Poll: The Squad and Gerrymandering

Poll Which of the Squad were voted in because of Gerrymandering?

  • Ilhan Omar Minnesota

    Votes: 25 86.2%
  • AOC New York

    Votes: 15 51.7%
  • Rashida Tlaib Michigan

    Votes: 20 69.0%
  • Ayanna Pressley Massachusetts

    Votes: 17 58.6%

  • Total voters


HR Heisman
Dec 2, 2014
Dallas Texas
Which of the four only have their jobs because of Gerrymandering?

I know most Liberals hate their Gerrymandering.

Pick as many as you like.
Before you get too excited you might want to see which party was in charge of setting the districts in each of those states last time around. I believe Michigan and Minnesota had repubs in charge.
Good point.

Another point to consider is that often gerrymandering isn't just about drawing lines to protect your side. Sometimes (often?) gerrymandering aims to concentrate as many of the other party, or a particular ethnic group into a single district. That may make that district landslide-safe for their opposition. BUT it makes more of the remaining districts winnable for their own side.
Good point.

Another point to consider is that often gerrymandering isn't just about drawing lines to protect your side. Sometimes (often?) gerrymandering aims to concentrate as many of the other party, or a particular ethnic group into a single district. That may make that district landslide-safe for their opposition. BUT it makes more of the remaining districts winnable for their own side.

What was amazing about AOC is she out-hustled a long-serving incumbent in her ultra-blue district.

Although, the incumbent probably took his seat for granted and didn't try to campaign hard until it was too late.
Rashida Tlaib, maybe. I don’t know enough about Detroit.

AOC has Washington Heights and part of Queens. She’d win if it were just the Bronx.

Omar has a giant square of a district.

Pressley’s looks gerrymandered, but it’s the result of other districts being gerrymandered. You could draw a square in her district and it would work. The minority sections of Boston aren’t dispersed.
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What was amazing about AOC is she out-hustled a long-serving incumbent in her ultra-blue district.

Although, the incumbent probably took his seat for granted and didn't try to campaign hard until it was too late.
That's certainly the impression I got.

So . . . will the GOP and DNC gang up to oust her?

I don't know anything about her district. Can Rs switch parties to vote for the corporate D that the DNC may put up?

Or does the RNC prefer having AOC as a punching bag that can be used to cast all Ds as extremists?
No clue. None of those mentioned are from my state, so I don't follow them not how their districts were drawn. We have enough of our own problems in Florida. Matt Putz, Getz, or whatever his last name is would be exhibit number 1.
OMAR for sure no way she could get elected in any kind of moderate district.
AOC I respect her for taking out an incumbent so I didn't vote for her.
Pressley is the group's Ringo Starr nobody knows who she is so I didn't vote for her.
Talib I voted yes because once again I don't believe she is electable in almost any part of Michigan except for what was created.
OMAR for sure no way she could get elected in any kind of moderate district.
AOC I respect her for taking out an incumbent so I didn't vote for her.
Pressley is the group's Ringo Starr nobody knows who she is so I didn't vote for her.
Talib I voted yes because once again I don't believe she is electable in almost any part of Michigan except for what was created.

JFC - you doubled down on how stupid you are. That takes a certain amount of mouth breathing stupidity that you can only find in flyover states. I bet you received 50% scholarship to Trump University
Odd topic for a poll. This should be a matter of fact, not opinion. Post the maps and district data and you will have your answer. While you’re at it, how many Rs hold a gerrymandered district? Get back to us OP. TiA.
OMAR for sure no way she could get elected in any kind of moderate district.
AOC I respect her for taking out an incumbent so I didn't vote for her.
Pressley is the group's Ringo Starr nobody knows who she is so I didn't vote for her.
Talib I voted yes because once again I don't believe she is electable in almost any part of Michigan except for what was created.

Michigan is gerrymandered to favor the republicans. With 53% of the vote in the 2018 election the Michigan democrats got 46% of the seats in the state house. No doubt there are similar numbers for congress.

I live about 4 miles away from Tlaib's district in one direction and 3.5 miles in another. My city was gerrymandered out of the 13th district as it had been a very reliable republican voting city. With the most recent election, I'm represented by a democrat for the first time since I move here 30 years ago.

The 13th district was previously held by John Conyers who had been in congress since 1965. When he resigned the republican governor of Michigan refused to hold a special election as it was assured to be democrat. Winning the primary is everything in that district as it is in most unfortunately.
OMAR for sure no way she could get elected in any kind of moderate district.
AOC I respect her for taking out an incumbent so I didn't vote for her.
Pressley is the group's Ringo Starr nobody knows who she is so I didn't vote for her.
Talib I voted yes because once again I don't believe she is electable in almost any part of Michigan except for what was created.

Yeah, no way Tlaib would have won Michigan’s 12th district- it includes the conservative stronghold that is Ann Arbor.
What was amazing about AOC is she out-hustled a long-serving incumbent in her ultra-blue district.

Although, the incumbent probably took his seat for granted and didn't try to campaign hard until it was too late.

I believe this is one of “the safest” Congressional districts the Dems have in the nation. AOC “trumped” her incumbent opponent in the primary. She deserves nothing but kudos for her effort to get elected.
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Which of the four only have their jobs because of Gerrymandering?

I know most Liberals hate their Gerrymandering.

Pick as many as you like.
I would say none of them. They all happen to represent districts that are lacking in diversity, but that doesn't mean the districts are gerrymandered.
If Iowa didn’t have the system we do I have no doubt we’d be represented by four Steve King’s in the House.
Kim Reynolds is working very hard to make this happen.
WTF are you talking about? Reynolds made about as strong a statement as possible against changing the Iowa system.
And you actually believe her?
Whitver has said the same thing. There's no reason in the world to think the Iowa Republicans are going to try to change the system. It's a national model. Even if they wanted to, they wouldn't have a prayer.
I totaled the votes for congress from Michigan for the 2018 election, with 44.47% of the votes the republicans got 50% of the seats.

Is Michigan gerrymandered? Yes, in favor of the republicans.
Whitver has said the same thing. There's no reason in the world to think the Iowa Republicans are going to try to change the system. It's a national model. Even if they wanted to, they wouldn't have a prayer.
Gerrymandering in Iowa can still occur without changing the extant system.

If the first two (nonpartisan derived) redistricting maps are not approved, a third map that is amendable could be brought forth.

Reynolds and Whitver only stated they had no intentions of changing the system.

They didn’t promise to remain nonpartisan should the opportunity arise.
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