Potentially game changing info on new look/format

Just tried dark. Didn't love it.
For the graphic design specialists out there, isn’t lighter text over a darker background always a no-no? Harder to read and causes eye strain?

Nerd out.
For the graphic design specialists out there, isn’t lighter text over a darker background always a no-no? Harder to read and causes eye strain?

Nerd out.
Always? no. It can have great visual effects. You just need to be cautious about your registration in printing, but there is white text on dark background everwhere in everyday life. In fact, it's easier to read street signs with a dark green background than reading black text on a white sign.
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For the graphic design specialists out there, isn’t lighter text over a darker background always a no-no? Harder to read and causes eye strain?

Nerd out.

My iPhone changes this way automatically according to the hour of the day. I hate it when it switched over to dark mode.
I've thought it should be the default for all websites (dark background/light text) ever since I was 12 or 13 and found
Stole this info from the lounge. You can go to your preferences and toggle from light mode to dark mode, where the background is black and the font is white. Looks so much better with the font.


Post back when they add "Hawk Mode", and you can make it black background/gold letters.
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Once you go black........:rolleyes:

Damn straight. I've had a couple black girlfriends :) (cue the Porno For Pyro's song). Awesome ladies.

CSB time. Early 80's, drunken friends and I are in a Country Kitchen eating breakfast about 2am. Beautiful black lady is our waitress, takes our order. As she's walking away, a friend goes "I wouldn't mind having some dark meat for breakfast."

Waitress hears this, turns, and says "have you tried duck?"

Every time she came back to the table, she called my friend "Duckie" 😁

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