Polymarket is Manipulated Garbage

How many daily blackouts in 1960's South Africa?

Eskom, the state-owned power utility, has announced the implementation of load-shedding from 5 am to 4 pm on Tuesday, exacerbating the challenges faced by the country's power infrastructure.
The power cuts are set to escalate from stage two to stage three, indicating that South Africans can anticipate blackouts up to nine times a day over four days for two hours each time or nine occurrences over an eight-day span for four hours each time.
For me it’s how I view friends and family members.
I'm lucky, I suppose. Five married sibs and not one of us voted for Trump...ever. We have a dozen kids between us and not one of them has ever voted for I'm good on the family front. As I said elsewhere, among our closest friends, there are several who voted for Trump in 2016 but they all say they voted for Biden in 2020 and they are all in on Harris. The Republicans who despise what Trump has done to their party are the ones who absolutely must find the energy to vote.
I'm lucky, I suppose. Five married sibs and not one of us voted for Trump...ever. We have a dozen kids between us and not one of them has ever voted for I'm good on the family front. As I said elsewhere, among our closest friends, there are several who voted for Trump in 2016 but they all say they voted for Biden in 2020 and they are all in on Harris. The Republicans who despise what Trump has done to their party are the ones who absolutely must find the energy to vote.
Alas I have multiple Republican friends who just can’t get behind Harris. They are voting third party or sitting this one out. If the never Trumpers would all vote Harris it would kill MAGA and we could have a competent GOP choice in 2028. That is the most pragmatic solution to our problem. But for some reason many feel it necessary to prolong this inglorious chapter in American history.
We have created a part of the population that wants to be gaslighted. Fox has two to three times tried to break from Trump and they lose viewership. Fox ultimate created the issue, but now it’s bigger than what they can control and you have other channels like Newsmax willing to pick up any defectors.
For me it’s how I view friends and family members.

I've got a significant fraction of one side of the fam that's gone full potato.
The normal folks on that side just don't even bother going to family events, anymore, because it just gets too weird.
(I live too far away to attend most of them, so I just get the summaries)

They all post their grievances on FB, etc and it's just nuts; my sister quit following them it got so bad.
Even when things get corrected (e.g. immigrants eating cats), they cannot be re-programmed - those things are just burned into the brains from Twitter/FB.

They are like some of our resident posters on here, who were fairly normal 2-4 yrs ago, and have just had their brains completely remapped.
See that’s the thing with MAGA. Y’all view it as some form of grievance entertainment. From rallies where Trump talks about golfer dick, sharks and batteries to this weird obsession with American flag cosplay.

I’m sure it feels good to have your feelings justified by a celebrity, but sane Americans just want a better future and they don’t view this as mere fun.
I like a close election because I'm a political junkie. Love election night watching returns come in. If its not going to be close whats the point of watching So, this isnt some schadenfreude fantasy BS for me as far as enjoying election coverage.

Now will I return here to watch the implosion if he wins? Hell yes.
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Our riots at the inauguration your idea of a peaceful transfer of power?
You rioted?

I didn't see any riots.
People demonstrated; they did not attack the Capitol and riot
Nor file 80+ false legal cases claiming "voter fraud" that got tossed due to them bringing no evidence.

Several MAGA lawyers are now disbarred due to their misconduct.
The Mesa County elections employee is now serving a multi-year jail sentence over fraudulently allowing MAGAs in to tamper with their systems and lying about it.

You are gaslighting to claim these are "the same things".
They are not.
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Did democrats overrun the capitol and try to put a false electoral scheme in place? I must of missed that.
Oh so the location and political party of the protest are what matters? Gotcha.

Democrat protestors have caused far more property loss and anarchy than Republicans by about 1000:1.
Deomcrats claim elections were stolen. Hillary. Abrams to name a few.

Its Democrats insist on keeping Jan 6th alive. Had this been treated as it should have been, a bunch of crackpots protesting and getting out of control, and let it go as that we'd all be fine. This has been stirred up by the left assuredly. Used by them. If you can't see that you are as crazy as those on the right you claim are.

There was zero threat of our government being overthrown Jan 6th. I'm also convinced there was zero desire on the side of the ruling house leadership to stop this. I think Pelosi wanted to let things get out of control.

So while I consider Jan 6th something Trump should have stopped immediately I think Pelosi didn't do her part to stop it either and the left has been going to the Jan 6th well since then hoping to reap benefits and that has also not been helpful.
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Oh so the location and political party of the protest are what matters? Gotcha.

Domecrat protestors have caused far more property loss and anarchy than Republicans by about 1000:1.
Demjcrata claim elections were stolen. Hillary. Abrams to name a few.

Its Democrats insist on keeping Jan 6th alive. Had this been treated as it should have been, a bunch of crackpots protesting and getting out of control, and let it go as that we'd all be fine. This has been stirred up by the left assuredly. Used by them. If you can't see that you are as crazy as those on the right you claim are.

There was zero threat of our government being overthrown Jan 6th. I'm also convinced there was zero desire on the side of the ruling house leadership to stop this. I think Pelosi wanted to let things get out of control.

So while I consider Jan 6th something Trump
should have stopped immediately I think Pelosi didn't do her part to stop it either and the left has been going to the Jan 6th well since then hoping to reap benefits and that has also not been helpful.
Protesting is fine. The issue was Trump was leading it and wanting to overturn the election. He wanted Congress interrupted because Pence refused to allow the false electors. Thus the last Hail Mary was to overrun the Capitol. It’s why Trump watched with such joy. Why did Trump go and speak to them, why did he set up the massive rally. This was on him.
Protesting is fine. The issue was Trump was leading it and wanting to overturn the election. He wanted Congress interrupted because Pence refused to allow the false electors. Thus the last Hail Mary was to overrun the Capitol. It’s why Trump watched with such joy. Why did Trump go and speak to them, why did he set up the massive rally. This was on him.
He set up a rally not a riot in my estimation. But yes, it was a massive failure on his part. Just as the Afghanistan withdrawal was on Biden.

Jan 6th was NEVER a threat to our democracy. That would require a coopting of the military which clearly was never a thing.

Can you admit that the left has been mining this vein since it happened? Inflating it for political purposes? They haven't stopped saying threat to democracy since then.
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Can you admit that the left has been mining this vein since it happened? Inflating it for political purposes? They haven't stopped saying threat to democracy since then.

We aren't "mining" it. We are legitimately and appropriately shocked at what happened and concerned at the millions of Americans who have bought into this. We are legitimately and appropriately concerned about where this is going, and we honestly do believe Trump and his millions of followers pose a threat to our democratic system. He is actively, and effectively, undermining confidence in our elections, which is setting the plate for "patriots" to overturn any election whose results they don't agree with.

That you are unconcerned tells me you are an unserious person.
We aren't "mining" it. We are legitimately and appropriately shocked at what happened and concerned at the millions of Americans who have bought into this. We are legitimately and appropriately concerned about where this is going, and we honestly do believe Trump and his millions of followers pose a threat to our democratic system. He is actively, and effectively, undermining confidence in our elections, which is setting the plate for "patriots" to overturn any election whose results they don't agree with.

That you are unconcerned tells me you are an unserious person.
The instant Trump won Hillary was undermining confidence in our elections also. Do me a favor and actually watch these then comment.

Start watching at the 1 minute mark.

This whole thing is worth watching

Start watching at the 15 second mark.

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