Possible alternative treatment for high cholesterol


HR All-American
Aug 8, 2013
A little background here. I'd always been told by doctors that my levels were high and that I'd eventually need medication to lower my levels. Last fall I went in for my first check-up in a few years and my levels came in around 250 total, with LDL around 180 and HDL just above 60. Doctor was a little concerned, but stated the HDL of 60 would help protect me from the high LDL levels. He recommended I improve my diet and check up in a couple months. I reduced red meat and shellfish and went back in 2 months and found my LDL had climbed to 190 and HDL had fallen to the low 50's. He told me I should really consider taking statins and that I probably wouldn't be able to lower my numbers through diet due to my genetics. I read up on the possible side effects of statins (joint problems, memory loss, decreased testosterone, liver problems, sexual problems, etc) and decided to skip the statins and give the diet another overhaul and increase my exercise.

Well, after researching ways to improve cholesterol levels through exercise and diet, I noticed a little Amazon ad on the side of my computer screen for a product called "CholestOff Plus", which is essentially plant material called "sterols" that are similar in molecular structure to the cholesterol in our bodies. The reviews and testimonials on Amazon sounded too good to be true, but at about $30 for a 2 months supply, I decide to give them a shot to supplement continued improvements in diet and exercise.

Two months later and weighing 7 lbs lighter, my LDL cholesterol was at 130, which is slightly above normal, but HDL had increased at 65, making my LDL/HDL ratio a very healthy number. My doctor couldn't believe it. He said he was aware that sterols were effective for dropping cholesterol a few pts, but was very surprised I'd dropped my LDL levels over 30%, saying that often isn't even accomplished with statin prescriptions.

While improved diet and exercise intensity may have helped a little, I was already a healthy eater who exercises regularly. I'm going to continue to get my numbers checked every few months, but I'm almost convinced these plants sterols may be somewhat of an unknown supplement that could be very effective at improving cholesterol levels. I've talked with several friends and family members who are prescribed statins and NONE of them have been aware of plant sterol supplements.

I'm not a doctor, nor am I advocating anybody should dump their current prescriptions in favor of an over the counter supplement, but the results I've had are something I feel should be shared with others who may be in a similar situation.