He struggled during the waning months of the campaign. Clutching at the lectern. Slurring his words. Hands visibly shaking and a very slow, unsteady gait. Fox covered it up for him, and Eloon magnified / amplified division to help him get elected. But, for how long will they be able to cover up his frail health and declining cognitive state?Anymore I'm starting to wonder if they moved his inauguration in doors due to trump's health problems. Half his face is starting to droop now and he's basically living in Florida full time. Pretty good chance he can only function in climate controlled environments now.
Also I saw that JFK was inaugurated in 22 degrees and only wore a suit jacket.
Pretty beta to mention me but not @ me.Looks like lucas is having an emotional breakdown today. Resurrecting threads from last week that have fallen well off the front page.