Pooping in a bar

Bro D

HR Legend
Nov 17, 2003
Csb I went to happy hour and went to rock a piss, and a guy didn't lock the single toilet bathroom door and he was taking a shit at 4 pm at a bar. Who does that?

When was the last time you pooped in a bar?
I'd prefer to poop in OP mom's kitchen sink.
Suspicious Futurama GIF
That’s gotta be the emergency of all emergencies. Absolute last resort. Animals have better sense than to take a shit in a bar.

At least it’s not the old open stalls in pre-2006 renovation of Kinnick Stadium.

"You learn a lot about yourself and others watching a 60 year old man drop a deuce in the open aired stalls of Kinnick Stadium" - Todd Blankenship

That comment always stuck with me.....I think because as a kid going to games in Kinnick, this was indeed a very accurate statement.
I've pooped in dozens of bars. Some nicer than others. Some pretty terrible.

There's a bar in DSM called Toads (it's awesome) and the men's room used to be un-poopable for years. But... I have pooped in the women's room there. It's cramped but nice.
I count it as a win that I never shat at Jake's in Iowa City for all the times I went there in 5 years.
I count it as a win that I never shat at Jake's in Iowa City for all the times I went there in 5 years.
Pooping at Kinnick would be a step up from there. I don't recall the toilet even having a seat not to mention that the bar would be able to see you doing your thing every time the door opened. Haul a$$ to the then Chauncy's at the then Holiday Inn is what I was advised back then if had to take a poo on a night out.