Go read my prior post. I already answered all your points. If you're just intent on repeating yourself just to have the last word, consider it my gift to you.
Rhetorically I'm perfectly happy with your definition of personhood. But morally I'd be remiss if I didn't point out that your logic here really does legitimize infanticide and euthanasia. Now unlike you, I won't claim that's your actual view because that's just desperate, dishonest, debate flummadiddle. But if you persist with this notion that personhood is defined by "a natural, inherent capacity for performing personal acts," prepare to ridiculed often.
No you didn't . You didn't answer the highlighted questions above. You might have answered one or two in a vague, general way. I'll take your refusal to answer them as an inability to answer them,
The only one who should be ridiculed is you. Words have meaning. You obviously don't understand the meaning of the words being discussed. You've tipped your hand earlier. You said you didn't need to define person because you rely on the argument on personal autonomy argument. Hello!! You do realize person is the root of the word personal. Seriously, you are waaaaay out there. You don't know what you are arguing which is why you've been unable to produce a coherent, rational argument defining person or defending your personal autonomy. I'm amazed you can't see the glaring errors in your reasoning. Which is obviously why you don't want to answer the highlighted questions. I empathize with your dilemma. .
My reasoning doesn't legitimize infanticide and euthanasia but I'm not surprised you think this because you don't understand the meaning of these terms. Look at your comparing dog tricks to personal acts. Your out of your depth here natural. You need to rethink your position. You might want to start by looking up the definition of the word 'inherent' and then studying the definition I've provided you for some of the other terms. You are very confused, thinking personal acts equal tricks and instinct equals reasoning.
"Personal autonomy is pretty easy too. When you are a personal entity. A fetus achieves that around the moment the umbilical cord is cut, maybe when it draws first breath or passes from the womb, but that's all close enough and I'm willing to give you 16 weeks of erring on the side of caution to make you happy."
Define personal entity? Why wouldn't a fetus, or a zygote, be a personal entity? You are just picking an arbitrary time based on location.
Let's see if we can get you to answer the questions this time: You can substitute "personal autonomy" for "personhood" if you like since you need the latter to define the former.
1) "Which features count as proof of personhood? Based your statement above I'll go with "
When you are a personal entity. "
2) Why? You have not answered
3) How do we decide? You have not specifically answered this except providing varying things that could decide.
4) Who decides? You have not answered
5) What gives them that right? You have not answered
6) And how much of each feature is necessary for personhood? You have not answered
7) And who decides that, and why? You have not answered
Also, all the performance-qualifications adduced for personhood are difficult to measure objectively and with certainty. This is not even arguable which is why you say "it could be the cutting of umbilical cord, or it could be first breath, etc". Why not pain or brain activity? Why draw the line where you drew it.
"To use the unclear, not-universally-accepted, hard-to-measure functionalist concept of personhood to decide the sharply controversial issue of who is a person and who may be killed, is to try to clarify the obscure by the more obscure, obscuram per obscurius."
You are arguing the cart before the horse. You want to argue personal autonomy but not define what a person is even though that is critical, in fact, a must before talking about personal autonomy. I get you think a woman should be able to do to her body whatever she wants. The problem is it's not 'just her body'. There's another body/human being/person living inside her body. If it is a person, to abort it would be murder.