Pooping in a car

I know it’s not uncommon to have a pee bottle for long road trips, but it’s anybody pooped in their car?
If it came down to making a dire choice in an emergency, I'm pulling off the road and going in a farm field. Otherwise, there would have to be at least a gas station or fast food joint.
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Had a rough outing on the boat yesterday. I was fully prepared to jump in the lake and tell all the kids to look the other way. Luckily made it the 20 min across the no wake lake to the ramp to destroy the porta potty. I was clenching the whole time and the wife said I was green.
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There's nothing worse than driving in a vehicle and then holy hell hits your guts.

Squeezing your ass as hard as you can and putting the pedal to the medal trying to fly home.

I've had to pull over once as there was no way I was making it to the office. Pulled over on a gravel road and left a nice surprise for a farmer.
Had a rough outing on the boat yesterday. I was fully prepared to jump in the lake and tell all the kids to look the other way. Luckily made it the 20 min across the no wake lake to the ramp to destroy the porta potty. I was clenching the whole time and the wife said I was green.
That's a long ride, brother.

I was back in Iowa visiting the folks about 15 years ago. We went out for dinner and had a HUGE meal, fried chicken, fries, cheese balls, etc. etc. and of course drinks. We get back in the car to ride home and of course dad won't let me drive so I'm jammed into the back of their old Honda Accord. As soon as my ass hits the seat, my stomach starts the gurgles. Dad proceeds to turn the 15-minute drive into 30 minutes putzing around on back roads. Naturally, it's winter so the heat is CRANKED and he is smoking $10/carton cigarettes the whole time, with the windows up. I almost had him pull over, but thought sitting still was a better move, the level of sweating I had was epic. When we got home, I barely made it into the bathroom and did the one-motion sit down, pants down, shit flying out of my ass before I hit the seat. CSB.
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