Public impeachment hearings start tomorrow - predict what will happen


HR Heisman
Gold Member
Nov 24, 2004
I don't mean what will happen in the big picture, it seems inevitable Trump will be impeached and the Senate will have a trial.

What grandstanding, drama and hyperbole do you see coming out of these public hearings as they progress?

Here's my list:

1. Some Lindsey-Graham-at-Kavanaugh-hearing type plea from a GOP congressman calling the whole thing a sham.

2. Trump live-tweeting the hearings

3. GOP will make the case there was no "pressure", which I see has nothing to do for the funds-for-statement the White House wanted.

4. Lots of GOP Congressmen and Senators saying they didn't listen to or watch the testimony when asked about it.

5. Fox News doing a 3 week series on Hillary's emails, and ignoring any damaging testimony.
Will you watch public testimony this week on a possible impeachment?
  • 25%

  • 64%

  • 11%
    I haven’t decided
Total responses: 545,978 votes

Nobody will be watching
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I predict the libs will have hardons, Ciggy will post 18 posts about it, joe will post random twitter opinions from nobodies as fact, Carolina to call someone trumpbaggers, Huey bitching about Americans and their constitutional duty to elect anyone but trump....

like every other political post.
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House will move to impeach, senate will not.
Delcas fisa, shtf,
Schiff goes down hard.
Pelosi goes down hard.
Mad Max goes down hard
More declas..
Trial for treason
People will die.
Lone Clone’s TV breaks and he can’t watch the hearings. Instead he starts to read the Mueller report but his dog rips it out of his hand and eats it. He shrugs his shoulders and goes to the computer to print another copy but once he opens his web browser he is startled to find that malware has corrupted it. In a strange twist, the malware is playing an endless loop of FoxNews talking about Hillary’s emails and Benghazi.

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