I love this side of IMCC. He has a full-time perspective on one of the biggest domestic issues in this country. I'm happy to shrug at another another thousand of the cat-memes and Hillary-memes he's been known to post. Those just prove he's a real guy living his life with his own thoughts about things. I love hearing more about the prison system from someone who works there.
BTW IMCC, I was once an unsupervised "ward" of the Iowa DOC. I minded my P&Q's and pissed clean, and I'm fascinated by how you talk about your work. I'm not trying to put you out-of-business, but I'm a criminal-justice reform guy and I'd like to know more about what you think about how we lock people up in this country. Do you see a lot of people who really don't need to be traditionally imprisoned? Have you seen any trends of less serious reprobates in your time? What would you like to see?
I'll be up front with all of you on this matter. When I started my career with DOC as a Corrections Officer at Anamosa in 1997, I was one of those "kick ass and take name" type of guys. After four years I had to step back and reevaluate myself because I was having bad thoughts and doing some bad things after work. I found myself angry ALL THE TIME. It was pretty bad. I finally interviewed and took a job with CCUSO at IMCC when it first started. It's now in Cherokee, Iowa. Civil Commitment Unit for Sex Offenders.
I came back to IMCC after living in Virginia and getting out of the active military and got hired on as a Corrections Officer again in order to get my foot in the door. I got promoted to my current job three months after I started. I won't tell you what I do because that would reveal a lot more about me then I want to give out. You can all understand that.
Since the revamp of IMCC and how people are trained, it's opened my eyes to how I should have been viewing things all along. There are some real pieces of work that just don't give a crap what they do and to whom they do it. Those guys you have to deal with on a daily basis and you learn to tolerate them. But there are quite a few guys who've made poor decisions because they were never brought up to make good ones. The want to straighten their lives out and become productive members of society. You can tell because they actually use the word "victim" when referring to their crimes. You can sense they fell horrible about what they did and want nothing more than to have a do-over if it were possible. Empathy is powerful feeling and it goes a long way.
So, to answer your questions, yes, I see A LOT of people that don't need to be in prison. They need guidance by a professional and a second chance to prove they can do the right thing. Family needs to be emphasized as well as a structured life-style and how to constructively occupy their time outside of work. They need to learn to choose their friends wisely and learn to say "no" more than "yes".
What is happening quite frequently now is parole violations. Guys coming back to finish out their sentences because they can't stay out of trouble. I also think that many parole violations can be eased. Coming in late to the half-way house will get you sent back to prison for the rest of your time, some times months, some times years. Others are justified but a lot aren't, in my opinion. I think their needs to be more community-based DOC programs where these guys can get guidance until they're comfortable doing it on their own or know what the heck they're doing when they get out. Perhaps a societal integration class before walking out the prison door? We don't have that and it's simply because of lack of cash and resources.
What would I like to see? I'd like to see non-violent crimes for individuals be given community service instead of sent to jail or prison. There are crimes that don't require prison time. Of course you are going to get your repeat offenders that just can't stay out of trouble by doing one petty crime after another, but many can be fined and given community work options through the county, city, or state.
Stressing family and group activities for potential troubled youth is also a start, but I swear I have no idea how to do that. That's a much deeper problem that underlies a lot of things wrong with today's society.
Anyway, I hope that answers some, if not all, your questions.