believe in science, education, nor freedom of the press. And that I will never unify with.

Ben Carson thinks you're a dumbass.
So he tweeted a link to the results. The only problem is that just 49% think he is truthful. Only in the mind of a moron is this a win.

9 in 10 Republicans polled think this administration is truthful. It's amazing actually. I might understand saying that his lies don't bother them, or they serve a purpose, but to deny altogether that this administration lies? I think people have bought into lying as a strategy, so they lie to win this poll. It's not like people don't know they're lying... right? Any Trumpers want to come clean?

What an asshat. Trump is an embarrassment.
Are you joking? Give us Mitt Romney right effing now, please!!

You'd take him now knowing that Trump is a possibility. But if he won, ciggy and the left would be treating him no different than Trump is getting treated right now. "Binders full of women" was your big story for three days for chrissakes. Just terrible, horrible, shitty, dishonest people (not you). Romney was Hitler that murdered someone and drove around with a dog on his car. Ciggy and Huey would be acting NO DIFFERENT. NOT.ONE.BIT.
I think Trump is trash. But... this whole shit storm is due, in large part, to the incessant partisan mud-slinging.

It seems to be getting worse and worse. It's not like either side has any intention of doing anything different except get further apart. And, being apart is not going to make this country, culture, or society prosper at all.
There is no precedent for a President like Trump - a pathological liar with no sense of honor. What should scare everyone is if he gets away with discrediting the media, our main safeguard against autocratic rule and the end of our democracy.
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There is no precedent for a President like Trump - a pathological liar with no sense of honor. What should scare everyone is if he gets away with discrediting the media, our main safeguard against autocratic rule and the end of our democracy.
I hope he meets with obstruction and resistance for everything.
There is no precedent for a President like Trump - a pathological liar with no sense of honor. What should scare everyone is if he gets away with discrediting the media, our main safeguard against autocratic rule and the end of our democracy.

Watch the ground work he (Bannon) is laying very closely. He needs a terror attack to give himself more power. That would also allow him to curtail voting rights for those who oppose him. That is a real goal of the GOP we have today and they are close to achieving it. .