Bald - I agree should not have said a word but my point was don’t pay him for posts there. Leave aside what he tried to do with not only me but also a doctor who posts here (who Twins outed and had his people tell his patients he is a bad doctor) and there are others but flat lying and spending all day outing people and posting personal info is BS. I draw the line on lying (not trolling) about coaches, players and people’s families. That is BS. Maybe I am old but there is a line and he crosses it and I was simply saying don’t respond to him as he laughs and collects a check. And no Williams doesn’t care what is posted as long as CF stays above water. Hence why that guy is hired by CF. I have so many stories on Williams and Ashley (his wife) but I told Jason (the owner) I would never say them. That is where the line would be crossed.