Post a sporting moment that (still) brings a tear to your eye...


HR Legend
Gold Member
Jul 11, 2007
Or, gives you goosebumps. I'll go first, and, won't even go with one of the many Seminole moments. Atlanta was so FREAKING fun and exciting back then. I moved here in February 1991. Now, the city has its highlights but also a lot of mess.

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I’ve never been a big Tiger fan, but when he won the 2019 Masters I got choked up.

Payne Stewart winning the U.S. Open; not just the moment when his winning putt dropped, but the way he immediately went to Phil and told him that his most important job was coming up: being a dad. That was incredible.

Brings a tear to my eye because:

1. I'm a Packers fan
2. Packers crushed the Vikings
3. I was at the game
4. This diving touchdown secured my Fantasy Football Championship victory where I pocketed $800
5. This game pretty much solidified Jordan Love as the guy for the Packers
6. Packers crushed the Vikings
I regularly watch replays of "the steal" when Dave Roberts stole 2nd in the bottom of the 9th, then came home to score the tying run to launch the Sox comeback from down 3-0 to the damn yankmees.

The other that still brings a tear to the eye is watching the replay of Secretariat's Belmont win. Chic Anderson's call of the race is arguably the greatest work ever by a sportscaster.
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I pay very little attention to MLB these days, will peek in on it during last couple weeks of close pennant races and the playoffs but man, back when I was a kid, I knew every stat, every team, every player and I loved the Mets.

From absolute devastation to absolute elation. This was the pinnacle of my baseball fandom.

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The 1988 home run by Kirk Gibson during Game One was of course magical for us Dodger fans.

The forgotten home run was hit by Mike Scioscia in Game 4 of the NLCS against the Mets in 1988.
The Mets were leading the 2 games to 1 and led game 4 in the top of the ninth 4-2. Davey Johnson left Dwight Gooden to try and finish the game. Well, John Shelby led off the 9th for the Dodgers.
He didn't walk much as he loved to swing the bat. Gooden found a way to walk him. As Mike Scioscia was walking to the plate he says to himself, " he just walked Shelby so he will throw a fastball to try and get ahead of me." Sure enough fastball down the gut and Sciosia hits it out. Kirk Gibson hits a home run in the top of the 12th. Hershiser comes in with two outs bases loaded in the bottom of the 12th to get the last out. It seemed Hershiser was pitching in every game -- he really wasn't.